Is Obama really (born) American or Not?

Of all the people you are going to respond to on a thread, you reach back and respond to me with your petty b.s.

Here's a little something for you to chew on. You admitting your bias is as rare as hen's teeth though.

Originally posted there.

I love the update they were forced to make.

That's just a link to one case where their efforts to build up the birther issue backfired on them.
I think he is but its a little too late if he is not. We should have figured it out before he got elected. So what if we find out he is not born in the US, he has been the US President for the US, would you impeach him just for that?
Well ... if we're going to go there ...

Not true. There is one 'true American' (aka 'Marrican) who could not give a shit more....
I dunno... O has played more golf in half a term than GWB did in 2.
Well ... if we're going to go there ... ;)

I've spanked my monkey more in Obama's first 2 years than I did in W.'s first 4 years. Does that mean I'm more depressed because of the President's actions/inactions? Or is it an external factor, like how much I've been traveling? How much my wife does or does not give me? Or something else?

More seriously, these types of arguments just make me laugh almost as much as my writing such a silly response.

Obama is an intellectual who is so fucking out-of-touch with the average American, and his voting record in Illinois told me that. Now I didn't think he'd best W.'s "rich kid, got away with being a drunk, somehow stumbled into the President's chair after going born-again-Christian," but I think he has.

W. struggled with Q&A, but at least he did it. Obama just reads from a teleprompter trying to be a "feel good" Reagan'esque actor, and comes off as the "great healer" that reminds me of an useless televangelist. Seriously guys, no one is convincing me that W. or O. are great Presidents.

It's like deciding between using two chess pieces that are so broken, you can't figure out what they are. But someone is telling you that you have 30 seconds to make a move or you forfeit.

Or far more racist ... it's like deciding between using sea salt or tainted pepper on my food ... and God knows using either is bad for me. I mean, even the "fake" salt is still a salt and an issue for hypertension, and the tainted pepper is going to kick my digestive system in ways I should never experience. But you're there, across the table, telling me that I have to put at least one of them on my food.

I just choose not to eat with you as a result, just like not bothering to make a move in the chess game. Nothing against anyone, but I just have to shake my head.
I think he is but its a little too late if he is not. We should have figured it out before he got elected. So what if we find out he is not born in the US, he has been the US President for the US, would you impeach him just for that?

If it were true then he could possibly face impeachment and it would be an enormous scandal that would validate many of the "Manchurian candidate" fears that have evolved in a nation of immigrants.

I don't know about other countries, but that's something you simply can't lie about in America. He would be forced to resign and he'd probably sink the careers of many Democrats who covered up for him.
If it were true then he could possibly face impeachment and it would be an enormous scandal that would validate many of the "Manchurian candidate" fears that have evolved in a nation of immigrants.

I don't know about other countries, but that's something you simply can't lie about in America. He would be forced to resign and he'd probably sink the careers of many Democrats who covered up for him.

I don't understand the who interest in conspiracies.

Glenn Beck has made a career of feeding people's crazy conspiracy fears.
I don't understand the who interest in conspiracies.

Glenn Beck has made a career of feeding people's crazy conspiracy fears.

They were around Waaaay before Glenn Beck and he isn't the only one selling conspiracies. He just happens to be the one liberals focus their attention on.
They were around Waaaay before Glenn Beck and he isn't the only one selling conspiracies. He just happens to be the one liberals focus their attention on.

Beck may be the latest to cash in on it, but that still doesn't explain the fascination.

People seem to WANT to believe crazy things, even if (especially if?) there's no evidence to support that belief.

It's just odd.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

The Donald fail/10 :facepalm:

The only thing I remember about kindergarten is a girl named Pamela who I had my first crush on.

The Donald fail/10 :facepalm:

The only thing I remember about kindergarten is a girl named Pamela who I had my first crush on.

Trumped: Billionaire Donald's birth proof challenge to Obama backfires... as he faces claims over HIS own birth certificate

Read more:

the 65-year-old property tycoon and Apprentice host triumphantly said: ‘It took me one hour to get my birth certificate.

‘It’s inconceivable that, after four years of questioning, the president still hasn’t produced his birth certificate.

‘I’m just asking President Obama to show the public his birth certificate. Why’s he making an issue out of this?’
Re: Well ... if we're going to go there ...

W. struggled with Q&A, but at least he did it. Obama just reads from a teleprompter trying to be a "feel good" Reagan'esque actor, and comes off as the "great healer" that reminds me of an useless televangelist.

I'd have expected a more informed opinion from you than this, Prof.

Watch this and tell me again how 1) he's incapable of handling a Q and A and 2) he's lost without a teleprompter.