England is the best country in the world!

You could make that into a film maybe. " THE ORIGINATOR "

Out of interest, How long has America had, to do what it likes?

One of the funny things about these pissing contests is that some seem to think if one place is slightly worse in some way then they're doing ok overall, when it is more likely that both places if personified deserve to be raped by fire in hell for all eternity.


Closed Account
One of the funny things about these pissing contests is that some seem to think if one place is slightly worse in some way then they're doing ok overall, when it is more likely that both places if personified deserve to be raped by fire in hell for all eternity.

I just want to make clear, I have a piss-bag, just for future reference, I'm ok this time! but please avoid talking about pissing competitions as I get upset about it.
I couldn't find one in my neighborhood for a thousand buckaroohs, I'd probably have to make the trek to my nearest prison to find em... ya got a couple a million $ ? :D

Nothing but polish people in my current neighborhood, not as many busty women as the internet would have you believe.
I agree about our climate, the lack of natural disasters, and killer insects making up for the bad but easily tolerable weather. I've got a question though.

What defines England's culture? what is English culture?

And although the NHS exists in England, I believe it was Aneurin Bevan, who created it, and he was a Welshman.

Also Ireland is part of the british Isles, but not Britain. I'm sure any Irishman reading, would like it to be corrected!

Interesting question, well there's no such thing really as English culture any more, because England has been invaded by Tom,Dick and Harry over the years we have cultural heritage from all over the place. More recently we have to some degree because of the diversity of people coming or living here has enabled the culture to further expand, for instance Indian cuisine is now considered one of the most popular British dish

Fair point about Welshman craeting the NHS, I wasn't disputing this at all I was saying was that the NHS we have in England is compared to others around the world not too bad (OK its not perfect perhaps but far from disastrous).

You are absolutely correct when I worded "Britain" I did indeed only mean Northern Ireland and not the "Republic of Ireland" which is a separate entity to Britain. So I hope that satisfies all the Irish people I may have upset.


Closed Account
Yeah, that's why we import like one show a decade from you guys.

You don't import them, you just rip them off, and dumb 'em down!

Prime example: 'the offce'

Actually I'd imagine you don't dumb down some of them, like dancing with the stars and the rest of that tripe!
You don't import them, you just rip them off, and dumb 'em down!

Prime example: 'the offce'

Actually I'd imagine you don't dumb down some of them, like dancing with the stars and the rest of that tripe!
I didn't like the office so can't speak to the quality of either show but you can watch both versions here. And wouldn't it be you ripping yourselves off to try and appeal to us awful americans?
Actually admitting that dancing with the stars was your idea kinda undercuts your idea that you guys make good TV.
I like lists.

Your food sucks.
I like your healthcare.
I would not exist without the horrible things your country got started.
I would not exist without the horrible things this country continued to do.
You're small.
The weather sucks.
You're a bunch of fat people that won't shut up with the 'americans are fat' jokes.
The teeth thing.
Soccer sucks.
Yes it's Soccer until you make us change it by force or by getting us to care about it.


Closed Account
I didn't like the office so can't speak to the quality of either show but you can watch both versions here. And wouldn't it be you ripping yourselves off to try and appeal to us awful americans?
Actually admitting that dancing with the stars was your idea kinda undercuts your idea that you guys make good TV.
I like lists.

Your food sucks.
I like your healthcare.
I would not exist without the horrible things your country got started.
I would not exist without the horrible things this country continued to do.
You're small.
The weather sucks.
You're a bunch of fat people that won't shut up with the 'americans are fat' jokes.
The teeth thing.
Soccer sucks.
Yes it's Soccer until you make us change it by force or by getting us to care about it.

I just want to say that I didn't actually say that we have the best tv!

I simply responded to your comment about the US importing tv programs, which is why I mentioned 'dancing with the stars' that I also called tripe.

I do however have one question, do you own a Passport?
I didn't like the office so can't speak to the quality of either show but you can watch both versions here. And wouldn't it be you ripping yourselves off to try and appeal to us awful americans?
Actually admitting that dancing with the stars was your idea kinda undercuts your idea that you guys make good TV.
I like lists.

Your food sucks.
I like your healthcare.
I would not exist without the horrible things your country got started.
I would not exist without the horrible things this country continued to do.
You're small.
The weather sucks.
You're a bunch of fat people that won't shut up with the 'americans are fat' jokes.
The teeth thing.
Soccer sucks.
Yes it's Soccer until you make us change it by force or by getting us to care about it.
remind me again which country it was that came up with the idea of serving food. . .IN A FUCKING BUCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh & compare our factual tv programmes & news with yours, Mmm we win again on that one!