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The 'You lie!' aftermath: The "other" Joe Wilson

Ohhh no I don't :) We're dealing in politics now, NOT ABSOLUTES ! :D

GUFFAW!! What was I thinking for believing the silly notion that if someone asserts something to be a falsehood that they would be doing so based on the facts that back them up...politics or otherwise.:rolleyes:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If I was Joe Wilson and I had ties to the (now) neo-Confederate/KKK sympathizing Sons of the Confederacy, you probably couldn't get me to do much besides say, "present", when my name was called.

I've known SCV members over the years... more in the early 90's when I was in a rifle & pistol club with some of them. They're not kooks and whackos, as a group. Individually, some of them were a little "different". But for the most part they engaged in Civil War reenactments and the maintenance of Confederate graveyards. I attended one function that they participated in where a Black Confederate soldier was honored. But more recently, they have been infiltrated, if not taken over by, some real whack jobs. I know for a fact that a lot of the older members I knew no longer attend gatherings.

So, one has to wonder where ol' Joe now stands in relation to this group. If he remains a member, yes, IMO, that does say something about him, that his apologists want NOT to be true. Joe has already been caught in at least two lies recently... will this be the third shoe?


Looking into the background of Rep. Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, after his heckling of President Obama is this:

Joe also has been a member of the Columbia World Affairs Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sinclair Lodge 154, Jamil Temple, Woodmen of the World, Sons of Confederate Veterans, ....

This is an organization that, as the SPLC has detailed assiduously, has been taken over in the past decade by radical neo-Confederates who favor secession and defend slavery as a benign institution. Leading the takeover is a radical racist who's been an important legal figure on the far right for some years.

In more recent years, the takeover has led to an outright internal civil war. Andrew Meacham at the St. Petersburg Times detailed the internal rift last year:

Experts say the divisions within the Sons vary between two extremes. On one side are the traditionalists, members who focus on cleaning up Confederate grave sites and conducting Civil War re-enactments.

On the other side are the so-called Lunatics, up to 2,000 members who deride traditionalists as "grannies'' and belong to camps named after notorious Southern figures such as John Wilkes Booth and Jesse_James.

John Wilkes Booth members have been known to put pennies in urinals, making sure to leave the Lincoln side face-up. Other Lunatic groups have removed the U.S. flag from their halls and banned the Pledge of Allegiance, says Walter Hilderman, who several years ago created an anti-Lunatic group called Save the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

"The problem is it's supposed to be a patriotic organization," says Hilderman, 59. "You are either that or you let guys in who want to secede."

Now, add this to the fact that Joe Wilson, as a state legislator, was one of only seven Republicans to go against their own party and vote to keep the Dixie Rebel flag flying over the South Carolina capitol:

The flag came down that year after Republicans in both houses went for a compromise that would put it on Statehouse grounds at the Confederate Soldier’s monument. The “Magnificent Seven” of Senators who voted to keep the flag up included current Congressman Joe Wilson

A clearer picture of why this congressman might so virulently breach protocol and loudly interrupt an African-American president's speech to Congress by calling him a liar does start to emerge, doesn't it?

So inquiring minds want to know:

Is Joe Wilson still a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans?

If so, does he condone the activities of the "Lunatic" faction that now controls the SCV?

Does Joe Wilson consider the Republican Party "the Party of Lincoln"?

Does Joe Wilson support secession?
I guess now we'll finally get NATIONAL ID CARDS so that every time we need to prove we're citizens we'll have something to use. Other wise the fact is the healthcare reforms do prohibit illegals from getting the coverage-which is what Obama said. Don't know when the laws stating emergency rooms must treat everyone regardless of insurance or citizenship but its been a long time so don't try to state its a fact that Obama wanted it.

I can't wait to hear the protests when the national id card debate starts-that will really be fun!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Don't know when the laws stating emergency rooms must treat everyone regardless of insurance or citizenship but its been a long time so don't try to state its a fact that Obama wanted it.

Mid 80's, as best I recall.

Say, who was the President then? Probably some left wing, socialist, commie sympathizing Demoncrat, I bet.


GUFFAW!! What was I thinking for believing the silly notion that if someone asserts something to be a falsehood that they would be doing so based on the facts that back them up...politics or otherwise.:rolleyes:

What I was thinking was what a miserable existence it must be sitting online every day all day contesting the ultra fine nuances, to no apparent end, of right wing politics when you could be outside in the sunny so. cal. ..........late summer, just coming into fall. Seriously, it's the nicest weather of the year ! :sunny:

Joe Wilson ... Smoe Wilson :dunno: I admire the guy for being one of the rare few who would challenge this frosh senator of a president (installed by foreign money ) :eek: Do I have to prove that as well ? I also admire Wilson for actually reading HR3200 not once but twice and he's ready to reference as well as field questions about the legislation.

Politics is a hell of a lot more ideological than it is fact so just get over yourself and make a living doing what you like so much ! Have you applied @ msnbc ? I'm certain that olbermanski could always use another writer :computer: :spin:
What I was thinking was what a miserable existence it must be sitting online every day all day contesting the ultra fine nuances, to no apparent end, of right wing politics when you could be outside in the sunny so. cal. ..........late summer, just coming into fall. Seriously, it's the nicest weather of the year ! :sunny:

Well, I really can't lie....it really sucks to be me. It sucks so bad I actually have wireless devices that allow me to get online anytime and almost anywhere including the beach if I so choose (imagine that). Let me tell you, my life sucks so bad can I tell you how excruciating it is deciding whether or not to buy another vacation place.....I mean, my life damn near sucks Tom Brady bad.

Joe Wilson ... Smoe Wilson :dunno: I admire the guy for being one of the rare few who would challenge this frosh senator of a president (installed by foreign money ) :eek: Do I have to prove that as well ? I also admire Wilson for actually reading HR3200 not once but twice and he's ready to reference as well as field questions about the legislation.

Wow...Now THAT'S the life I want!!!
Politics is a hell of a lot more ideological than it is fact so just get over yourself and make a living doing what you like so much ! Have you applied @ msnbc ? I'm certain that olbermanski could always use another writer :computer: :spin:

Thanks for the advice. I really do appreciate it....(I really do) I think I'm going to have to pass and stick with lifestyle and livelihood I gotten use to...you remember...the one that sucks and all...

(Facts get you down? Try the personal attack angle.....Fail)
sure bodes, carter probably be right.
everybody racist.

Carter IS right. The problem is, you don't know what he actually said.

If you'd actually read what he said (in full) you'd realize that he didn't even remotely accuse "everybody" on the right of being racist.

Yes that's what the irresponsible fuckwits on right wing radio are claiming, but it's simply not true.

Carter was referring to (and I quote him) "A radical fringe element of demonstrators and others".

But you won't hear Hannity and his fellow propagandists mention that critical qualifier.

Carter is right - no rational person can argue with the fact a fringe element on the right IS driven by racism.


Pretty simple stuff seems to escape most of the Obama Zombie Legion.
1) illegals are illegal; the law is against their working, using government programs meant for citizens, and owning property, using false ID and stealing other people's SS number. Anyone rational notice how unrestrictive these things are where proof of citizenship is specifically not done?
2)Since Pelosi and the Dems have specifically hammered down all 5 attempts to put in place a requirement to show qualifying paperwork(ie proof of citizenship or legal residency), it is beyond obvious that the intention is to guarantee that illegals know they will get legal coverage even better than the free "just don't pay" emergency room care they enjoy now.
Joe tried along with other Repub legislators to get these provisions in, and got shut down over and over. He had a short fuse when hearing the practical lie Obama was telling and had a reaction.
He has raised close to a Million $ in new donations as we speak, as has his opponent. Who votes for a legislator based on something other than his quality as a legislator? The same fools who elected Barry O, and are beginning to regret that fact.
My favorite people are liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats...the rest of the electorate is made up of Libertarians, ignorant "Jay Walkers" and the disturbingly ultra-Religious (many Dems and Repubs fit here).
Lots of mono-thinkers post here...you show up clearly.
Obama lies constantly, and many of you believed him (and still do)...nothing changed and there's no hope!

:pimpdaddy:boobies: Hey, ACORN...PBO can't save your ass now!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Carter IS right. The problem is, you don't know what he actually said.

If you'd actually read what he said (in full) you'd realize that he didn't even remotely accuse "everybody" on the right of being racist.

Yes that's what the irresponsible fuckwits on right wing radio are claiming, but it's simply not true.

Carter was referring to (and I quote him) "A radical fringe element of demonstrators and others".

But you won't hear Hannity and his fellow propagandists mention that critical qualifier.

Carter is right - no rational person can argue with the fact a fringe element on the right IS driven by racism.

You think you're going to fool us that easily, by trying to confuse the issue with Carter's actual words, rather than what Rush Limbaugh said Carter meant? Riiiight. How dumb do you think we are? We've seen your kind before... with all of your high falootin' facts and figures.

Let me explain how the neocon and Evangelical movement works. It's based on the Either/Or Principle. Either you're with them... or you're against them. Either you're saved as a born again Christian, or your ass is going to hell. Either you think as they think, or you're a dirty, rotten, Obama luvin', commie sympathizing liberal.

Some of you people need to get with the program before it's too late. You need to figure out where you stand. Cause I've already heard it from my Evangelical friends: Obama is the anti-Christ and the end is near. It's real close. So this Sunday, take your good, "right thinking" Jewish friends to church and get them saved too. Cause otherwise... :dunno:
No one cares what Jimmy Carter thinks, the guy was a horrible president and still has no clue about how to properly conduct foreign policy. Nancy Pelosi carries no weight whatsoever with your average American. Calling veterans "terrorists" and saying that "half of all Americans are Nazis" doesn't exactly make her the ideal choice to be representing the Democratic Party (yet of course those assholes are dumb enough to let her roam free instead of putting her on a short leash which would be the smart thing to do). The Republican party is just as deep in shit as the Democratic party thanks to their Limbaugh and Coulter. The Republican needs to put a zipper on some of these radicals and appear to be moderate, so that way they thoroughly kick the Democrats' asses in the upcoming election.


Hiliary 2020
Oh jeez, Ok, I rarely watch hennity, havnt heard rush in over 2 years.

I want to make something clear.
Not all people who think Obamas intentions are at best bad for the future of the country are the "fringe Element".
I think very very few are.
Its just another way for some to say "racist" if you don't agree with the dems actions , words or intentions.

I think some people can make judgements and form opinions based just on the facts, the actions, the words, and the proposals made by politicians and the parties they represent.

If I hear wing nut one more time I'll be sick, its just a cop out.
Modern day equivilent to I know you are but what am I?
I think some people can make judgements and form opinions based just on the facts, the actions, the words, and the proposals made by politicians and the parties they represent.

So does Jimmy Carter.
So do I.
The kicker is, those judgments need to be grounded in genuine facts, not heresay and the constant blizzard of distortion and misinformation emanating from the right wing propaganda machine.
I never thought someone would express my feelings when this guy (Obama) was talking I had the same feeling whern I always heard Bush talking for 8 years about promoting other countries "freedom".

But now the racist card is being thrown out there wow what a surprise I did not expect that from the party in power they got everything Obama does not need to lie they just need to vote on this and get it done with it...

Joe Wilson my hero time will prove him right


So does Jimmy Carter.
So do I.
The kicker is, those judgments need to be grounded in genuine facts, not heresay and the constant blizzard of distortion and misinformation emanating from the right wing propaganda machine.

Mega / Mrs jolly is it you ?

If we disagree with the opposition ideology it's distortion, heresay and void of truthfulness ?
That's not progress :( or is it ?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Not all people who think Obamas intentions are at best bad for the future of the country are the "fringe Element".

That's what is particularly funny about this: no one said ALL of them were. Just like Carter didn't say what is being claimed by some either.

No offense to you and I'm not putting you in this, dude. But it's like I said: many of the neocons and the Evangelicals see the world in terms of Either/Or or All/None. To these people, unless all of the protestors can be shown to be obvious racists or fringe element types, then apparently none of them are. Carter didn't say all of them were. But rather than go with that fact, some people continue to hear what they want to hear... whether it comes from the bloated lips of Boss Limbaugh or just their own delusional, paranoid, fantasy worlds.

I miss classy, intelligent men like Jack Kemp. Men who could formulate ideas based on theory AND on social practicality. Men who could walk across the aisle and find resonable compromise... that would move this nation forward! I really do. We don't have that so much anymore though. That's too bad. And we're worse off for it... on both sides of the political spectrum.

The cerebral wing of the GOP is disappearing into the ranks of the Independents. FACT! No one seems to really get it, but that's why there are so many self-identified "conservatives", YET so few self-identified Republicans. Anyone with half a brain and an above moron I.Q. level doesn't want to stand beside or be seen with someone who thinks that the world is 6,000 years old, or that spending time chasing after a birth certificate is what is important to the United States. Go figure.

You have to go there...well let's go to Ted Kennedy's past about some girl he let drown and tried to cover up... or that democrat senator Byrd that had something to do with the clan...or maybe the fact that most of the opponents of the civil rights movement back in the 60's Bull Connor and other democrats...or the fact that wayyyy back in the civil war it was southern democrats that were against black men as free men in other words they were the racist party..how's that for digging up the past if we want to go there.

The fact is the man said "you lie" not "you lying black, something something"

stop spinning the race card is sick and quite divisive in this country the man is a bigger liiar than Bush!
You have to go there...well let's go to Ted Kennedy's past about some girl he let drown and tried to cover up... or that democrat senator Byrd that had something to do with the clan...or maybe the fact that most of the opponents of the civil rights movement back in the 60's Bull Connor and other democrats...or the fact that wayyyy back in the civil war it was southern democrats that were against black men as free men in other words they were the racist party..how's that for digging up the past if we want to go there.

The fact is the man said "you lie" not "you lying black, something something"

stop spinning the race card is sick and quite divisive in this country the man is a bigger liiar than Bush!

Well, I don’t know what Kennedy has to do with the subject of this thread. Apparently you are a young guy with no knowledge of the political shifts that took place during the civil rights movement of the sixties. After the Civil Rights law was passed all the raciest Dixiecrat's moved in mass to the Republican Party. They have remained republican to this very day. Ever hear of Nixon’s Southern Strategy. I’m not saying all Republicans are racist but most white racist are Republicans. There is a decreasing number of white racist but they are still a powerful force in the GOP. I know many admitted racist who always vote Republican. The racist learned from George Wallace that the use of code words can shield them from being called racist but that does not work anymore. Claiming outrage when caught is getting old. If you don’t believe that at least some of the outrage at Obama is motivated by racism then you are out of touch with reality.