Yea, so Roald told me this was a bad idea. But I didn't believe him...
However, how would you girls feel about a 'performance' rating instead?
The idea would put what actions a girl performs in their bio, like fucking, lesiban, solo play, anal, blowjobs. If she does it, then people would be able to rate her performance of that action.
Well, I'm not one of the girls, but... how would that work? If scores lock in that seems like it would create a problem. What if someone sees one off performance by a woman and rates them poorly based on that even though it's not a reflection of the rest of their work? What if they become more comfortable with a particular type of performance and improve there over time? Seems problematic. We're not dealing with a static thing here (except of course for folks who are retired).
I can see that working for
individual performances (rating X actress in Y movie), but a career as a whole, or an ongoing site? How do you judge a growing body of work?
I could see this maybe working if reviews could be changed by the reviewer, and also if older reviews were removed over time. Like a review only counted for a year. That way someone who, say, joined a new site for a girl and didn't like it (and obviously left because of that), and rated her poorly as a result, wouldn't have their opinion continue to count as it become obsolete over time and began to no longer reflect the work in question as it grew and changed.
people are gonna give their opinions regardless is the point.
Look at it this way:
You go to a restaurant. The place looks kinda nice. The staff is nice. They cater to you. However, there's a couple guys who are off in the corner who are kinda rude.
You go to a restaurant. The staff has plastered stuff you find offensive on the wall. Those couple of guys in the corner? The staff are catering to them, egging them on and giving them pointers on how to be rude.
While you might want to return to that first place, you probably don't want to frequent the second. You can probably ignore those couple guys in the first place, in the second one you're looking at a more hostile environment from the top down.
Sure, people will give their opinion anyway but... (1) that doesn't mean management should endorse it, (2) people will
still post lousy comments, so you're just looking at adding to it and making things look worse, (3) if it's plastered up via a site feature it looks
official, like it's a FreeOnes Stamp of Dis/Approval, which appears a LOT worse than a comment of "
You suk, yer tits r smal!" by an end user.