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  1. nealdrox

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Go Blue Jackets. They have made a big splash thus far plus they resigned Hitchcock. Only going up from here fellas.
  2. nealdrox

    Mixed Martial Arts

    Well tonight is the night where Rampage destroys Forrest.
  3. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2007-2008

    Bluejackets have had almost a total makeover.
  4. nealdrox

    What game are you waiting for?

    The new Guilty Gear for 360.
  5. nealdrox

    what will you do with bush's rebate check?

    Mine went towards car repairs.
  6. nealdrox

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    In Hell
  7. nealdrox

    carmella bing or gianna michaels

    Bing in this Poll as well. She is better looking in my opinion.
  8. nealdrox

    Carmella Bing VS Austin Kincaid

    Bing w/o a doubt.
  9. nealdrox

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Claire Dames
  10. nealdrox

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Bad Santa
  11. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2007-2008

    I just hope Jackets did enough this offseason to make a run at it.
  12. nealdrox

    Official 2008 NFL Thread

    So Najeh Davenport is released. He would make a great fit in alot of places.
  13. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2007-2008

    Man I cant believe they got Kolzig. WOW! So are they going to just use Johnson as their Goalie?
  14. nealdrox

    The end of Bottled Water sales in the U.S.?

    I drink ALOT of tap water. I wouldnt be sad to see the bottles go.Most of the time when I do have a bottled water,I drink that then fill it back up with tap water.
  15. nealdrox

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Claire Dames again
  16. nealdrox

    How do you feel about your boss?

    My Boss is one of my better friends.
  17. nealdrox

    2008 MLB Thread

    The Reds are still well below .500 though.
  18. nealdrox

    2008 MLB Thread

    Well my Reds are on a tear.
  19. nealdrox

    Mortal Kombat vs the DC Universe

    I will give it a shot. I just hope they have Cassandra Cain(Batgirl)
  20. nealdrox

    favorite south park character

    If you french fry when you should have pizza'd. You going to have a bad time!
  21. nealdrox

    Selma Blair

    So her.
  22. nealdrox

    Alexis Bledel

    She is so damn hot. Oh and I like the good girl look in the show.
  23. nealdrox

    Any experiences with Blu-Ray?

    Seeing some things in HD might not be fantastic though lol. For instance seeing stretch marks thats you wouldnt normally see and scars. Not a big deal just saying.
  24. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2007-2008

    Sad about my boy Andrew Raycroft.
  25. nealdrox

    Tarantino wants Tera Patrick for cult remake...

    This makes me interested. Not because of Tera but because of Tarantino coming out with a new flick.
  26. nealdrox

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

  27. nealdrox

    favorite south park character

    1st-Randy Marsh and 2nd-Tweek.
  28. nealdrox

    Pics from my latest shoot

    Very nice!
  29. nealdrox

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Great choice:thumbsup:
  30. nealdrox

    Boy Gets Decapitated at Six Flags

    Very tragic indeed but I agree with hedonis.
  31. nealdrox

    GIANT Squid Carcass !

    Yeah that would be badass and Id shit my pants if i was to ever see it.
  32. nealdrox


    I loved Korn when i was in middle school but then I grew up to realize that it was shit. If I had to pick an album that I would call my fav it would be Life is Peachy..
  33. nealdrox

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

  34. nealdrox

    Well saw Hatebreed w/ Type O last night.

    I just wanted to say that Hatebreed was so brutal last night. I loved it so much. As always I loved Type O Negative but there set list wasn't to my liking. 3 Inches of Blood was also there. They would be much better w/o the lead singer pulling out the Iron Maiden style vocals.:banger:
  35. nealdrox

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    History of Violence
  36. nealdrox

    Mixed Martial Arts

    The Sanchez fight owned. I do hate him but good fight.
  37. nealdrox

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Claire Dames
  38. nealdrox

    Elizabeth Hurley / Liz Hurley

    Re: Elizabeth / Liz Hurley
  39. nealdrox

    Lindsay Lohan
  40. nealdrox

    Keira Knightley

    Re: Keira Knightley / Kiera Knightly
  41. nealdrox

    Adult Swim

    How could I have forget Metalocalypse. Easily my favorite on there then ATHF. I own the First Season of Metalocalypse and it was worth my 25 bux.
  42. nealdrox

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Silent Hill
  43. nealdrox

    Your top 25 metal albums of alltime?

    Im not your friend buddy!!! lol better stop here before it ruins this thread.
  44. nealdrox

    Your top 25 metal albums of alltime?

    Im not your buddy guy!!! (south park joke if u didnt know lol) I wasn't busting your balls but not everybody is going to like Pantera lol.
  45. nealdrox

    Adult Swim

  46. nealdrox

    Your top 25 metal albums of alltime?

    People have their own tastes. Get real.
  47. nealdrox

    Your top 25 metal albums of alltime?

    Im not much for lists but here goes. "My" top albums:Not in actual order. Hate Eternal-Fury & Flame Hate Eternal-I Monarch Origin-Atithesis Behemoth-Demigod Behemoth-The Apostasy Vader-Litany Nile-Annihilation of the Wicked Cannibal Corpse-Bloodthirst Gojira-From Mars to Sirus Slipknot-Iowa...
  48. nealdrox

    New babe added to FreeOnes: Tara Ryan

    Some good links already. Good work.
  49. nealdrox

    Gemma Massey

    By far my favorite set of her. :thumbsup: