As both an American AND a resident of a European country all I have to say is unless a European has lived in America and dealt with health care there, they will never understand exactly why people are pissed. Just like an American who has never lived elsewhere will never understand other countries health care scheme.
As both an American and a European (insofar as the Brits pretend like they're not part of Europe), I understand
part of the outrage. I lived in the States for the past twenty one years, supported for most of those by my single mother. In the early 2000's, she got laid off (as did virtually everyone in positions like hers), and found several other jobs over the next few years (from which she was also quickly laid off from, as there simply wasn't anything in her line of work to go around).
The point of this anecdote is that we had paid our own health insurance. And it was
expensive. For $70 a month, I got one (just one) doctor's visit per calender year. Otherwise, it was only useful after, I don't remember exactly, some thousands of dollars of medical coverage. That $70 a month was my second biggest bill after rent (and was scheduled to go up to $100 last summer rather abruptly, which I had to cancel and simply be without). And I got virtually nothing for it - but I was in danger of being financially obliterated without it, from some fluke or accident which I'd likely have no control over.
That to me is an awful system. I believe the US system has indeed long needed an overhaul. I won't comment one way or the other on Obama's particular angle at this overhaul, as I haven't looked into the details (and be warned, most if not
everything you read about this in the papers is serving someone's agenda - on both sides. The media is little more than a PR tool).
If nothing else, how much of a competitive edge do companies abroad get over US companies (like automakers, for example) because their companies don't have to pay their employees' health insurance?
I haven't been living in the UK long, but the few times I've visited my general practice, I've only waited in line once (behind one person), and I've got my appointments within two weeks (which is no worse than my doctor's office back in the States).
In the end, you end up paying for it one way or the other.