So I guess you wouldn't mind if I rated your breasts 1/5, because I hate implants. That sort of thing would happen all the time to a large extent with this system, except concerning every single part of your body and due to every single imaginable sort of reason anyone can think of. That would just end up displaying an average rating of bullshit spam votes. There would be no way to filter the trollshit from that system because the only thing it would record is a plain number, so you wouldn't know the reason for anyone's rating and it wouldn't be possible to remove the troll votes anyway even if you'd have to enter a reason for every vote, because then trolls would simply write fake but acceptable reasons for the rating.
Rather than even considering this sort of subjective exploitable rating system (that is indeed rightfully dead as an idea as has been said thousands of times already, but it needs to be repeated because of kneejerk posters and other people who can barely read what has already been said), FreeOnes should concentrate heavily to making improvements to the consistency of the babe wiki/bio section to make the advanced search engine better. I have an essay's worth more of stuff to say, but that's for another thread.