Election 2008

McBama or O' Cain?

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Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I hope it is Obama ... but I really don't know if he would be the best choise ...


Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Well, anything may occur, friday. :dunno:

I may take a shit tonite . . I may not . . . sorta difficult to tell at this point.

Be careful of this guy you young kiddos ! you know the story about the lemmings. As he steps safely out of view, you guys march lock step over the jagged cliffs and into the rough sea. Ahhh, "change" :rolleyes:

Why would he otherwise be wasting so much of his time on this nonsense ?

I hope it is Obama ... but I really don't know if he would be the best choise ...
That's what we here in 'merika call "peer pressure".


Closed Account
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

None of the Republican speechers last night wore a flag pin either. Sarah Palin didn't. She wore an Alaskan flag pin (I think) though I did at first think it was Libya's flag--there was this giant star in the center on a white background...

I agree with benDutta...the very end of the speech sounded like a "CALL TO ARMS" and it was VEEEERY Hitler-like.."Stand Up!" "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY!"

Sorry..that sounds very warmonger/propaganda...:rolleyes:

I didn't hear anything NEW in the speech. Just same 'ol same 'ol...I think after the 9th speech, I get that McCain suffered a lot in the Hanoi Hilton. I get it already...enough, please. It's getting to the point that if you don't have POW experience...then you don't have "real Military experience":(

Obama and Biden have some work to do just to bring McCain/Palin "out of the battlefield" and back to focus on "issues" and "solutions" There was hardly anything about the economy/unemployment (just more talk about unleashing the enterpreneurial spirit of America!)....it sounds like McCain/Palin are eager to jump in a tank and go smash stuff..:rolleyes:

His speech seemed dual, slow, and just rambling the same point over and over... kinda like Bob Dole.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

That's what we here in 'merika call "peer pressure".

perhaps it would be easier if there were more then 2 to choose from, like with us ... Allthough we get also screwed over here ... But at least we have more options ...
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Code Word Quote of the Day

"Honestly, I've never paid that much attention to Michelle Obama. Just what little I've seen of her and Senator Obama, is that they're a member of an elitist class... that thinks that they're uppity."

-- Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA)
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Code Word Quote of the Day

"Honestly, I've never paid that much attention to Michelle Obama. Just what little I've seen of her and Senator Obama, is that they're a member of an elitist class... that thinks that they're uppity."

-- Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA),

Taken directly from the "Republican Thesaurus".

Main Entry: impudent
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: Rude and disrespectful.
Synonyms: Black, blackamoor, Black person, coon, jigaboo, *****, ******, nigra, negro, negroid, spade, spook, stump-jumper

Those republicans and their code words.:rofl:
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Let me ask - Why obama ? cuzz the rolling stone said so ?
Let's hear where your influences are. They're certainly not out of thin air .

I base my choice for POTUS on issues and character. And I don't even read Rolling Stone. I'm more of an Economist guy.

And I get my influences from personal beliefs, personal experience and places like this: http://www.urban.org/decisionpoints08/index.cfm
and this: http://www.issues2000.org/default.htm
and this: http://www.npr.org/
and this: http://www.economist.com/

(and no those aren't the only four places. just some examples)
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Let me ask - Why obama ? cuzz the rolling stone said so ?
Let's hear where your influences are. They're certainly not out of thin air .

Here's a partial list of the books that have influence me. :tongue:


Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

^ Thanks, all responders :)

perhaps it would be easier if there were more then 2 to choose from, like with us ... Allthough we get also screwed over here ... But at least we have more options ...
Affirm, I agree with your sentiment. :thumbsup:

There's too much of a two party establishment here in the states. Every once in a while a populist might bust out something better than 10 %, but not often enough, IMO. Also, there's too much unaccounted for - foreign political contributions ($$$) being funneled into our one or the other party system . . so that certainly doesn't help the cause for the emergence of a greater number of political parties with which to choose. If anything, it's centralizing our govt, IMO. :(

At least (last I had checked) Belgians are allowed the private ownership of firearms (?) . . . and that's nice. :thumbsup:

Thank You FN Herstal !!:bowdown:
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Code Word Quote of the Day

"Honestly, I've never paid that much attention to Michelle Obama. Just what little I've seen of her and Senator Obama, is that they're a member of an elitist class... that thinks that they're uppity."

-- Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA)

These people are the biggest bunch of hypocrites of all time - what's that old line about "tell a lie often enough and make it big enough and people will believe it?" Yeah, Obama, like all people raised by single moms is a real elitist - give me a break. Joe Biden, unlike McCain, who married his wife and her fortune - left his first wife for her - now that's family values - is one of the poorest members of Congress.

I'm not saying either Obama or Biden are saints - I don't believe that you can get into high elective office in this country - or probably any country on this planet - without playing some pretty crappy games - but compared to McCain & Palin, they're a hell of a lot less scary. It reminds me of when David Duke was running for office against some typically corrupt pol in Louisiana and the most popular bumper sticker was "Vote the crook" - I'd much rather have the typical pols in this election - Obama & Biden - than McCain, Palin and their whole cast of truly scary hypocritical bible-thumpers all around 'em.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Affirm, I agree with your sentiment. :thumbsup:

There's too much of a two party establishment here in the states. Every once in a while a populist might bust out something better than 10 %, but not often enough, IMO. Also, there's too much unaccounted for - foreign political contributions ($$$) being funneled into our one or the other party system . . so that certainly doesn't help the cause for the emergence of a greater number of political parties with which to choose. If anything, it's centralizing our govt, IMO. :(

At least (last I had checked) Belgians are allowed the private ownership of firearms (?) . . . and that's nice. :thumbsup:

Thank You FN Herstal !!:bowdown:

I find the out-of-state contributions to Senate campaigns quite disgusting and un-American as well.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I base my choice for POTUS on issues and character. And I don't even read Rolling Stone. I'm more of an Economist guy.

And I get my influences from personal beliefs, personal experience and places like this: http://www.urban.org/decisionpoints08/index.cfm
and this: http://www.issues2000.org/default.htm
and this: http://www.npr.org/
and this: http://www.economist.com/

(and no those aren't the only four places. just some examples)

Just like the joke the Republican get all there news from fox!

I am a Economist guy as well! Nice sources, I use them too to make a judgement
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Obama/Biden is the only sensible choice. My only concern with Obama/Biden is that they will drag their feet with ending the Occupation in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan. The evidence keeps coming out of Iraq that Iraq is "ready to lead herself." They have $68billion sitting in a bank in New York and want to buy F-16s from the U.S.

Hmmm. Me thinks a country ready to spend money on Arms is ready to defend herself. Wtf, seriously, are we doing in Iraq at this point? Just burning up $15bil a month for nothing.....
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

That should be a great ad!!! pretty good.
First I want to thank AFA for changing this thread title back to "Election 2008" from the silly one it got when it was merged with another thread.


McCain, Obama raise doubts about bailout plan

WASHINGTON - Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain raised doubts about the Bush administration's $700 billion bailout and demanded conditions that could snag its quick passage through the highly partisan Congress."

They both make good points on the bailout should not just be a blank check for 700 biilion to bail out wall street and financial industry.While it may be important that this bill not be delayed very long in order to stabilize the markets it should also not be so rushed that we get little in return and there are no conditions on the money being given.
First I want to thank AFA for changing this thread title back to "Election 2008" from the silly one it got when it was merged with another thread.


McCain, Obama raise doubts about bailout plan

WASHINGTON - Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain raised doubts about the Bush administration's $700 billion bailout and demanded conditions that could snag its quick passage through the highly partisan Congress."

They both make good points on the bailout should not just be a blank check for 700 biilion to bail out wall street and financial industry.While it may be important that this bill not be delayed very long in order to stabilize the markets it should also not be so rushed that we get little in return and there are no conditions on the money being given.

Limiting Executive pay is a real talking point on these bailouts. I am not interested in 17 + Million dollar salaries with benefits on our tax dollar. They should set a base salary based on performance on turn around.
Limiting Executive pay is a real talking point on these bailouts. I am not interested in 17 + Million dollar salaries with benefits on our tax dollar. They should set a base salary based on performance on turn around.

What we should do is only allow CEO pay to be a certain multiple of what the average worker in the company makes.If the average worker is making lets say $40,000 the CEO would only be allowed to say make maybe 10 times that or $400,000 not the 150 times many get now.Even McCain said today that the heads of things like Fannie and Freddie which are private/public entities should not be paid more than what any top govt official makes.Even he probably for political reasons sees people are goig to turn their anger against these overpaid corporate crooks soon.
Nader! Only one who supports the withdraw from the middle east and opposes the patriot act, h.r. 1955(homegrown terrorism act), the corporations and special interest groups, is for single payer healthcare, is also against fisa, nafta, wto....


I donated to his campaign today! :thumbsup: