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The 'You lie!' aftermath: The "other" Joe Wilson

Though President Obama has formally accepted the apology of Joe "You lie!" Wilson, the fallout from the emotional outburst continues to ripple across the nation, even raising doubts about the Republican congressman's political future.

Even though he might have been on the way out anyway....are GOPers finally growing a pair and closing ranks on the shrill, extremist idiots who have all but brought their party to ruin?

..In addition to the flak Wilson's received from his colleagues, the American people are making their disdain known as well. According to The Nation, Rob Miller, a Democrat and Marine Corps veteran, who was planning to run against Wilson in 2010, raised more than $50,000 for his campaign within just a few hours after Wilson's outburst.
Nice job Joe....:1orglaugh
Miller, who ran in 2008 without any help from national Democrats, lost to Wilson 46 to 54 percent. But with his newfound boost in popularity, his campaign has been given a new life. He tweeted Wednesday night: "55K raised, let's double THAT in 12 hours."

According to Miller's site, ActBlue.com, Miller has raised over $300,000 since Thursday afternoon. Almost half of the money has come from readers of the progressive blog Daily Kos, who created a fundraising page called "Defeating the man who yelled 'liar' at Obama."

But who's the liar?

As it turns out, the man who called Obama the liar may actually be off base.

No shit???:rolleyes:

According to Politifact.com, a nonpartisan site dedicated to fact-checking the claims of "candidates, elected officials, political parties, interest groups, pundits, talk show hosts," Obama wasn't lying when he said the health-care reforms he's proposing would not apply to illegal immigrants.

Everything else aside, I was stoked to hear that someone had the balls to stand up to The Holy One......more on the right need to do so before he completely and "fundamentally" changes this nation.

I was pissed when I heard he immediately apologized. Stupid career move, but I still say good for him for yelling, pussy for backing down.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You don't stand up in court and act like a raucous fool (without there being consequences), and you don't do it in a congressional chamber. I don't care what a person's political beliefs are (left or right), there is a way to behave and there is a way not to behave. While one may not respect the man, we all should respect the office.

Maybe in whatever podunk trailerpark Joe Wilson comes from, that's how people act. Wilson shamed himself, his party, his constituents and the Congress. If he can't control himself in public, perhaps he should return home. Clearly, he may not be prepared for this line of work.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
When either side pulls this stuff, it is wrong. I dont care who the President is; when he is speaking he deserves to be allowed to finish without interruption. These are grown men, not children at a high school function. Act like a man, not a child. If you disagree with him, use the correct forum to express yourself. :2 cents:
So the white republican representative from SC don't like Obama.Who cares if what he says Obama is lying about is not true or not.Just slam the black president for any and all reasons probably plays well with some in SC.But then there are elements of the republican party (like all the ones who denounced him including their last candidate McCain) that understand just getting the racists to vote for ya ain't enough to win national elections or be a majority party again.Dems should send Wilson some thank you notes,he just digs the republicans whole deeper.

When I was watching it last night I wasn't sure he said what he said as I had never heard anything like that before in such a setting.Yeah you have heard boo's and other obvious expressions of non agreement with presidents from eitheir party in such addresses,but "you lie" was a new dis-respecting of the office.But with Obama being the 1st president in other ways I guess nobody should be surprised that some might go there.
Went to weather.com as usual this morning and the map of the USA had all the usual isobars and such, but over the Washington DC area there was a teacup motif with lightening coming out of it, Anybody know what that was all about?
Everything else aside, I was stoked to hear that someone had the balls to stand up to The Holy One......more on the right need to do so before he completely and "fundamentally" changes this nation.

I was pissed when I heard he immediately apologized. Stupid career move, but I still say good for him for yelling, pussy for backing down.

Protesting someone with baseless accusations just for the sake of it is just as stupid as talking to keep from being quiet.

I'm "stoked" too albeit for different reasons than you entertain. I'm stoked any time idiots among us point themselves out. I'm stoked any time an idiot does something that demonstrates he/she shouldn't hold any position that requires responsibility for others. I'm stoked any time an idiot's stupidity helps his opponent. Finally I'm stoked any time the multitude closes ranks on idiots who act like 3rd graders when they should be acting like grown ups.
Went to weather.com as usual this morning and the map of the USA had all the usual isobars and such, but over the Washington DC area there was a teacup motif with lightening coming out of it, Anybody know what that was all about?

Hmmm, "Storm in a Teacup" circa 1937?
The fact is: Obama is a liar. He says he will not insure illegals,yet he includes them in his 30 million uninsured!
i'm confused by the level of hostility prevalent on this issue. seriously, just listen to each other, for crying out loud.

You have to understand the hostility has been incited and is contrived...if not staged outright.

If you're ultra partisan then handing a POTUS legislative defeat on a major issue (especially one of his platform issues) is a long standing tactic a minority opposition uses the gauge their "seaworthiness" (whether or not the voter is willing to turn the tide in their favor or gain momentum to do so).

Since the ends justifies the means to some, it doesn't matter what tactics are employed....So if they need to incite a small, but vocal, combative group to create more bark than bite, they would gladly do so if it distracts or knocks the agenda off point.

No POTUS wants partisan, legislative victory as they strive to get their nation behind them, not just their party. Therefore while, it is completely possible as is the case for Obama to simply corral his party and ball-bust them into passing a bill without a single GOPer vote...That's highly undesirable....as undesirable as it was for GWB to have a strictly partisan vote on Authorization for War....

So it becomes in the interests of the opposition party to stiffle a legislative victory or delay it as long as practical. What becomes of the administrations job is to make the opposition to their legislation as politically untenable as possible. So that the opposition can justify taking their vote back to their states and congressional districts. Just like GWB did in selling the Iraq war to congress.

In the Democrats case GWB and his surrogates built such a case for an after the fact justification that Demos couldn't put themselves in a position of voting against him. They couldn't politically risk GWB using a republican congress to get the authorization anyway and have the invasion of Iraq be a resounding success EVEN IF unbeknown to them the case for going in there was based on a flimsy, in many cases fabricated rationale. Sad but true.

That's why GWB took the stage and rattled off his reasons why we needed invade Iraq....because once the American people thinks something is okay...it at least gives the legislators inclined to vote your way cover for their vote. That was Obama's mission during his speech last night. To take his case to the American people and spell out what it is and what it isn't.

That's why they can't just sit down and listen to one another.
The fact is: Obama is a liar. He says he will not insure illegals,yet he includes them in his 30 million uninsured!

According to factcheck.org Obama is right, but I guess facts don't matter.


False: Illegal Immigrants Will Be Covered
One Republican congressman issued a press release claiming that "5,600,000 Illegal Aliens May Be Covered Under Obamacare," and we’ve been peppered with queries about similar claims. They’re not true. In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage:


Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.
Also, under current law, those in the country illegally don’t qualify for federal health programs. Of interest: About half of illegal immigrants have health insurance now, according to the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which says those who lack insurance do so principally because their employers don’t offer it.
Everything else aside, I was stoked to hear that someone had the balls to stand up to The Holy One......more on the right need to do so before he completely and "fundamentally" changes this nation.

I was pissed when I heard he immediately apologized. Stupid career move, but I still say good for him for yelling, pussy for backing down.

what are u high on?


Closed Account
According to factcheck.org Obama is right, but I guess facts don't matter.


False: Illegal Immigrants Will Be Covered
One Republican congressman issued a press release claiming that "5,600,000 Illegal Aliens May Be Covered Under Obamacare," and we’ve been peppered with queries about similar claims. They’re not true. In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage:


Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.
Also, under current law, those in the country illegally don’t qualify for federal health programs. Of interest: About half of illegal immigrants have health insurance now, according to the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which says those who lack insurance do so principally because their employers don’t offer it.

I'm glad I wasn't the only person who was going to point this out.


Hiliary 2020
1) Poor sensitive democrats.
Even implying it was a racist thing.........tis tis tis.
But it was cool as shit when Cindy Sheehan started shouting at Bush or when the guy threw the shoe.
Such hypocrites and cry babys some are.

2) Don't dare question or show insubordination to the great half white hope (go ahead, jump all over it).
Seems you couldnt do that to Stalin, Hitler , or Hussein either.
Now you can't do it to Obama either.
Nice to see the USA has reached that point, such progress.

3) All bullshit aside sensitive american comrades, was he right?
Obama said this healthcare plan wouldn't help Illegals.
I find that hard to believe, considering today they get free medical attention.
So all cry baby dont dare question the grand high exalted poobah bullshit aside, Was he right?
Did Obama lie?
I for one applaud Mr. Wilson for taking a stand on something that he believes in.. It may not have been the best place or best words to use but it isn't unheard of for congress to make noise during a presidential elections.. anyone remember the DEMOCRATS booing George W. when he was telling the truth about social security or medicare going bankrupt? and that was during the State of the Union Address.. not some speech to get people to believe that this healthcare bill will be in the nations best interest..


what the fuck you lookin at?
So he called obama a liar? Who gives a fuck first of all? Further more, obama is a politician, its his job to lie! He wouldn't have gotten elected if he had be honest in his campaigns! No politician who is truly honest 100% will ever get elected. For anything, plain and simple.

Their agenda, no matter what they spout on about during their addresses is to line their pockets, plain and simple!
1) Poor sensitive democrats.
Even implying it was a racist thing.........tis tis tis.
But it was cool as shit when Cindy Sheehan started shouting at Bush or when the guy threw the shoe.
Such hypocrites and cry babys some are.

I suppose that might matter when those two become US legislators. Until then, WTF are you talking about....apples and walnuts?
2) Don't dare question or show insubordination to the great half white hope (go ahead, jump all over it).
Seems you couldnt do that to Stalin, Hitler , or Hussein either.
Now you can't do it to Obama either.
Nice to see the USA has reached that point, such progress.

Question him, even criticize him as is your American right to do so. But when you're a public representative in this country's government comport yourself like one and not a gummy brained 7 year old. Is that too much to ask?
3) All bullshit aside sensitive american comrades, was he right?
Obama said this healthcare plan wouldn't help Illegals.
I find that hard to believe, considering today they get free medical attention.
So all cry baby dont dare question the grand high exalted poobah bullshit aside, Was he right?
Did Obama lie?

Since you didn't read the entire thread (I don't blame you)...here you go....

According to factcheck.org Obama is right, but I guess facts don't matter.


False: Illegal Immigrants Will Be Covered
One Republican congressman issued a press release claiming that "5,600,000 Illegal Aliens May Be Covered Under Obamacare," and we’ve been peppered with queries about similar claims. They’re not true. In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage:


Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.
Also, under current law, those in the country illegally don’t qualify for federal health programs. Of interest: About half of illegal immigrants have health insurance now, according to the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which says those who lack insurance do so principally because their employers don’t offer it.