

I dont have a favorite album, I like songs from all of there albums
I used to have this idea:

If Korn ever turned into a Country band they could be called ''Korn On The Cob'' , and if they changed all their members to girls they could be called ''Sweet Korn''.

Just a stupid idea I had when I was young, Ive never really liked this band.


You guys will enjoy this . . . if you haven't seen it already.

The whole page now ! There's some funky stuff in Davis' collection.

Do you guys miss "Head" ? I do :(

Tell me - Does Fieldy Arvazu (SP ?) even really play bass or just pretend ? :laugh: I'd like to see what he sounds like solo.

Ha ! Davis says " I'd never drive the bug" lol !


All I know is that I couldn't sleep with shit like that under my roof !

"Pinhead" :1orglaugh :eek: :helpme: :shocked:
I loved Korn when i was in middle school but then I grew up to realize that it was shit. If I had to pick an album that I would call my fav it would be Life is Peachy..
My favorite two are the self-titled "Korn" and "Follow the Leader". Not a big fan, but a fan nonetheless.


So much of what passes for music today wouldn't be without electronics.

Commercial music producers today use a "focus group" medium ie - (visual appeal) , not so much, if any, sheer musical giftedness in their selection of new up and comers . . . and it shows.

KoRn is unique in style and they have an interesting history, really ! coming from a shit hole like bakersfield ! I give them merit for that.
I own none of their music btw
dos centavos
I didn't really didn't get into Korn until Follow the Leader came out. Ever since then I've got all of Korn's albums. I don't really have a favorite album as I like songs from each one of them.
So much of what passes for music today wouldn't be without electronics.
Bingo. Even today's most gifted guitarists would be no more than above average guitar players without all their effects pedals. Take, for instance, Tom Morello of Audioslave/Rage Against the Machine. He plays some of the most killer solos in rock today, but all his sounds are loaded with effects. I worked their show last year. I wasn't on backline for the show, so I didn't see any specifics on his pedal boards and effects racks, but I remember that there were a lot of them.
Commercial music producers today use a "focus group" medium ie - (visual appeal) , not so much, if any, sheer musical giftedness in their selection of new up and comers . . . and it shows.
I have literally worked literally hundreds of bands' shows where the bands wouldn't know what talent was if it kicked them in the face. One great example that I can think of was Hot Hot Heat. My dog has more musical talent than those guys, yet when I was taking them back to their hotel they just couldn't stop sucking each other's dicks over how they had stolen the show from the White Stripes. Sure, Meg got shit faced and she was fucked up when they got to the stage, but they managed to pull it off. That night there were about 6 bands on the bill (Hot Hot Heat, Death Cab For Cutie, White Stripes, and I can't remember the others), and there were about 7 ounces of talent distributed among all the bands. They were all there because teenagers found their image appealing, not because they had any real talent.
You guys will enjoy this . . . if you haven't seen it already.

The whole page now ! There's some funky stuff in Davis' collection.

Do you guys miss "Head" ? I do :(

Tell me - Does Fieldy Arvazu (SP ?) even really play bass or just pretend ? :laugh: I'd like to see what he sounds like solo.

Ha ! Davis says " I'd never drive the bug" lol !


Damn, you guys are harsh. They kicked ass at CBGB's on the DVD that came out. It was good stuff. I never said they were the baddest, but they can kick some ass at times.:wave:


Closed Account
I don't like their albums, but I like the songs they release. I've listened to most of the albums but I always feel like every song is the same :dunno:

I bought Untouchables the day it came out and took it back the next day. I liked about 2 songs and the rest just repeated itself.

They are definitely a "greatest hits" band in my opinion.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I have literally worked literally hundreds of bands' shows where the bands wouldn't know what talent was if it kicked them in the face. One great example that I can think of was Hot Hot Heat. My dog has more musical talent than those guys, yet when I was taking them back to their hotel they just couldn't stop sucking each other's dicks over how they had stolen the show from the White Stripes. Sure, Meg got shit faced and she was fucked up when they got to the stage, but they managed to pull it off. That night there were about 6 bands on the bill (Hot Hot Heat, Death Cab For Cutie, White Stripes, and I can't remember the others), and there were about 7 ounces of talent distributed among all the bands. They were all there because teenagers found their image appealing, not because they had any real talent.

sad but true. I've never heard of the bands you mentioned in this post, except the white stripes and they suck monkey balls. I can only imagine how fucked the rest of the bands were.