The GREAT BIG SORT OUT of Niche & Fetish Corner

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Thread has been moved but name left as is for time being. This calls for another list by the name of:

Threads which could do with being renamed (suggestions welcome!)

Change to "Wet and Soapy Places"?

Too vague when it is actually quite specific given that is referencing another existing thread

I'll add threads to this list as and when.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
As far as the threads which are about posting links to babes and content which originates from the website in question, then yes - I agree.

But some of these are more along the lines of discussion threads. Like identification threads. ie. they aren't all just threads for people to share images and videos relating to a certain topic which is kinda what niche/fetish corner is supposed to be all about. So they are arguably be more fitting in the porn sub-division of FreeOnes Talk or in the case of the performer guide threads, maybe even the ID section.

I will create some some stickies to canvass opinion on this because I can't quite decide what to do for the best when it comes to certain types of threads.

Not only do we have niche threads which can cover many different categories at the same time, we have threads that arguably belong in one of more sections of the board as well.

But once it's all figured out, we'll know where to house any given thread that is posted on the forum in the future.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
I have sorted out the TBD threads some more.

Some have been given their own temporary categories within there just to group them together but by virtue of them being inside there it means I still don't really know what to do with these so any input would be appreciated.

Other than that, I would like to ask:
  • for threads about groups of babes - does this fit within any of the existing sections or does it need its own one?
  • Nakedness - does it deserve/need its own section or fit within poses or clothing? ie. no clothes
  • What category should a massage fall under?

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
I just wanted to point out that while girls with landline phones is in Activities [ ], girls with cellphones is in Objects [ ]
Sorted. The categories we have has been an evolving thing over the past few weeks so it is possible it was assigned the most logical section at the time before a more approrpiate one came up later down the line. It's also possible that some threads got put in the wrong place my mistake so feel free to query anything like this, folks.

I hope more members start contributing to this effort
As do I because it is a big effort and I can't do it all by myself! ;) A lot of it requires user feeback, input and opinion. Basically anything in >> HERE << is what I'm stuck on.

I'm gonna have to start publicizing this a bit more if we don't start getting some more activity.

Not sure if people aren't seeing it or just aren't sharing their thoughts but what I would say to anyone reading this who has so far kept their counsel is to say something while you have the opportunity to shape the future of the forum rather than complaining about something you don't like after it has been put in place when you could've voiced your opinion or put your ideas forward from the outset. And you don't have to say it in public if you don't want to. You can send me a DM. Cheers! :)

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
And just to let you all know, a setting has been turned on which doesn't display any thread in Niche & Fetish Corner which hasn't had a reply in the last year.

This doesn't mean they can't be viewed or accessed cos they can still be found via search results etc... it just means they don't show up on the list simply by navigating to this section.

It's been done to help me see the wood for the trees because it wouldn't be worth my while worrying about where to put threads which haven't had a reply in the last 12 months.

If someone replies to one of these old threads, they will show up on the list again beneath all the sub-categories we now have, and they can then be put in the correct place as soon as it starts showing up again... and it will be a lot easier to just take things as they come rather than deal with hundreds and thousands of threads in one go.

EDIT: Just noticed you can simply override it by clicking 'show older items' at the very bottom so it's really not that big of a deal. You can see the older threads at the click of a button.... it just means they don't load by default.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
A lot of progress has been made over the last few days to the point that only 3 threads remain:

So please let me know if you have any suggestions as to where these could go. I'm thinking it will have to be somewhere inside General & Miscellaneous but possibly in a sub-section which doesn't already exist yet.

As far as everything else is concerned, I'm going to assume everyone is OK with it until I hear otherwise.

There are a few sections I still want to fine-tune a bit but we are broadly there in terms of mapping things out and giving everything a home.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
I have got rid of the sorting section and moved the x3 remaining threads to General & Miscellaneous until such a time as someone can come up with a better idea with where to put them. I've made posts in the relevant threads asking people for their feedback.

Next plans:
  • create sticky on how to create new niche/fetish threads and how they differ from video and talk threads
  • write descriptions of each new sub-section to make it clear beyond any doubt what each section is for
  • finish organizing the clothing section cos I'm not completely happy with it yet
  • begin processing same/similar/duplicate threads and renaming/merging/archiving them as necessary
  • continue to process any feedback submitted in this thread or to me via DM


Works for panties

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
The thread ""Dimples" above a girl's ass (butt) / on her lower back ("Dimples of Venus")" is in the "Face" section, when it should be in the "Back" section
I must have skim-read it as "dimples" without actually clicking into the thread cos you obviously get dimples on the face, too. Fixed. Thanks.

This is the thing, there may have been the inadvertent mistake every now and then so if anyone spots anything in the wrong place, just report it like this and it will be straightened out. Cheers.