Oh really, it says that? Would you mind quoting me the part of the article that says that? I'm not as scholarly as you clearly are and I wasn't able to find it.
Trump raised the ante to 3-4 percent and he got commitments to raise spending and accelerate it. Reasonable people would infer that some countries have committed to meeting that since without the United States, NATO ceases to exist.
But then again, no one has ever accused you of being reasonable.
“ it’s a target, not some specific legal obligation — by January and then go on to raise spending to 4 percent of G.D.P. Why that much? What strategic objective, what threats to the alliance, is Mr. Trump worried about? He didn't say.
Since he came into office, Mr. Trump’s urging has gotten some allies to accelerate spending increases“
Then there’s this:
“NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that member countries committed to increase defense spending.”