I get this notification after almost every post and I don't see how. I clearly said something different in each reply yet it says its a duplicate post within the last 5 minutes. Any help?? :dunno:
needs moved to the right section,sorry lol
Mallrats. I dislike most of his flicks but I mainly dislike his shit ass comics. I was going to name my Girl if i had 1 Harley Quinn and of course he took my idea. GRRRRRR!!!!!. Sorry to go off topic but I needed to rant a lil.
Guy Gardner blows lol. I had almost all his spin-off comic run. I just enjoy Kyle's issues alot more it seems. As far as Hal goes I like his personality more than a Stewart. Oh my how i loved the Hal Jordan Rebirth run. Sorry Im a geek. ;)
Ok boys its going to be in full swing here soon. Lets hear the sleeper picks. Im going with Bengals in the AFC and Carolina(not a huge sleeper) in the NFC.
Well it happens quite alot to me. The bad thing is it is usually songs that I hate with the intensity of 1000 suns. God forbid me get a badass industrial beat in my head.
Well Reds didnt fair well against my other fav team the Red Sox. Im looking for a good series here. Homer Bailey is officially done it seems. 0-3 since being called back again.
Well My favorite genres of music are Death metal & Industrial. So if you could guess from that lyrics aren't the top of my cares when it comes to music lol.
Yeah plus I'm excited to see Hellboy 2. Also Hancock and Wanted(One of my favorite comic runs). As far as what is my fav so far its Hulk,Rambo & Harold & Kumar.