Trump trusts Russia over US intelligence

Oh really, it says that? Would you mind quoting me the part of the article that says that? I'm not as scholarly as you clearly are and I wasn't able to find it.

Trump raised the ante to 3-4 percent and he got commitments to raise spending and accelerate it. Reasonable people would infer that some countries have committed to meeting that since without the United States, NATO ceases to exist.
But then again, no one has ever accused you of being reasonable.

“ it’s a target, not some specific legal obligation — by January and then go on to raise spending to 4 percent of G.D.P. Why that much? What strategic objective, what threats to the alliance, is Mr. Trump worried about? He didn't say.

Since he came into office, Mr. Trump’s urging has gotten some allies to accelerate spending increases“

Then there’s this:

“NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that member countries committed to increase defense spending.”
He indicated to me yesterday that he's not interested in being my president; that he isn't willing to stick up for me, or my country.

He's all about validating himself. He always HAS been, whatever his party affiliation. He values his ego over all else. That long established characteristic has been glaringly displayed through his refusal to finally and fully accept what we all know: that Russia staged a massive influence campaign intended to assist him. As we saw yesterday he'll even go so far as to wash Putin's balls and throw us under the bus so long as Putin allies with him in that egocentric denial.

I mean seriously, how deluded do you have to be to make this comment?

"My people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be."

You don't see any reason?? Are you fucking kidding me??

Good gravy I still can't believe what I watched, and I've watched it three times now trying to convince myself I didn't see what I saw. But sadly I did.

He did just awhile ago said he misspoke. That what he meant was "I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be."

Whatever. So be it. How's that economy humming along? The markets don't seem to be bothered by this.

BFD, he didn't call out Putin in a press conference. It's not like he officially recognized annexed Crimea as part of the Russian Federation or something.
He indicated to me yesterday that he's not interested in being my president; that he isn't willing to stick up for me, or my country.

He's all about validating himself. He always HAS been, whatever his party affiliation. He values his ego over all else. That long established characteristic has been glaringly displayed through his refusal to finally and fully accept what we all know: that Russia staged a massive influence campaign intended to assist him. As we saw yesterday he'll even go so far as to wash Putin's balls and throw us under the bus so long as Putin allies with him in that egocentric denial.

I mean seriously, how deluded do you have to be to make this comment?

"My people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be."

You don't see any reason?? Are you fucking kidding me??

Good gravy I still can't believe what I watched, and I've watched it three times now trying to convince myself I didn't see what I saw. But sadly I did.

Trump clarified his statement and said he misspoke. Even if he didn’t and is just covering his mistake, he is giving the left a dose of their own medicine with word games and given the grueling schedule and travel he could have very well made an error. Plausible deniability at its finest.
You setting your hair on fire in light of his clarification is even more awesome.
I do (our Prime Minister apparently) I just do not care. Politics is so pathetic, boring, childish, etc. I have never ever voted in any election in the UK whatever it maybe.
Right...because his 'clarification' is so consistent with the rest of what he said, and so in line with what he's been saying forever ;)

My guess is there's a mighty bruised ego at the White House tonight. It appears political expediency is going to force him, at least publicly, to finally cut loose his treasured "I did it all by myself" fantasy.

It's not like he officially recognized annexed Crimea as part of the Russian Federation or something.

True. But again, not even the Republican congress trusts Trump to do the right thing about Russia, and after this episode it becomes all the more apparent why.
Right...because his 'clarification' is so consistent with the rest of what he said, and so in line with what he's been saying forever ;)

My guess is there's a mighty bruised ego at the White House tonight. It appears political expediency is going to force him, at least publicly, to finally cut loose his treasured "I did it all by myself" fantasy.

It's not like he officially recognized annexed Crimea as part of the Russian Federation or something.

True. But again, not even the Republican congress trusts Trump to do the right thing about Russia, and after this episode it becomes all the more apparent why.

Here’s the whole damn transcript. His comments make more sense if you replace “ would” with “ wouldn’t “.

The left are butthurt because the two men targeted in a massive lie were defending themselves and it made the liars uncomfortable
Here’s the whole damn transcript. His comments make more sense if you replace “ would” with “ wouldn’t “.

Read the last 9 words of that paragraph then tell me again how it makes more sense.

The left are butthurt because the two men targeted in a massive lie were defending themselves and it made the liars uncomfortable

So let me understand this. Are you saying Putin is telling the truth about not commandeering a massive pro-Trump influence campaign?
I don't think you are - I think you're referring to collusion - which has yet to be proven to be conclusively false or true. But collusion wasn't the focus of the questions "the fake news" asked. Or the overwhelming majority of the outrage, which sprang primarily from the denial of fact coupled with the dissing of countrymen and country.
Read the last 9 words of that paragraph then tell me again how it makes more sense.

So let me understand this. Are you saying Putin is telling the truth about not commandeering a massive pro-Trump influence campaign?
I don't think you are - I think you're referring to collusion - which has yet to be proven to be conclusively false or true. But collusion wasn't the focus of the questions "the fake news" asked. Or the overwhelming majority of the outrage, which sprang primarily from the denial of fact coupled with the dissing of countrymen and country.
Look at CNN’s timeline:

There are interesting notations here that include “ intelligence communities”. These particular intelligence communities at that time were highly partisan. There is zero credibility in their findings. Nothing,nada.

I am telling you that based upon the fact that the CIA under Brennan and DNI Director Clapper both have routinely lied and covered up the Obama administration's surveillance of the Trump campaign, bullshit FISA warrants, Susan Rice’s last minute cover her ass “ everything is done by the book” crap that I don’t believe a damn word that they say. It is also understood by many IT experts that the CIA has software that will allow a hacker to backtrack and put in place digital footprints that will make it appear that someone else compromised the system.
If Putin steered voters toward Trump, he did a piss poor job because he lost the popular vote by almost 4 million. There’s not a popular vote verses an electoral college algorithm.
Trump's got a classic case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Obama had the shameful exchange of a sell out against terrorist syndrome as well as bowing towards a saudi king like a docile subject syndrome


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If Putin steered voters toward Trump, he did a piss poor job because he lost the popular vote by almost 4 million. There’s not a popular vote verses an electoral college algorithm.

Good to see you are finally seeing the light