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Obama is an Asshole!


Yeah, and if only Michelle kept her big mouth shut instead of revealing that she sat in her dad's lap at the ''young'' age of 20 to watch Carl Lewis win the gold, by golly, Chitown would have been rockin !!!......... NOT RIO !


Jesse Jackson wanted a full investigation into why Chi town was booted from OLY contention.... there ya go Jess :p :hatsoff:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What is the point of internet forum discussions if everyone comes to the table with facts?

Facts are waaaaay overrated. If you can't make up your own facts every now & again, what fun is that? :rolleyes:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
It's the beauty of the internet. Somewhere, someone has posted the exact sentence I am looking to use for support. Sorta like having an infinite amount of monkeys typing non-stop. One of them will type out Shakespeare's "Hamlet" but instead of Hamlet having a thing Ophelia, he will have an "unnatural" attraction to a Jesus-loving pterodactyl.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It's the beauty of the internet. Somewhere, someone has posted the exact sentence I am looking to use for support. Sorta like having an infinite amount of monkeys typing non-stop. One of them will type out Shakespeare's "Hamlet" but instead of Hamlet having a thing Ophelia, he will have an "unnatural" attraction to a Jesus-loving pterodactyl.

:rofl: :thumbsup:

Will E Worm

It wasn't. It's just Will's way of changing the subject yet again. He obviously can't answer the question put before him,

I have given many links before and even in this thread.

I have given places where people can start their own research and they won't do it, they just expect me to hand over the evidence right on the net.

Sometimes it takes time and research and learning on your own instead of looking for a daddy to show you everything.

Socialists don't like to look up things. They do like to be bias and only read things that are bent to their own way of thinking.

It’s like when Will E argues against evolution

There aren't any and you know it. ;)
I have given many links before and even in this thread.

I have given places where people can start their own research and they won't do it, they just expect me to hand over the evidence right on the net.

Sometimes it takes time and research and learning on your own instead of looking for a daddy to show you everything.

Socialists don't like to look up things. They do like to be bias and only read things that are bent to their own way of thinking.

It would seem that you have missed something in all this "learning" you seem to have acquired Will. Claims made that are supposed to be taken as fact by the reader need to have adequate evidence to back them up. And who is that evidence supposed to be provided by? The person making the claim. I guess you must have missed that along the way....

Now of course it's easy for people to disprove your claims as Hot Mega has already done in this thread. But being as you are so adamant that you are correct in this case it would be prudent for you to - as I and many others have already said - back you claims up with factual information, not links conspiracy laden websites that promote nothing but conjecture or the outright fabrication of what are facts to suit their own ends.

But you can't and you never can. We really shouldn't have expected anything less given your track record.
I have given many links before and even in this thread.

I have given places where people can start their own research and they won't do it, they just expect me to hand over the evidence right on the net.

Sometimes it takes time and research and learning on your own instead of looking for a daddy to show you everything.

Socialists don't like to look up things. They do like to be bias and only read things that are bent to their own way of thinking.

There aren't any and you know it.

Will E "Facetious" here are ALL of your posts in this thread. Which one has a link that proves taxes are illegal as you say?? Show us exactly which link tells us that Art. 1 Section 8 doesn't grant congress the authority to lay and collect taxes or that the 16th Amendment doesn't authorize taxes on income.

Obama was selected, not elected.

Look at what forum you're in, general discussion. (Freeones Talk)

Do you know what that means?

Sure he was. You can stay in Imaginationland if you wish.

You're on Shrooms.

Most people won't believe the truth.

It doesn't matter how much evidence you can show them.
Go ask Doyle Shamley from Hourofthetime.com.
You will find his email on the site.

Mr. Cooper changed his beliefs about aliens after he found out he was being mislead. There aren't any aliens.

If you would research something further than a quick wikipedia "search" than you would know that.

I doubt you will ever do even a quarter of the research he did in his life. Before he was murdered.

Anyway, I said to email Doyle Shamley, he will tell you they make very little to nothing from this.

That's not it at all. I knew a Socialist lover like you would focus on that one thing.

Taxes are illegal.

Watch the documentary about his life.

Then go email Doyle Shamley.

They were all sheeple taken in by a liar.

Once they admit that, we can start fixing America.

What's he going to do with your email address?

No, I paid my taxes, unfortunatley.

No, I paid my taxes, unfortunately.
I'm going to get them back sooner than most people.

I'm just trying to make people think about it and hopefully enough people will wake up and see all the lies that they have been told and believed.

I've said this before, watch Freedom to Fascism.

Email Hourofthetime.com and ask for the information.

Doyel has it.

I do. I just don't need to ask people for the truth all the time.

Do your own research and that doesn't mean reading one book or article.
Also, it doesn't mean reading only the things that are bent to your beliefs.

Yes, I ran across them and their program looking things up for myself.

They are correct from what I have found on my own and looking into what they had said.

*You know, a guy that picked a custom title like 'Conspiracy...' should give advice on politics and people should listen.


Yes, because that is all I read.

That is a loose and incorrect way to interpret that section of the law.
The Federal reserve wasn't even created until 1913. :rolleyes:

Taxing wages is illegal too. Where's the right for them to tax that?

It would be nice if the public servants would follow the laws, but they don't.

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state.

Coin money...

Also, why isn't the counterfeit paper the "government" prints out of thin air not backed by anything?

Aaron Russo talks with IRS Commissioner Sheldon Cohen

IRS Tax Is Illegal - No Tax Law Exists!!

I agree you have.

Of course you don't follow or know what I'm talking about.

You listen to people in Washingtion all the time.

To coin money....what's not to get?

Also, if they are going to print any paper it must be backed by gold or silver.

That's what you do.

With this account or your other one.

You have no real questions or answers only distorted and false information.

You're a disinformation agent.

The same account Facetious says is you and we agree.

Maybe he will comment on this.

I did, because they are.

I'm glad you admit it.

You said you wouldn't flame any more.

Yes. :hatsoff: Taxed on what you earn and then taxed again when you buy goods. That is redundantly unconstitutional.

My comment with the video links.

The IRS agent can't show any laws that force us to pay taxes and never points to anything Mega "Jolly" has pointed to. ;)
These posts are getting ridiculous. Does anyone realize that no matter how much you sit on Obama his supporters will not change their mind? And no matter how much evidence the supports post that he's a great President that it will not change the minds of those who don't like him or his policies?

I don't like him or his cabinet or his policies and I don't give a shit what anyone says I will never like him, call em racists or an asshole or misinformed I don't care I do my research.

Will E Worm

These posts are getting ridiculous. Does anyone realize that no matter how much you sit on Obama his supporters will not change their mind? And no matter how much evidence the supports post that he's a great President that it will not change the minds of those who don't like him or his policies?

I don't like him or his cabinet or his policies and I don't give a shit what anyone says I will never like him, call em racists or an asshole or misinformed I don't care I do my research.

I know. People will not try to learn on their own and just want to read things that are bent to their views.

I try and people just don't want to look up anything on their own.

It just turns into a "you can show me proof" or a name calling game.
No one can show them proof because they don't want to hear any proof or truth.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 (KJV)
3: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4: And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

The Bible warns us about these people. :D


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
These posts are getting ridiculous. Does anyone realize that no matter how much you sit on Obama his supporters will not change their mind? And no matter how much evidence the supports post that he's a great President that it will not change the minds of those who don't like him or his policies?

I don't like him or his cabinet or his policies and I don't give a shit what anyone says I will never like him, call em racists or an asshole or misinformed I don't care I do my research.

Nothing at all wrong with that, J&C. You have opinions, just as we all do. There should never be any sort of requirement that we must all share the same opinion. That really would get boring.

And there's nothing wrong with people interpreting the facts differently. The U.S. didn't get the nod from the Olympic Committee: FACT. Some blame Obama. While others say that's just the way it goes. If we'd gotten it, Obama would have gotten some credit. So I see nothing wrong with handing him some (though not all) of the blame for us not getting it.

Where it gets ridiculous though is when people claim that banks were given "stipends" to make loans to poor people. Or that there are going to be "death panels", and all the doctors are going to quit and become school teachers, if health care is reformed. Or if the money that went to GM had been passed out to the taxpayers, each American could have received a check for $86,000. People who are going to be conspiracy theorists should at least develop some basic math skills,
ya know?! :D

Not liking Obama because there most certainly are people within his administration and his party (including himself, quite possibly) who want to enact more stringent gun control laws, that makes sense. Are they going to be able to do that (overtly)? No. Are they going to send troops in to break down people's doors and seize weapons en masse? No. But you have some people who take "factoids", we'll call them, and then they create these wild and crazy conspiracy theories... stocking up on canned goods and preparing for the end of the world. I know some of these people. I use to attend a church where some of them still congregate. They are some scary human beings. My little arsenal isn't just about keeping the gubment honest. It's also there just in case some of these fundies go off the reservation and start hearing voices about getting "called home"... and we all need to go together. My 100 rnd. drums say that 40 or 50 of them will likely get to "the house" ahead of me. Don't wait up. I'll be there directly, folks. :ak47:

These people see themselves as "the cure". And there are more than a few people, like myself, who are not so much supporters of Obama, but we're more worried about "the cure" than we are about Obama. I would support Obama as President for life and even call him Caesar, before I'd see anything that looked or thought like Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann even sweeping the floor in the White House.
I know. People will not try to learn on their own and just want to read things that are bent to their views.

The US Constitution is bent to a viewpoint? I cited verbatim from the document where it shows unequivocally how taxation is allowed for....and you respond with youtube links of mixed-mashed sound bites that amount to allot of bark and no bite.

Out of context sound bites of people saying taxes are illegal is your evidence??

As far as Jack n coke's take....You have the right to like or dislike anyone you want......you just don't get to make up the facts to fit what you want to be true.....well, I suppose you can but just have thick skin when people expose the lies, inconsistencies or absurdities in your rants or assertions.
These posts are getting ridiculous. Does anyone realize that no matter how much you sit on Obama his supporters will not change their mind? And no matter how much evidence the supports post that he's a great President that it will not change the minds of those who don't like him or his policies?

I don't like him or his cabinet or his policies and I don't give a shit what anyone says I will never like him, call em racists or an asshole or misinformed I don't care I do my research.

I hope you said the same about Bush-he had 8 years to do something right and he didn't do anything that wound up right for this country. I think you should take a breath and try to give Obama a chance-don't know if he's right or not but at least he is trying something. For those that will never support him no matter what and are SURE that he's wrong I'd like to borrow yor time machine or psychic abilitities to get the lottery numbers for tomorrow.

Will E Worm

The US Constitution is bent to a viewpoint? I cited verbatim from the document where it shows unequivocally how taxation is allowed for....and you respond with youtube links of mixed-mashed sound bites that amount to allot of bark and no bite.

You bent it to your viewpoint.

Listen to William Cooper and Freedom to Fascism and all the other EX-IRS agents that say it is illegal.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You bent it to your viewpoint.

Listen to William Cooper and Freedom to Fascism and all the other EX-IRS agents that say it is illegal.

Will E., the only thing that matters in the end is what the Supreme Court says. The opinion of former IRS agents means nothing as to the legality of a particular law. Keep believing this foolishness and you'll end up like Gordon Kahl.
You bent it to your viewpoint.

Listen to William Cooper and Freedom to Fascism and all the other EX-IRS agents that say it is illegal.

I simply read what it said....maybe you should try it...:dunno:

Anddd....unless the yayhoos you cite are going to tell us that the words in Article 1, Sect. 8 and in the 16 Amendment aren't there and all of the subsequent laws based on them didn't pass congress and weren't signed into law by the sitting prez AND SHOW RECOGNIZED, AUTHENTIC PROOF OF WHAT THEY CLAIM....what are we going to glean from ex-IRS agents????

Since when do IRS agents have backgrounds in constitutional law and it's applications???

Will E Worm

Will E., the only thing that matters in the end is what the Supreme Court says. The opinion of former IRS agents means nothing as to the legality of a particular law. Keep believing this foolishness and you'll end up like Gordon Kahl.

The Supreme Court is not the law of this land, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are. No, matter what the crooks in Washington says.

Or, anyone on this board.

If the Public Servants in Washington and the state aren't going to follow rules, then good luck trying to make everyone else follow them.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The Supreme Court is not the law of this land, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are. No, matter what the crooks in Washington says.

So Will E., what is the function of the Supreme Court? What is that body charged with doing in and for our nation?


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Tune in tomorrow for Day 4 of FreeOnes.com's continue discussion of the U.S. Constitution, its place in today's world and whose titties you see in the watermark on the document. Are they Martha Washington's? Betsy Ross'? or Danni Ashe's? Answers revealed tomorrow, right here on FreeOnes
Tune in tomorrow for Day 4 of FreeOnes.com's continue discussion of the U.S. Constitution, its place in today's world and whose titties you see in the watermark on the document. Are they Martha Washington's? Betsy Ross'? or Danni Ashe's? Answers revealed tomorrow, right here on FreeOnes

:D FreeOnes is great!