The photo is correct for someone left handed. I don't smoke cigarettes but I smoke cigars and being right-handed, I hold the cigar in my left hand and light it with my right. Sounds backwards but it's true as in most cases right handed men unzip with their right and hold with their left too.
Obama is holding with his right and lighting with his left. That should be correct.
Really? You're forgetting the individuals who actually tried to bring a cause of action in court about it. More disturbing is the fact that one of these ape-shit l:clown::clown:ns
was a Lt. Col. in the Army. (I know BDG, he is a Demo plant

). We're discussing this again because friends of Trini Girl brought it up...not a website. The only reason why this is not more rampant and pervasive is because most GOPers fairly accept that it isn't going anywhere irrespective of the facts as they see it.
If there was the slightest hint this could actually go somewhere you'd see acres of these l:clown::clown:ns standing around someplace with signs and banners.
Are you the most delusional person on this board or what?? When do Demos bring this up other than in reaction to GOPers who have brought it up?? I know, the facts don't really matter BDG...It's always the false flag excuse for you...FOR EVERYTHING.:1orglaugh
He did. Move on.
He shouldn't have. Move on.
Just so we're keeping count...the shit that Clinton and Bush actually DID pales in comparison. What was Obama accused of or what did he actually do that should have caused him to drop out?? We'll wait.
Of the two of you, from what I can see z9102 is not the one full of Kool-Aid IMO.
All except for the fact that these are two distinctly different circumstances. Gore was called the winner of a state ran by Bush's brother...then all of the sudden he wasn't. They started to recount as per election rules..when it appeared Gore was closing the gap..the recount was stopped by the USSC lead by unprecedented actions of Scalia (his father's appointee).
In this case, there was a baseless claim made to which Obama AND OTHERS have provided reasonable and substantial evidence refuting. Case closed.
Now how far does one go entertaining an absurd accusation? The hope of these idiots perpetuating this is no different from the playbook employed against Clinton...try to drag him into the realm of the courts, legal semantics and the like to derail his presidency that way.