I didn't like the office so can't speak to the quality of either show but you can watch both versions here. And wouldn't it be you ripping yourselves off to try and appeal to us awful americans?
Actually admitting that dancing with the stars was your idea kinda undercuts your idea that you guys make good TV.
I like lists.
Your food sucks.
I like your healthcare.
I would not exist without the horrible things your country got started.
I would not exist without the horrible things this country continued to do.
You're small.
The weather sucks.
You're a bunch of fat people that won't shut up with the 'americans are fat' jokes.
The teeth thing.
Soccer sucks.
Yes it's Soccer until you make us change it by force or by getting us to care about it.
Food sucks? This from a country that puts "burger" and "good" in the same sentence!The country which inflicted MacDonalds,Starbuck's,KFC and the donut onto the rest of the world?
And you talk about the horrible things my country got started? At least we weren't responsible for the baseball cap and other crimes against humanity.
Weather is quite liveable, never too cold, never too hot, very modest rainfall
My tooth is fine.
Soccer sucks true but it's somehow managed to earn the #1 spot as world sport with cricket close behind.