Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You just said it..as long as you remain undefeated (or maybe 1 loss). Therein lies the point...The implications of remaining undefeated for every team in the system every week creates the weekend and week-out excitement.:2 cents:
I agree that the importance of each game is amplified but what if you already have 2 losses? Take Oklahoma last year....they had the misfortune of losing their starting QB to injury, lost a couple of games early and that was all she wrote. If there were a playoff system, there would still have been hope. That's the reason that every major sports league has gone to the divisional format (some with wild card teams to boot in some instances). The idea is to keep fans of as many teams as possible hopeful that their team could still be champion. That concept needs to be brought to college football from my perspective.
Oh I don't see that as the point at all. Pro football has 4 more regular season games and beyond the excitement of particular match ups, early season games are nearly irrelevant IMO.
Irrelevent? That's a bit strong. So if a team starts out 0-3, no big deal? I don't think so.
When a pro football team fights to stay unbeaten...(or not as in the case of last season's Colts)..it's merely for the record books.
Exactly. That's because you can lose some games and still have a shot at the title. Going undefeated is not the goal. Winning the championship is.
Well my point was it's needs to be done either one way or the other. Not this quasi playoff (does exist in conferences with stupid championship games)/Poll/Bowl system.:2 cents:
I agree.
College football has a unique excitement for a reason....just be careful for what you all wish for.
Can you imagine the excitement if the winner of the Cotton Bowl got to go on to the next round of the playoffs instead of just getting some meaningless plaque and a healthy paycheck? How excited does anyone get about the Cotton Bowl now? The answer is, unless your team happens to be playing in it, no one does.
I remember (boy am I dating myself here) the great hue and cry that was going on when MLB went to the divisional playoff format in 1969. All the purists were screaming about how the game was being destroyed, winning the league means nothing now, blah blah blah. I think that has worked out pretty well and I would predict the same result for college football.