Are you Indian, BDG? :dunno: You come across as white to me.
Were you born in America or did you move there at some point?
Imagine if you were born in America and somehow became POTUS you'd most likely be going through the same BS (born) Obama treatment and we all know the real reason why. :2 cents:
Ignore that please.
I'm basing my argument over who brings up the Birthers all the time.
Like liberal websites such as Huffingtonpost, the very website just provided.
Or the Governor of Hawaii, who randomly decided he'd challenge the birthers again.
Or the folks on MSNBC.
Or that very same DEMOCRAT pollster who had to admit his questions were problematic.
The Republican leaders came out and said they believe he's a citizen. The Republicans themselves said that the Dems get more out of keeping this b.s. alive. They said it HURTS Republicans chances of getting elected in 2012 because it angers independents and gets liberals into a frenzy.
Who keeps bringing this garbage up? DEMOCRATS. Birthers weren't even welcome at rallies during the height of the Tea Party movement in 2010. Orly Taitz, the "Queen of the Birhers" got tossed off the speaker list at a Tea Party rally in April 2010.
Does this sound like an element that has the support of the majority of Republicans or does it sound like an extreme fringe movement when even Tea Party organizers don't want to be associated with you?
That's it.