England is the best country in the world!

That post came in a couple posts late, it was designed to follow "no it's still not there" at the end of page 3...:dunno:
damn straight :sunny:


Closed Account
I never said she was, she's just hot with big tits. And HEY! I'm on YOU'RE side sir!!

to be honest as I've mentioned before in the thread that I'm not really of the opinion that england is the best country! and I don't really have a preference as to which country is the best, I just thought it would be interesting to see wagwan in the thread. The problem with choosing katie price, is that like every country you've got hot women, and enhanced women etc, but you also have ugly women that will cancelling that aspect out.


It also had Irish , welsh & practicaly any other countries men they could send to do there dirty work , you see bullying smaller countries into things isnt the sign of greatness , it was either join us or die for some countries , African countries , the USA even went to war with them to gain independence , we didnt have that choice............. we were sold out for a few bucks by people thinking about themselves and not having Scotlands interests at heart , only there own

I would be a much prouder Scotsman if we were independant , now I dont hate England , I have relatives in England but I think each country in the world should be in charge of there own affairs , I dont see why another country should be able to run another country
The Scots are certainly the most innovative and inventive people on the planet , their achievements are astonishing for so few people.But without the resources from England (the second most innovative people) through being part of Britain their ideas wouldn't have come to fruition. It was remember the Scots who petitioned England for union , not a takeover.
Aneurin Bevin was English because up to 1993 Wales was a part of England.He didn't create the NHS, he was simply in the chair when it happened.All three political parties had agreed to set up an NHS whichever was elected to power after the war.In fact the Labour Party was reluctant to do so and was the last party to commit itself.

I don't think that rape and pillage was the order of the day. All sorts of things happened of course over the 200 years of Empire. But with only one soldier for each 10 000 natives it would have been hard to hold on for so long through the use of force.


The Scots are certainly the most innovative and inventive people on the planet , their achievements are astonishing for so few people.But without the resources from England (the second most innovative people) through being part of Britain their ideas wouldn't have come to fruition. It was remember the Scots who petitioned England for union , not a takeover.
Aneurin Bevin was English because up to 1993 Wales was a part of England.He didn't create the NHS, he was simply in the chair when it happened.All three political parties had agreed to set up an NHS whichever was elected to power after the war.In fact the Labour Party was reluctant to do so and was the last party to commit itself.

I don't think that rape and pillage was the order of the day. All sorts of things happened of course over the 200 years of Empire. But with only one soldier for each 10 000 natives it would have been hard to hold on for so long through the use of force.

Most of Scotland didnt want the Union , we were sold out by a few Nobles who only had there own interests at heart & it was over 300 years ago , in a democratic country as we claim to be , why cant we look after our own affairs?

Instead of constantly being rebuffed , put the question to the people and see how it goes , not polititions who claim to have our interests at heart but are only interested in there lining there own pockets , if we want to be a nation again and not a region of the UK , we should be able to fall on our own sword


Closed Account
Aneurin Bevin was English because up to 1993 Wales was a part of England.He didn't create the NHS, he was simply in the chair when it happened.All three political parties had agreed to set up an NHS whichever was elected to power after the war.In fact the Labour Party was reluctant to do so and was the last party to commit itself.

Aneurin Bevan was welsh, If Wales was part of england, why have they been playing rugby against each other for over a hundred years. Whatever it is 1993 is significant to I don't know?
I can't see England losing against the USA but I think England and USA would finish in the top two and go through the next round.
England can't be the best country in the world... The Netherlands already are!

1. We made FreeOnes
2. We make the best cheese in the world (the OP's nick is even similar to it)
3. We have legalised prostitution
4. You can use soft drugs in the Netherlands without medical subscription
5. God doesn't need to save our queen
6. We didn't need any help during WWI
7. We didn't drop of criminals, lunatics, perverts and other unsavory types on other continents
8. We salvaged the Kursk
9. Our country is located on the European mainland (unlike that silly island off our coast where British people apparently live ;))
10. We don't have to share our country with Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish people
11. We made FreeOnes (It's so important I should list it twice!)
12. We have Petra (she even emigrated from the US just to prove a point)
