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Jesus christ

I said that there are three groups; Christians, barbarians and the people who have some other religion than Christianity.

And I'm saying it's BS. You still can't or won't say what barbarianism is as distinguished from "religious," and the fact that the term actually means nothing doesn't even matter to you. Furthermore, any religions besides Christianity would ultimately have to be seen as Barbarians too, on this "grouping."

This is my opinion and you or someone else can not change it.

I'm not interested in changing it. All I want is to expose it as a fraud because it's on because it's totally incoherent. I restated it for you to demonstrate that the "opinion" is BS and centers on the notion that you yourself are God.

Someone else sees this issue differently and it is ok to me.

I do not deny their views.

All you've done is claim that you and anyone who agrees with you (though on what, you will not specify) are going to heaven and everyone else is going to hell. You may not openly deny other people's views, but you're convinced we're all evil and will be eternally condemned for what we believe. That's your version of intolerance.
Nice straw man, I don't claim to be an authority. Who has questioned my "credentials", and better yet, what "credentials" have I claimed?

straw man
1. A person who is set up as a cover or front for a questionable enterprise.
2. An argument or opponent set up so as to be easily refuted or defeated.
3. A bundle of straw made into the likeness of a man and often used as a scarecrow.

Bullshit!! Self proclaimed ordained minister! You are clearly trying through tone to assert yourself as The Authority! Now perhaps I am mistaken and that is merely the residue of the Progressive indoctrination you suffered through in college because you sound just like every other Saul Alinsky worshiper in the country. You are totally convinced you are the single smartest being to be found anywhere, yet there are plenty on this thread that strongly disagree, maybe because they feel that title belongs to them, maybe not. Regardless, your closed mind and utter rejection of any opinion other than your own shines through each and every post you make. In fact, it is looking more and more like you should be calling yourself the straw man. In any event, you, assari, and eponymous can have your debate back. You have alienated a truckload of people with your personal attacks.
^ You've only posted a couple times in this thread, but in every one you criticize someone for being a know-it-all while at the same time lecturing them on "the truth." You take a sarcastic tone and then criticize someone for being sarcastic. You criticize someone for being closed-minded, yet you take deep personal offense to ideas that contradict your own and will not engage them but rather lash out in staggeringly disproportionate ways.

I hardly think you're in a position to lecture anyone on how they're offending people.

I've taken some pretty hefty swings at Assari because he's a hate-mongering, disingenuous troll, and I wanted to call him on it. Other than that, I have not made any personal attacks.

Any other perceived attacks on my part (and I know I've been pretty critical today, in particular) are honest disagreements in response to some pretty incendiary remarks that, frankly, I find offensive.

The difference between me and Assari is that I have reasons for what I say and don't dodge the difficult questions by changing the subject or redefining everything.
Depends on the translation, but I believe that it is generally accepted as "You shall not murder" rather than "Kill", especially as God tells his people to kill repeatedly in the Old Testament.

Some people think it should be interpreted as "Thou shalt promote life," as simply refraining from murdering people is seen by many to be a very low moral standard. Killing in self-defense and in war creates some difficulty, but merely to avoid killing someone in cold blood doesn't set the bar very high.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

That sums up everything you've posted in this thread.

I had never heard of Saul Alinsky until Newt Gingrich and Glenn Beck began to bemoan the gentleman. It speaks volumes that you repeat the things you hear from those two extremist hacks.

I, most assuredly, personally attacked assari. He deserved it. Mandy waded into an argument with her guns blazing. Of course, I was perfectly polite to her, at first, and when she persisted with her aggressive tone, I fired back. Same with you, kind sir, you can't expect to throw punches without getting hit back. I only addressed you after you came in kissing Mandy's ass. If there's a "truckload of people" that are offended by what I posted in response to you, Cindy, and Mandy, let them air their grievances. Anyone can see who attacked whom, just go read the thread. Anyone that comments without having read the entire thread is just talking out of their ass.
Why do we (Christians) celebrate the birth of Christ now althought some sources say that he was born in September or October?

Bonus question; Why do some atheists will be disappointed if they do not get Christmas presents?

-Maybe the date does not matter, but the event itself is an important.

-In my view it is a little strange if the barbarian is celebrating the birth of Christ.

I do not want to celebrate midsummer (Juhannus) because it is a celebration of weather God.

It is a heathen thing.

In any event, you, assari, and eponymous can have your debate back. You have alienated a truckload of people with your personal attacks.

-Atheist or barbarian, to me they mean the same thing.

Actually it does not matter whether someone is a Christian or a caveman as long as they know how to behave.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
......Do you have any idea how long people have been making reactionary statements like this, that "Godlessness is beginning to prevail" and "we're all doomed" and other such crap? Let's just say you're not the first.

No, I think you misunderstood what I was saying....That the reason religion and God are being turned away from is BECAUSE of the PEOPLE OF THOSE RELIGIONS, I didn't say anything about Godlessness and so on. Jesus also had a problem with religious leaders in his time because they did the same thing...using religion as a means to persecute, control, and condemn others...again the blame was on the religious leaders even then, as it is now, and Jesus was pretty clear about who was to blame, and it wasn't non believers. Thanks for the put down though. :)
-In my view it is a little strange if the barbarian is celebrating the birth of Christ.
-Atheist or barbarian, to me they mean the same thing.

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/mandy-flores said:
Mandy Flores[/URL][/B], post: 7281708, member: 550820"]Jason, we're all laughing...those are rally funny! Nice job ;)

I agree.

Jason has a good sense of humor even though he is an atheist.

No, I think you misunderstood what I was saying....That the reason religion and God are being turned away from is BECAUSE of the PEOPLE OF THOSE RELIGIONS, I didn't say anything about Godlessness and so on. Jesus also had a problem with religious leaders in his time because they did the same thing...using religion as a means to persecute, control, and condemn others...again the blame was on the religious leaders even then, as it is now, and Jesus was pretty clear about who was to blame, and it wasn't non believers. Thanks for the put down though. :)

For the record, it wasn't a put down. I simply thought you went too far in your condemnation of non-believers. Atheists aren't 'Evil' any more than Theists are 'Good' (capital 'G'). In fact, atheists reject the distinction, as well as the existence of such abstract concepts as 'Piety' and 'Sin'. There is only right and wrong, just and unjust behavior, on the atheist perspective.

Here is what you said:

...people who don't want to believe there is any God, no matter who that may be to anyone else, will lie and do their best to make believers feel inferior, stupid, childish.
At the same time, it is believers fault there is so many that hate religion, so many now that would not even consider God, because of Christians, Jews, Muslims and nearly every faith using their beliefs to justify killing others, belittling others, torturing and forcing others to believe as they do.

...when Jesus was here...he didn't spend time condemning homos, prostitutes, people who didn't believe in him, and people of other faiths.... no, he condemned the leaders of the church! He even said that there was a 'Special Place in Hell' (I'm paraphrasing here) for them because they had caused so many to turn away from God. Exactly what is happening now.

to which I responded:

Do you have any idea how long people have been making reactionary statements like this, that "Godlessness is beginning to prevail" and "we're all doomed" and other such crap? Let's just say you're not the first.

What shall we call the leaders of the church who cause others "to turn away from God"? Rather than call them non-believers, shall we call them 'untrue believers'?

The point I was making had nothing to do with who was responsible for people pulling away from religion. I neither draw a distinction between true believers and untrue believers, nor accept that many have been caused "to turn away from God;" at least, not in the sense you intended, not as a phenomenon that is "happening now."

One of the things that all religious demagogues claim is that humanity is wasting away, morally and otherwise, due to irreligion, heresy or bad faith. All doomsday cult leaders - your David Koresh's and Marshall Applewhite's - make pronouncements like this, and even more level-headed (but not homicidal or suicidal) religious leaders claim a decline in religious belief, or the tendency to turn to sin. Many other reactionary figures blame natural disasters or massacres like the Newtown shooting on our "sinful ways" or on those who "don't believe." The Fred Phelps whacko's of Topeka think every horrible thing that happens is a gift from God because it confirms that "God Hates Fags." All kinds of awful things are attributed to lack of faith or lack of true faith.

So what I was reacting to was the notion that "people are turning away from God," as though this was some kind of event or recent trend, or even a recently claimed trend. In fact, it is frequently claimed by many people for various reasons, and moreover, it isn't even true.

I don't deny that religious people get persecuted, nor do I deny that religious people sometimes become disenchanted with their church and turn away. But the idea that this is "happening" - all over the place, as it were - is nothing more than religious rhetoric, and the propaganda of proselytizers.

I don't count you among these people, I just didn't care for your adopting their sentiment.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Well Epo, I didn't condemn anyone for believing or not believing.

There are people, who don't believe in God, that want so desperately for the notion of God and an afterlife to go away that they will lie(even to themselves) and say anything to justify their beliefs.
That's the truth, there is no disputing it. I did not condemn anyone, you took it that way for some unknown reason, maybe you are used to being attacked by people who believe in God, I get attacked by them DAILY in my emails and blogs so I can relate.

There are people, who DO believe in God, that want so desperately to validate their belief they will lie(even to themselves) and say just about anything to justify THEIR beliefs, and to take money from other believers.
There is no disputing that.

As far as people turning away from God in this day and age.....it is also indisputable. Hell, even in my own group of friends if you say you believe in Jesus Christ as your one true Lord and Savior you get looked at as if you're some kind of freak..... something almost unimaginable 70 years ago, hell, 70 years ago most people in the group would just say "Amen!" now you'd be lucky if even one of them said "oh, that's nice'

I have neither condemned someone for not believing in God nor praised those that do believe in God.

What disturbs me is that both sides of the issue have people so closed minded that they become angry and hateful towards others who don't believe as they do. Using Hell and eternal damnation to force people to love God....hate it!

Using lies and put downs to try and take peoples faith from them...hate it!

I'm open to the Big Bang theory, you still have to believe in what is not scientifically proven or even possible. Don't say it is proven, it is only a hypothesis, a guess at best.

I DO believe in God (obviously) even though it is scientifically unproven and requires belief in the impossible.
Well Epo, I didn't condemn anyone for believing or not believing.

-A true Christian does not judge anyone.

People judge themselves.

If you are a mercenary or a murderer no one can help you and you go to hell and there are also other things that block acces to heaven.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Using lies and put downs to try and take peoples faith from them...hate it!

If you're making a reference to what I posted I would point out that I was merely trolling assari for being a douche bag. If you're making a hasty judgment of me based on the exchanges in this one thread I'd caution you to be wary of hypocrisy.

I'm open to the Big Bang theory, you still have to believe in what is not scientifically proven or even possible. Don't say it is proven, it is only a hypothesis, a guess at best.

The Big Bang has the qualifier of "theory" attached to it. Any theory is hotly debated in scientific circles, otherwise it would be called the Law of The Big Bang. Small detail, perhaps, but an important distinction and particularly informative of the background of the person engaged in discussion. There are many theories of cosmology, many dating back to the pre-Socratic ancient Greeks. I'm particularly fond of the Apeiron of Anaximander, Pythagoreanism, and Epicureanism and the further that modern physics dives into the origins of the universe the more ideas of the ancient Greeks keep coming back up. For example, there's some interesting studies being conducted on the Vortex theory of Anaxagoras.

I DO believe in God (obviously) even though it is scientifically unproven and requires belief in the impossible.

God can mean different things. I have no problem with God, or Jesus Christ. I have a problem with assholes like assari that use religion to troll.