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Obama is an Asshole!

The big picture.
I asked myself why all the problems, how did it come to this.
Overwhelming illegal immigration into the US.
Problems forever with the Arab countries.
The destruction of the middle class with forever higher taxes while those who dont contribute or pay federal or state taxes or social security thrive and reproduce.
The education systems main agenda of denouncing one culture while praising another.
The US media doing all they can to create divisiveness and hatred between races and classes, between parties, between Americans and now a president wholeheartedly backed by these groups.

Only one group in the world can prosper from these things.
A group who controls the media, the film industry and the banks and has an enormous influence in US politics and its actions.

think about it. while your enemies, your competition, your prey are busy fighting one another, you can sneak in and do whatever you want.

The destruction of the middle class is/was/always will be the end result of GLOBALIZATION. The only way to curb Globalization is through regulation and to install a return of Protectionist trade policies that favor the U.S. NAFTA must be torn up, for example.

The other thing we have to WAKE UP to is the fact that we don't make anything in the U.S. Field Labor or Warehouse Labor has been "frowned upon" in this country, mostly by the Business and Investor Class. We need to stop demeaning the utility of Field/Warehouse Labor AND we need to adjust our Education so that we train future generations for jobs that they actually have a chance of making careers out of. A high school education pretty much qualifies someone for flipping burgers. A high school education should be the stepping stone to TRADE SCHOOL or College. And we need to put practical things in the curriculum like Financial Planning 101, Cooking/Nutrition and, yes, the Arts, because life gets boring when we have nothing to do when 5pm rolls around.

I have no problem with adjusting the Constitution so that automatic citizenship is not bestowed upon children of parents who are both not citizens. The Constitution was written at a time when we needed simple ways to convert people into citizens. We no longer need to do that.

If you want to curb undocumented employment than we have to get serious about hiring issues in this country. Companies need to be held accountable for who they hire.

Will E Worm

That's what you do. ;)

With this account or your other one. :hatsoff:

Just like I thought no response to a direct question....just bluster.

What other acct??? I post here under one user name and acct..period.

But what else are you gonna do but attack the messenger when you can't back up what you say?
You have no real questions or answers only distorted and false information.

You're a disinformation agent.

The same account Facetious says is you and we agree.

I'm not sure what the hell you're talking about but if you're listening to Facetious I guess that makes sense.

You said taxes were "illegal".

I asked you a simple question which was to show us where in the Constitution we can find the things it prohibits the congress' from taxing.

True to form you didn't (or couldn't) respond with an answer to that question...

But more bizarre, you respond with some mumbo jumbo of me using different accounts.

I have no clue what you're talking about and I'm certain you don't either.

I'M a "disinformation agent" (yeah...I'm going to usurp world order by being a "disinformation agent" on FOs :1orglaugh....I can only hope some of you aren't sober when you post some of this nonsense)...but you're here day after day making ridiculous, unfounded claims as to what's illegal with ZERO basis in any fact according to any US official document or law.:rofl::wave2:
The same account Facetious says is you and we agree.

Now hold on a minute. Only one other account? What about Facetious accusing me of being a third account in Hot Mega's evil triumvirate? I hope y'all haven't discarded that scenario. I was really enjoying the notoriety :1orglaugh

[size=-2]PS: Notice how I'm posting at the same time as him?
It doesn't get more incriminating than that[/size] :thumbsup:
Only one group in the world can prosper from these things. A group who controls the media, the film industry and the banks and has an enormous influence in US politics and its actions.

think about it. while your enemies, your competition, your prey are busy fighting one another, you can sneak in and do whatever you want.

Oh brother :(
Exactly this kind of demonizing, polarizing garbage was used as a rationale to murder six million of them.
Now hold on a minute. Only one other account? What about Facetious accusing me of being a third account in Hot Mega's evil triumvirate? I hope y'all haven't discarded that scenario. I was really enjoying the notoriety :1orglaugh

[size=-2]PS: Notice how I'm posting at the same time as him?
It doesn't get more incriminating than that[/size] :thumbsup:

I guess this is the latest tactic...when you can't tackle someone on the issues...accuse them of being someone else too.:rofl: Incredible. I'm not sure what the point would be of having more than one FOs account is suppose to be.

Although I recall Ms. Jolly pm'ing me with something similar saying she(?) was being accused of being ol 'Mega too....

I just didn't know I was this multi-tentacled cabal trying to disinform (sic) or misinform FOs users with plain facts they can find themselves....LOL!!!
Maybe he will comment on this.

In the mean time we'll wait for him to chime in with some absurd nonsense he'll try and make sense of.

I did, because they are. :hatsoff:

We know what you've claimed, we're just waiting for you to remotely substantiate it with a single, official document which backs up your claim. So far you've including as evidence a clip of a comedian among other irrelevant support for your assertions.
I'm glad you admit it.

See the thing is you forgot to include the quotation marks as those were your silly words.:wave:


Bush instigated his own policies.
You mean he allowed ''big oil'' interests to bully him ? :tongue:
He ran the country up on the rocks
He did but the Glass Steagall Act being repealed in 1999, thanks to Phil Gramm(R) and Bill Clinton(D) had much to do with fucking up banking, mortgages and eventually the macro economy.
[ . . and align Iraq's government with Iran's but in so doing created the largest vacuum possible to suck money out of the US and other world economies and funnel it to big oil.
That's a plausible hypothesis and it wouldn't surprise the daylights out of me if in fact your statement proved to be true, but we'll have to leave that one in the speculation column because it hasn't yet been substantiated.
Evening all. I might be a lot of things ( fill in your own blanks here) but I will truthfully admit to the following on these pages: English by birth, US resident for longer than I care to remember, Bengals/Reds fan and poster under one name only: Mrs Jolly. I don't post under another name.

Right then. I address this to my other multiple personalities.....why bother engaging Will E Worm on the usual facts you are just banging your head against a padded cell, let's expand the argument. This all powerful cabal jobby thingy whatsit, how are they situated with the rise of the Chinese in recent years? Did they cause it? If so, why? Do they have a secret bunker under the forbidden city? etc

Seems to me that these loco/looney theories would hold a lot more water if they could have predicted the rise in the fortunes of non-western powers. They would also be more credible if there were similar conspiracy theories from within the asian powerbases. Correct me if I'm wrong on this one - do the Japanese/Indians/Chinese believe there is a secret bunker under Denver airport?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
OK....you got me. I admit that I am Hot Mega's other account! Busted!!!!

The thing about it is though....I know a helluva lot more about college football than he does! So there!

You blind partisan thinkers are idiots by the way. Whatever Bush did...he sucks for the left. Whatever Obama does....he sucks for the right. Y'all don't know how to think for yourselves....you are pre-programmed automatons designed to instinctively respond to buzzwords like Pavlov's dog responded to the bell. Garbage in....garbage out.

Nothing is absolute. Take your fucking blinders off and look at things the way they really are....not the way you have been predisposed to think they are. If you don't, you are following the script just the way your manipulators want you to. Good citizens all!!!

And remember, if you don't like this post....blame Hot Mega, not me!
You know if you want to be taken seriously, you should really back these claims up with some sort of definitive proof. Otherwise your just another conspiracy nut preaching absolute bullshit.

So Will, where is the evidence for this?

You still have not put forward any evidence at all.

Except the "Illuminati" spouting website of course :1orglaugh

^^seems as though you were asked for some proof earlier. any chance that's coming through?

Alright, I'll bite. At the risk of unleashing the Kraken...

Why, exactly, are taxes illegal?

This doesn't make much sense. You just told me to email Doyle for what I assume is "the truth":rolleyes:

If you don't know the truth yourself (say about Taxes) than why go around dispensing advice? What is your credibility in anything?

Why not just read the good ol' US Constitution? It's easier.

Article 1, Section 8 (Powers of Congress)

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Case closed? Or do you have an interpretation different from what normal, English speaking people interpret that to mean?:dunno:

Here's a thought....lay off the conspiracy books and movies for a while and actually read the document from which all of your country's laws and powers of it's government are derived.

You have clearly built a wall of you're own rationale based on some basic misunderstandings of the Constitution. There is no limitation or prohibition of what may be taxed in the Constitution. It simply says the congress has the power to lay and collect taxes. Where do you find in the Constitution that it's legal for them to tax one thing and not another??

I'm not sure I follow your point on this but "coin" is a figure of speech....it doesn't mean paper may not be used if that's your point. And there is not tax or duty that the US Congress imposes on articles carried from state to state...

If you buy something in Virginia...and want to take it to Florida...there is no Florida customs gate you have to pass and declare what you bringing into the state and then pay taxes on it...

I suppose you could have countered my point by showing us where in the US Constitution it outlines what is and isn't subject to taxation. But then that would me you weren't just making up your own reality.

Again, in the context of the Congress' authority to lay and collect taxes...I'm not sure what their authority to "coin" money has to do with it. It's a separate function. I suppose it is as they say, when have the facts on your side argue the facts, when you have the law on your side argue the law...when you have neither....just argue.:rofl::wave2:

I'm not sure what the hell you're talking about but if you're listening to Facetious I guess that makes sense.

You said taxes were "illegal".

I asked you a simple question which was to show us where in the Constitution we can find the things it prohibits the congress' from taxing.

True to form you didn't (or couldn't) respond with an answer to that question...

But more bizarre, you respond with some mumbo jumbo of me using different accounts.

I have no clue what you're talking about and I'm certain you don't either.

I'M a "disinformation agent" (yeah...I'm going to usurp world order by being a "disinformation agent" on FOs :1orglaugh....I can only hope some of you aren't sober when you post some of this nonsense)...but you're here day after day making ridiculous, unfounded claims as to what's illegal with ZERO basis in any fact according to any US official document or law.:rofl::wave2:

In the mean time we'll wait for him to chime in with some absurd nonsense he'll try and make sense of.

We know what you've claimed, we're just waiting for you to remotely substantiate it with a single, official document which backs up your claim. So far you've including as evidence a clip of a comedian among other irrelevant support for your assertions.

See the thing is you forgot to include the quotation marks as those were your silly words.:wave:

I made this enormously long post to see if anyone else might see the trend of Will posting statements and evading requests for proof. Merely an observation. Everyone draw your own conclusions.


Hiliary 2020
oK Jag, I think you may right.
You say "your manipulators".
Who are these manipulators?
Are these manipulators simply using both parties as tools?

Also, if there are manipulators could it be that they use one party to manipulate more than the other?

I'm beginning to feel like joe pesci in JFK.

Also, Will E thinks many taxes are unconstitutional.
Sales tax for example.
If you are taxed when you earn it, how can you be taxed when you spend it too?
Isnt that taxing the same dough twice?
Isnt that unconstitutional?
Seriously, Ive never seen so many fuck me in the ass harder uncle sam types in one place since the san franciisco bicentenial gay pride gangbang of 1976.