We can divide people into three groups;
-Other religions
The barbarians are materialistic people, Christians have some sort of social message and other religions are foreign to me.
That's why I think that Christians have the best theses.
But this is a matter of opinion and someone else sees it quite differently.
No, it
ISN'T a matter of opinion, because you
STILL haven't said anything! Perhaps if you articulated a position that used definitions other people could recognize, then you'd have an actual thought worth defending. And let's please not forget that you were asked to justify your view that
atheists are egotists, but instead you chose to make a completely different unsubstantiated and meaningless claim, viz., that
Barbarians are materialistic.
'Barbarian' is a catch-all term that is used the same way racial epithets and ethnic slurs are used. It is meant to suggest that somebody is "not like us" or "a heathen." The term originated with the ancient Greeks, who imitated the unfamiliar languages of the people they conquered by repeating the same syllable: "bar bar bar," which is roughly equivalent to deliberately slurring your speech when talking to someone with Down Syndrome.
The point is: just because somebody is different from you culturally, linguistically, religiously, ethnically, racially, etc.
DOESN'T mean they're inferior to you, only different. They may simply be less technologically advanced, or they may actually be despicable people, but you can't make that determination based on shallow observation, to say nothing of the wildly ignorant and offensive generalizing you've been engaging in.
If anyone really took your category distinctions seriously, they'd really be forced to lump Barbarians and people of other religions together, which would make 2 groups, not 3.
And you're still saying deliberately vague things like "some sort of social message" when you know it doesn't mean
Really, you're completely hopeless. I don't know why I'm just now coming around to that self-evident truth. I guess I just couldn't resist the temptation to point out total idiocy and expose your true troll motives.
So I hope you enjoyed it, because I'm officially through with you now.