Should we add a model body rating?

Should we add a body rating?

  • Yes, great!

    Votes: 18 28.1%
  • No, lets not!

    Votes: 43 67.2%
  • No comment

    Votes: 3 4.7%

  • Total voters
If this became a part of FreeOnes, I'd think twice about my involvement here. And I bet plenty of other ladies would feel the same!

if this concept gets implemented, I most definitely would leave.

These are the responses I expected. Without OCSM's us regular users are less likely to frequent the boards as well. That's a lot less traffic for the site. A lose lose situation :(
It's only a ratings game, not meant to be serious business, but the replies to this thread completely highlight the reservation of the idea.

I'm sure I've seen a similar thing on a paysite or two, I guess it's so the site can build an overall profile of which type of models to hire. The thing is models are viewed for their face and body, before personality is learned.

That's right about trolls, but I don't think there are enough trolls to make a rating dent into thousands of genuine users scores. I mean for the current babe ratings dashboard it doesn't happen, I can't recall seeing a model less than 4/5 stars. I've voted Kendra Lust 5star and score stayed at 4.62, it didn't even add .01 to it. It's going to take a lot of users to blast a score down. It's also right tho, people will give 5* across the board for anything to their favourites.

@Roald just an idea, maybe have a like click for each bodypart, any click will be equally positive and amount to a total, no-one can then attempt to bring a models score down. Tho, after the poll and responses, I think the bodypart voting idea may well now be scrapped. If the OSCM's & babes who are getting voted on don't like the idea, then it's probably best going back to the drawing board.

So far it's a unanimous decision 22-9 against.


Boys and girls, I think it is save to say this idea can go in the shredder in its current form!

Stay tuned for more crazy features coming up!!!!!!
rather than adding a useless rating stuff, please improve the babe searching page through adding filters, sorting options, customisable colomns, thumbnails previewing and put all of that into the myfreeones favorites babe list :)

I don't think this body rating stuff is a good idea as it is actualy introduced... too much different tastes everywhere, too much a pain for me to rate part of body that I don't care about like nose & feets... and I would put a 5 star rating over boobs for 99% of the babe I would cross over.


knows petras secret: she farted.
man, doesn't matter what you do. someone's always gonna hate it, and someone's always gonna bitch.

ratings are opinions. everyone's got one. everyone might give sasha grey a 1 or 2 for tits, where i'd give em a 5. so what?

we all got our flavours. besides, everyone bitches about it here anyway. whole threads dedicated so butterfaces, big tits, and fat asses.


knows petras secret: she farted.
oh, and thinking about it, have you guys seen the comments on the babe pages themselves. its all there. the good, the bad, and the very ugly.

is the body part rating toy necessary? not in the least. would it be fun? a little bit. will it affect my choices in the girls i fap to? nope.

but it would be interesting to see the consensus.


knows petras secret: she farted.
oh, and thinking about it, have you guys seen the comments on the babe pages themselves. its all there. the good, the bad, and the very ugly.

is the body part rating toy necessary? not in the least. would it be fun? a little bit. will it affect my choices in the girls i fap to? nope.

but it would be interesting to see the consensus.
man, doesn't matter what you do. someone's always gonna hate it, and someone's always gonna bitch.

ratings are opinions. everyone's got one. everyone might give sasha grey a 1 or 2 for tits, where i'd give em a 5. so what?

we all got our flavours. besides, everyone bitches about it here anyway. whole threads dedicated so butterfaces, big tits, and fat asses.

And do you think the OSCMs are thrilled with that?

This would have taken things a step further and moved that from something being done by some of the guests to S.O.P. endorsed by the site. Or in other words...

"Hey ladies, you know that thing that people do here that you don't like? Well, we've decided to endorse it, make it a core feature of the site, and plaster it across your page all official-like for everyone to see! ... You're welcome!"

And yeah, like you said, everyone has their own thing. So while users might like to vote on stuff because it makes them feel like their opinions matter, it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't give you an idea of anything because when you run a search for 5/5 boobs (and I have to assume this would have been searchable, otherwise why bother?) and all these women with DD's and flat chests pop up because various people who love those looks are 5'ing them, you end up being disappointed because you were looking for women with average-sized breasts because that's your thing. So really, you don't get anything out of it.

It ends up being a lousy tool, and annoying to the OSCMs. Nothing good comes of it at the end of the day.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Yea, so Roald told me this was a bad idea. But I didn't believe him...

However, how would you girls feel about a 'performance' rating instead?

The idea would put what actions a girl performs in their bio, like fucking, lesiban, solo play, anal, blowjobs. If she does it, then people would be able to rate her performance of that action.
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knows petras secret: she farted.
And do you think the OSCMs are thrilled with that?

This would have taken things a step further and moved that from something being done by some of the guests to S.O.P. endorsed by the site. Or in other words...

"Hey ladies, you know that thing that people do here that you don't like? Well, we've decided to endorse it, make it a core feature of the site, and plaster it across your page all official-like for everyone to see! ... You're welcome!"

And yeah, like you said, everyone has their own thing. So while users might like to vote on stuff because it makes them feel like their opinions matter, it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't give you an idea of anything because when you run a search for 5/5 boobs (and I have to assume this would have been searchable, otherwise why bother?) and all these women with DD's and flat chests pop up because various people who love those looks are 5'ing them, you end up being disappointed because you were looking for women with average-sized breasts because that's your thing. So really, you don't get anything out of it.

It ends up being a lousy tool, and annoying to the OSCMs. Nothing good comes of it at the end of the day.

people are gonna give their opinions regardless is the point. i think having it in stars is better than typing out a whole story about how she sucks in a dumb way. less nasty comments, more clicking of stars.

besides, why are we focusing on the bad? every girl is gonna score high in something at least.

hell, even oprah has a nice. a nice... ...a nice.. oh who am i i kidding?

wallet! thats right! wallet!
Yea, so Roald told me this was a bad idea. But I didn't believe him...

However, how would you girls feel about a 'performance' rating instead?

The idea would put what actions a girl performs in their bio, like fucking, lesiban, solo play, anal, blowjobs. If she does it, then people would be able to rate her performance of that action.

Well, I'm not one of the girls, but... how would that work? If scores lock in that seems like it would create a problem. What if someone sees one off performance by a woman and rates them poorly based on that even though it's not a reflection of the rest of their work? What if they become more comfortable with a particular type of performance and improve there over time? Seems problematic. We're not dealing with a static thing here (except of course for folks who are retired).

I can see that working for individual performances (rating X actress in Y movie), but a career as a whole, or an ongoing site? How do you judge a growing body of work?

I could see this maybe working if reviews could be changed by the reviewer, and also if older reviews were removed over time. Like a review only counted for a year. That way someone who, say, joined a new site for a girl and didn't like it (and obviously left because of that), and rated her poorly as a result, wouldn't have their opinion continue to count as it become obsolete over time and began to no longer reflect the work in question as it grew and changed.

people are gonna give their opinions regardless is the point.

Look at it this way:

You go to a restaurant. The place looks kinda nice. The staff is nice. They cater to you. However, there's a couple guys who are off in the corner who are kinda rude.


You go to a restaurant. The staff has plastered stuff you find offensive on the wall. Those couple of guys in the corner? The staff are catering to them, egging them on and giving them pointers on how to be rude.

While you might want to return to that first place, you probably don't want to frequent the second. You can probably ignore those couple guys in the first place, in the second one you're looking at a more hostile environment from the top down.

Sure, people will give their opinion anyway but... (1) that doesn't mean management should endorse it, (2) people will still post lousy comments, so you're just looking at adding to it and making things look worse, (3) if it's plastered up via a site feature it looks official, like it's a FreeOnes Stamp of Dis/Approval, which appears a LOT worse than a comment of "You suk, yer tits r smal!" by an end user.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i don't go to restaurants. i was a chef. i know what goes on back there. and all the people that work there hate you.


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
I noticed a "poll" was added to this thread.


L-kingdirk, L-kingdirk, have you noticed??



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Perhaps a list of types of performances or fetishes in the bio would be enough. Let the customer search as they want. Click blow jobs and search for your model. Click your model and see if she does blow jobs. Make it simple. Let's say that I like red tee shirts. I can go into the tee shirt store and look for red ones or go into the red store and look for tee shirts. I don't see a rating helping me make my decision.