what's the difference between Blu-Ray and normal DVD??
Resolution is higher. Even at it's lowest resolution, the difference in bitrate.. or.. how much data.. or think of it as *quality* is being pushed to the screen will be higher in both video and audio. DVD used mpeg2, BluRay uses H.264 or basically an mpeg4 variant.
All codec progress basically tried to keep the quality consistent while lowering the overall bitrate to allow for a less-is-more kinda deal. Imagine a 4 lane highway filled with traffic. Mpeg2 is akin to 4 lanes of cadillacs while h.264 is 4 lanes of mini coopers. You can fit more into the same space. Yeah. ::scratches head:: I hope that isnt confusing, cuz that's the simple version.
DVD movies are stored on discs capable of holding about 8 gigabytes. BluRay movies have about 50 gigabytes to work with. On a sidenote, because of the difference in how the menu is conveyed to you on BluRay as opposed to DVD.. (dvd simply played mpeg2 movie clips in the background for each possible scene or option selected. BluRay uses java to bring you menu options so a negligible amount of space is saved 'cuz it doesnt *have* to include intro/outro versions of each menu choice. Not that DVD manufacturers really had to go to such extremes while animating their dvd menus.. but.. ::shrug:: They waste plenty of space with soundtracks and repeating background clips. Just thought I'd mention it.)
Pretty much every station/channel is broadcasting in h.264 now, I believe. Cable, satellite.. iTunes.. YouTube.. probably half the cell phones out there support it these days. Not the same resolution or bitrate, a'course.. but it's a step in the right direction, regardless. So rest assured that the BluRay codec isnt going to be a proprietary relic a few years from now. It's widely accepted.
Oh, and the disc is slightly
blue. Feels
thinner, lighter. Bends a bit easier and is a lil more transparent than DVD or CD.
That's something I've noticed on my own, soo.. that might just be in my head but it does feel lighter and sorta flimsy. But so did those unbreakable plastic combs during picture day in school. I tell ya, plastics are interesting things.