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Jesus christ


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
-Christian can live in a cave or be ugly, but it does not make him or her a barbarian. -If you are a Nazi or you do not have any other life than internet then my thoughts bother you. Normal people understand that there are a variety of opinions and they do not let them distract themselves. -If I make the murder then I have chosen the path that leads to destruction.

You said that barbarians live in caves and/or are ugly. If a Christian lives in cave and/or is ugly, it logically follows that they're also a barbarian. Your thoughts don't bother me, but they do amuse me because you're completely devoid of any logic and that makes you an incredibly stupid person. Your brain doesn't function like a normal person's, rather it functions on the level of a mildly retarded, functional illiterate. I'm pretty sure you're destined to burn in hell.
assari is just a stupid prick who doesn't belong on this site.
Oh my God...

Barbarian-word can mean many different things;


-Cave man


-Uncultured man




-A cruel person


-Church burner

-A violet person

-A dirty person

-A brutish person

-Poorly dressing person

-Bearded person

-Uncouth person

-An ugly person

Etc. etc.

On this definition, there is literally no one that is not a barbarian at some point to someone, but only because "someone" decides to define them this way.

And where the fuck did you get this list? Ugly? Bearded? Church burner?

The meaning of words is NOT a trivial thing. You cannot simply make them up based on which way the wind is blowing today.
-Christian can live in a cave or be ugly, but it does not make him or her a barbarian.

And since you still can't say what does make someone either a Christian or a Barbarian, you still haven't said anything.

-If you are a Nazi or you do not have any other life than internet then my thoughts bother you.

This statement literally makes as much sense as if I were to say: "Any internet then Nazi you if are my have other you life thoughts you bother are or a not do than."

Your thoughts don't bother people, Assari. The fact that you think you have thoughts at all is what people find offensive.

Normal people understand that there are a variety of opinions and they do not let them distract themselves.

Pretty much everyone here is normal. You're the freak. And again, you haven't expressed any opinions because you haven't expressed anything intelligible.

-If I make the murder then I have chosen the path that leads to destruction.

This must be random, computer-generated text because it certainly doesn't mean anything, at least not in this context.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member

I'll just start with Horus

Look it up if you have the time.
1. He was NOT born of a virgin. This is made VERY clear that his mother made certain she was pregnant before she left her husband Osiris, using a gold phallus with his dismembered body to accomplish this.
2. There is no mention of a star in the east. In fact Horus was considered to be the entire sky, containing the moon AND the sun...but no mention of a star.
3. He did not walk on water. He was all powerful apparently, but there is no mention of him walking on water.
4. Wrong.
5. Wrong.
6. Wrong.
7. Wrong.
8. Wrong. Horus' FATHER was semi-ressurected though, kind of, his dismembered body was somehow used to impregnate Horus' mother....who again, was not a virgin.

Feel free to verify the rest of the false information on this lovely, well done but half heartedly thought out bullshit from "Truth"

Now what have we learned here?
Does this mean that everything that has been told about Jesus is true? No.
That Jesus is the only representation that God has shown the entire civilization in all of history? No.

What it does prove is that people who don't want to believe there is any God, no matter who that may be to anyone else, will lie and do their best to make believers feel inferior, stupid, childish.
At the same time, it is believers fault there is so many that hate religion, so many now that would not even consider God, because of Christians, Jews, Muslims and nearly every faith using their beliefs to justify killing others, belittling others, torturing and forcing others to believe as they do.

Something that most people don't know, especially those who have never bothered to really look into Christianity for instance..... but even those who believe they are Christians, is that when Jesus was here (by the way this is historical fact, not that he was the Son of God but that he was here, that he did a bunch of amazing things, that he was crucified, and that HUNDREDS went to their death because they would not say that they hadn't seen him again after he had been killed...look it up in historical records..not the Bible) ....ok...... so when he was here..... he didn't spend time condemning homos, prostitutes, people who didn't believe in him, and people of other faiths.... no,
he condemned the leaders of the church! He even said that there was a 'Special Place in Hell' (I'm paraphrasing here) for them because they had caused so many to turn away from God. Exactly what is happening now.

I don't pretend to know why things are the way they are. I know that according to all faiths God has allowed those who would make terrible decisions to MAKE those terrible decisions. That we are here to live in a way where we can make our own decisions...knowing just enough to be aware that it is a possibility, but having just enough hidden from us that we can still actually choose and not believe we HAVE to be a certain way.

If you know your child is going to do something wrong, because you know what will happen when he's going to do certain things, you still need to let him do it, because he'll never understand why if he didn't do something you think he would have...does that make sense? We are here for us. We are here to learn who WE are, to see for ourselves. When terrible things happen it is almost 100% from choices that were made somewhere along the way.

And when you wake up from a dream, or even a nightmare, you realize that no matter how powerful and real it seemed, no matter how terrible it may have been, that it wasn't the real life, and within moments.....all the pain and cares for your dream world fade away.

Ever wonder why we dream?

I need to go masturbate now..Happy New Year guys!!


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Nice fact-checking, Mandy, but for all it's worth it doesn't change that most of the Christian religion was nicked from religions that had came before and that they're all creation myths. I clearly spelled out my main opposition to religion in another post above-

Life isn't solely about having fun, but it's too short to live in fear of being damned in the afterlife, particularly if there's no guarantee of an afterlife. Religion is merely a man-made institution constructed to control the lives, but more importantly, the purse strings of the dirty masses. Now, if someone takes comfort in the belief of a higher power, that's great and that harms no one. If someone uses other people's belief in a higher power to manipulate and control them, that's not great and that does harm others.

The image I posted above may not be 100% accurate, but it's accurate enough to make the point.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Nice fact-checking, Mandy, but for all it's worth it doesn't change that most of the Christian religion was nicked from religions that had came before and that they're all creation myths. I clearly spelled out my main opposition to religion in another post above-

The image I posted above may not be 100% accurate, but it's accurate enough to make the point.

It is so completely inaccurate that it makes me sad that so many see it and believe it. Take any one of those "Gods" and fact check the supposed similarities to the story of Jesus and you will find that whoever made it was taking for granted that the people who don't want to believe in Jesus are more than happy to be told lies that make peole who do believe in him look like idiots.

Just for shits and giggles I chose to look p the last one Dionysus...

1. NOT born of a virgin (again)... Zues was having an affair and got his mortal lover pregnant. In no way does this imply she was a virgin..period.
2. There was no date associated with the birth of Dionysus, only a time of harvest, and even theologians studying the story of Dionysus don't put it at December 25th....but then again, even the Bible doesn't put Jesus' birth at Christmas, it was chosen later to counter or absorb a pagan celebration. Any one who bothers to read a bit should know this. The Bible DOES NOT claim that date.
3. He was not a traveling teacher, on the contrary, it seems that he would put himself in positions to terrorize and destroy others who mistook him for a mortal.
4. Wine? Really? He filled boats with Ivory and turned people into masts and dolphins....nope...no wine here!
5. Anyone who is a child, that is supposedly holy, is referred to as a "holy Child" I don't think this is a copyrighted phrase that the Jews were not allowed to use when they referred to Jesus.....or maybe....OMG!!! You're absolutely right!!!!! How could the story of Jesus be true when they called him HOLY just like someone else had been called Holy before!!!! Oh this is Terrible!!

No. Once again, the image you posted above "may not be 100% accurate" but it is "100% made up"..... to make people feel better who want the story of Jesus to not be true.
Does it mean Jesus is God...No, but could he be? Maybe looking deeper would give you answers. It's obvious when someone is so accepting of bullshit like this list that they don't want to know if it's true or not.
Jesus wanted it that way, he even said "those who WANT to see will see, those who WANT to hear will hear"

What's harder to believe..that everything just magically appeared out of nothing and wasn't put together except by chance, or that a power we cannot understand made and designed this whole system, and has given us enough information for us be able to recognize he exists, but not enough to interfere with how we want to live?

And the Bible does say, again VERY CLEARLY, that there will be no cares or concerns for this world once we have died.

Did you hear about that Neurosurgeon who had a life after death experience? He never believed it was possible until it happened to him and now he wants everyone to know. Not because he wasn't making enough money previous to that :)

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Just one other quick note....

The ideas of being born of a virgin, and being Resurrected were actually from the OLD testament, which pre dates ALL of those other fore runners to Jesus. The old testament was telling of who was coming (Jesus) and what would happen, so that the people would be able to recognize who was among them IF they WANTED to know. It is important to recognize that it allows for not wanting to know. To each his own, but don't try to make people look stupid because they believe something :)


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
If you don't mind, would you direct me to the definitive text you're using for Horus and Dionysus? See, there are many versions of both and I would hate to reference a conflicting account.
If you don't mind, would you direct me to the definitive text you're using for Horus and Dionysus? See, there are many versions of both and I would hate to reference a conflicting account.

Easy, virtually any book on comparative religions or mythologies. I have several. Some authors that might be of assisstance: Sarah Bartlett, Arthur Cotterell, Charles Squire, just to name a couple. Oh, and the video of Rufus and the pic of the "Buddy Christ" are from the movie 'Dogma.' A pretty good film, I recommend it.

Very well stated Mandy, nicely handled. :hatsoff:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Easy, virtually any book on comparative religions or mythologies. I have several. Some authors that might be of assisstance: Sarah Bartlett, Arthur Cotterell, Charles Squire, just to name a couple.

There is no definitive text, but thanks for trying.
What it does prove is that people who don't want to believe there is any God, no matter who that may be to anyone else, will lie and do their best to make believers feel inferior, stupid, childish.

Happy New Year guys!!

-Christians have always been persecuted and probably always will be.

-Christians have also been accused of many things, but true Christians are tolerant and they do not harm anyone.

-Happy New Year you too.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
-Christians have always been persecuted and probably always will be.

-Christians have also been accused of many things, but true Christians are tolerant and they do not harm anyone.

-Happy New Year you too.



Was King of the Board for a Day
-Christians have always been persecuted and probably always will be.

-Christians have also been accused of many things, but true Christians are tolerant and they do not harm anyone.

-Happy New Year you too.

So you can't really call yourself a true Christian then, because you're insisting barbarians are their own group of people who are incredibly materialistic, atheism (and therefore all atheists) is a matter of egotism, and how atheists want to go back to barbarism, not to mention you've essentially called anyone who disputed or disagreed with you an atheist.

How is any of that tolerant?