Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

Well, I have a few responses to that.
1 - I spent 10 of the last 15 years living in the USA. I was there for all of Obama's term and the tea party insanity that went along with it. Before living in the US I didn't really care much about politics, and by non-American standards I leaned a little right. After my time in the US I moved quite a bit to the left.
2 - What happens in the US affects everybody. Right wing groups have been emboldened by trumpism all over the world, and they need to see the US reject trumpism or they're going to keep getting crazier and louder.
3 - It's not even really about politics so much, it's the sheer lunacy of the things this administration says and does and gets away with. A few short years ago, if a public leader was caught and exposed in a lie, there would be consequences. They couldn't just fill the gap with more lies and move on. By now, the entire world should have agreed that this man is so beyond ridiculous that he shouldn't be heard, but the media and other world leaders still have to interact with him like he's a legitimate person. The things that trump has said, out loud, to the entire world, and gotten away with, have shaken my faith in our entire species. Before trump I would never have believed that a person could behave like him and it would just be accepted by so many, or that the supposed strongest democracy in the world could be dismantled out in the open while the majority look on helplessly. I suspect that a lot of people don't believe this could happen, and that's part of the reason that it is happening.

trumpism isn't just a threat to US politics, it's a threat to all civilized society.

Edit: 1 more point. I don't get personal over politics. I do get personal when someone blatantly lies right to my face. It's insulting and disrespectful. They know they're lying, we all know they're lying, but they're still doing it anyway. That's why I can not and will not respect anyone who still supports and defends trump.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Well, I have a few responses to that.
1 - I spent 10 of the last 15 years living in the USA. I was there for all of Obama's term and the tea party insanity that went along with it. Before living in the US I didn't really care much about politics, and by non-American standards I leaned a little right. After my time in the US I moved quite a bit to the left.
2 - What happens in the US affects everybody. Right wing groups have been emboldened by trumpism all over the world, and they need to see the US reject trumpism or they're going to keep getting crazier and louder.
3 - It's not even really about politics so much, it's the sheer lunacy of the things this administration says and does and gets away with. A few short years ago, if a public leader was caught and exposed in a lie, there would be consequences. They couldn't just fill the gap with more lies and move on. By now, the entire world should have agreed that this man is so beyond ridiculous that he shouldn't be heard, but the media and other world leaders still have to interact with him like he's a legitimate person. The things that trump has said, out loud, to the entire world, and gotten away with, have shaken my faith in our entire species. Before trump I would never have believed that a person could behave like him and it would just be accepted by so many, or that the supposed strongest democracy in the world could be dismantled out in the open while the majority look on helplessly. I suspect that a lot of people don't believe this could happen, and that's part of the reason that it is happening.

trumpism isn't just a threat to US politics, it's a threat to all civilized society.

Edit: 1 more point. I don't get personal over politics. I do get personal when someone blatantly lies right to my face. It's insulting and disrespectful. They know they're lying, we all know they're lying, but they're still doing it anyway. That's why I can not and will not respect anyone who still supports and defends trump.
I've noted you to be disrespectful to people who do not support Trump as well.

The prior points above your edit 1 are well taken. There are Republicans, or former Republicans (I'll raise my hand), who are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. The so-called Eisenhower Republicans. The Tea Party and Trump have co-opted that portion of the party. For that, I'm on the Biden bandwagon.
I don't automatically respect people who agree with my opinions or are considered to be "on the same side."

I respect people who are honest and direct, whether I agree with them or not. I don't hold it against people if they are misinformed through no fault of their own, but can't abide willful ignorance. And I'll never accept anybody who wants to force others to live according to their own beliefs. If you don't want to get an abortion or get gay married or own a gun that's fine, don't, but you don't get to make that decision for others either.

There's plenty more, but those are a few core tenets of my philosophy. I always say if you want to be respected, then be the kind of person you would respect.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I have no opinion
I've noted you to be disrespectful to people who do not support Trump as well.

The prior points above your edit 1 are well taken. There are Republicans, or former Republicans (I'll raise my hand), who are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. The so-called Eisenhower Republicans. The Tea Party and Trump have co-opted that portion of the party. For that, I'm on the Biden bandwagon.
And over here in my lonely corner are the few, we brave sad few who were once known as Conservative Democrats. Hectored and Censured almost completely out of existence we still hold on making occasional snooty and snarky remarks hoping against hope for a return to some level of sanity before we go extinct.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
And over here in my lonely corner are the few, we brave sad few who were once known as Conservative Democrats. Hectored and Censured almost completely out of existence we still hold on making occasional snooty and snarky remarks hoping against hope for a return to some level of sanity before we go extinct.
I am with you now. Liberal ex-R are fairly close to the conservative Dems.


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
There is nothing funny about illness.

In that case, I'm sure you were the first one who condemned your beloved president when he mocked Biden for wearing a mask. And mocked a mentally handicapped journalist at one of his rallies. Among a million other things.
In that case, I'm sure you were the first one who condemned your beloved president when he mocked Biden for wearing a mask. And mocked a mentally handicapped journalist at one of his rallies. Among a million other things.
And have you listened or paid attention to what Joe Biden said recently? Because he has shown both racism and creepy behavior in his both statements, sol let me remind them
Joe Biden: I wanna see these young ladies dance when they're 4 years older

Joe Biden: We were ble to stay home during COVID because of some black woman stocking grocery shelves

Isn't that concerning and worrying? From my point of view, it is and it shouldn't be underevalutaed, minimized nor even neglected . Those are Joe Biden's own words, I think you can draw your own conclusions but please don't tell me that Joe Biden isn't racist after saying that. Since Trump has been elected , he has been lambasted and slandered in way that no other president has been subject to whether by Democrats or the liberal mainstream media.

The other point which is important to underline is that Joe Biden has absolutely zero support from any law enforcement agency, yes zero support
Having support from law enforcement is crucial especially when maintaining law & order in cities and nationwide but a when a presidential candidate has no support from law enforcement, it is very quite concerning.


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
And have you listened or paid attention to what Joe Biden said recently? Because he has shown both racism and creepy behavior in his both statements, sol let me remind them

Just so we're clear, I'm never going to read anything from any links you post so you're wasting your time showing them to me. And you didn't answer my question, I wasn't talking about Biden, I was talking about Trump. Classic rightist deflection and assumption - you don't know my opinions on Biden because I've never given them.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Having support from law enforcement is crucial especially when maintaining law & order in cities and nationwide but a when a presidential candidate has no support from law enforcement, it is very quite concerning.
If Biden gets elected, police will stop policing? Did they stop policing when Obama was president? Or Clinton? Or Bush? Of course not. The president is mostly irrelevant to local policing strategies. Typically, they are handled at a local level. A fact you frequently point out when making note of Democratic run cities.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Just so we're clear, I'm never going to read anything from any links you post so you're wasting your time showing them to me. And you didn't answer my question, I wasn't talking about Biden, I was talking about Trump. Classic rightist deflection and assumption - you don't know my opinions on Biden because I've never given them.
There is a need to focus on Biden being 'creepy' and 'racist' because Trump is a champion at those traits. They're actually showing how Biden is a mere amateur being 'creepy' and 'racist'.
And have you listened or paid attention to what Joe Biden said recently? Because he has shown both racism and creepy behavior in his both statements, sol let me remind them
Joe Biden: I wanna see these young ladies dance when they're 4 years older

Joe Biden: We were ble to stay home during COVID because of some black woman stocking grocery shelves

Isn't that concerning and worrying? From my point of view, it is and it shouldn't be underevalutaed, minimized nor even neglected . Those are Joe Biden's own words, I think you can draw your own conclusions but please don't tell me that Joe Biden isn't racist after saying that. Since Trump has been elected , he has been lambasted and slandered in way that no other president has been subject to whether by Democrats or the liberal mainstream media.

The other point which is important to underline is that Joe Biden has absolutely zero support from any law enforcement agency, yes zero support
Having support from law enforcement is crucial especially when maintaining law & order in cities and nationwide but a when a presidential candidate has no support from law enforcement, it is very quite concerning.
I think even black people who are being honnest will Joe is not a friend of black people. Even Obama told him not to run


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
There is a need to focus on Biden being 'creepy' and 'racist' because Trump is a champion at those traits. They're actually showing how Biden is a mere amateur being 'creepy' and 'racist'.

Oh, he absolutely is. It really does show how monumentally fucked America is that it's Donald Trump vs Joe Biden and that Biden is seen as a palatable choice because at least he's not as abhorrent as Trump! The absolute state of politics over there, makes the UK seem almost competent.
Oh, he absolutely is. It really does show how monumentally fucked America is that it's Donald Trump vs Joe Biden and that Biden is seen as a palatable choice because at least he's not as abhorrent as Trump! The absolute state of politics over there, makes the UK seem almost competent.
The thing is that Americans vote according of how well the economy (more especially the wall street and finance people) is doing but also law enforcement personnel are looking for a candidate who is backing them up. What is Biden proposing besides more taxes? Another type of Obamacare so that those have never worked , no even ever paid taxes can benefit from free healthcare and free social security system with the taxes paid by other people? Nor more oil and gas industry? Another Green New Deal? I don't think that the average joe in America wants that. Socialism never worked in America and never will. You cite the UK which is interesting because a lot of English people come to French hopistals for getting better care.


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
The thing is that Americans of how well the economy (more especially the wall street and finance people) is doing but also law enforcement personnel are looking for a candidate who is backing them up. What is Biden proposing besides more taxes? Another type of Obamacare so that those have never worked , no evern ever paid taxes can benefit from free healthcare and free social security system? Nor more oil and gas industry? Another Green New Dea? I don't think that the average joe in America wants that. Socialism never worked in America and never will. You cite the UK which is interesting because a lot of English people come to French hopistals for getting better care.

Still avoiding my original post. None of this has the slightest relevance to anything that I've posted, and a couple of parts are total lies, so stop replying to me unless you're prepared to answer it.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The thing is that Americans vote according of how well the economy (more especially the wall street and finance people) is doing but also law enforcement personnel are looking for a candidate who is backing them up. What is Biden proposing besides more taxes? Another type of Obamacare so that those have never worked , no even ever paid taxes can benefit from free healthcare and free social security system with the taxes paid by other people? Nor more oil and gas industry? Another Green New Deal? I don't think that the average joe in America wants that. Socialism never worked in America and never will. You cite the UK which is interesting because a lot of English people come to French hopistals for getting better care.

You paint quite a rosy picture of Trumpland. He was given 4 years, he blew it, and it's time to change course.

Some fact, some opinion:
  • Oil and gas will be here for years regardless of who is president. All of our gas-powered cars will be around longer than Joe or Donald.
  • More taxes: have you seen our deficit lately?
  • Obamacare:The Republican led Senate was unable to overturn it. Recent polls have the ACA with a 49% favorable and 42% unfavorable view. That has been fairly consistent over the past 3 years. The ACA did work in that people began receiving healthcare. Then again, look at what Candidate Trump said in 2016:
    • We’re going to have insurance for everybody ... There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.
      • It sounds like he agrees with the ACA. He promised a better plan which would be "a lot less expensive for everyone." Guess what, my premium has gone up each year. Ironically, it has gone up under Bush, Obama, and Trump. It is a non-partisan issue.
  • Green New Deal: Joe said he was not for the Green New Deal. Even if he was, doesn't it make sense to go to renewable energy sources? Oil was once a new industry. See where it is now.
  • As for paying taxes, it seems like Trump doesn't pay much in taxes either. [Let's deprive him of healthcare. :)] Heck, he paid in 2016 and 2017 what I paid last month. WTF? Taxes get a bad rap. They actually pay for stuff we want: roads, airports, defense, education, etc.
  • Again, local policing strategies are the primary drivers of law enforcement. Think of it this way, Trump theoretically supports them and they're getting hammered. What benefit is Trump's support. Biden will support them. I guarantee it. They just like Trump better.
Enough rambling ... 👋
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