I drink ALOT of tap water. I wouldnt be sad to see the bottles go.Most of the time when I do have a bottled water,I drink that then fill it back up with tap water.
Seeing some things in HD might not be fantastic though lol. For instance seeing stretch marks thats you wouldnt normally see and scars. Not a big deal just saying.
I loved Korn when i was in middle school but then I grew up to realize that it was shit. If I had to pick an album that I would call my fav it would be Life is Peachy..
I just wanted to say that Hatebreed was so brutal last night. I loved it so much. As always I loved Type O Negative but there set list wasn't to my liking. 3 Inches of Blood was also there. They would be much better w/o the lead singer pulling out the Iron Maiden style vocals.:banger:
Im not much for lists but here goes. "My" top albums:Not in actual order.
Hate Eternal-Fury & Flame
Hate Eternal-I Monarch
Behemoth-The Apostasy
Nile-Annihilation of the Wicked
Cannibal Corpse-Bloodthirst
Gojira-From Mars to Sirus