GIANT Squid Carcass !


Giant squid found off Santa Cruz dissected by researchers

Article Launched: 06/26/2008

SANTA CRUZ - Researchers dissected what they believe is a giant squid Thursday at Long Marine Lab, but are far from answering some of the most obvious questions about the dead animal, which was found on Wednesday floating about 20 miles off the coast.

Marine biologists from UC Santa Cruz and the Hopkins Marine Station, among other institutes, removed samples, checked for parasites and determined the exact length and circumference of the animal - about 16 feet and four feet, respectively. A fully intact giant squid is about 25 feet in length, including its tentacles, according to Guy Oliver, a marine biologist at UCSC.


How big was the ink tank ? lol !
We're gonna need a bigger boat


knows petras secret: she farted.
yuck, in that state its gonna reek of ammonia and anyone who had an appetite will lose it before u can say "fish and chips." i love giant squid though, so mysterious.


Closed Account
I'm always disapointed by these giant squid stories. When you finally see a photo of one it never seems that "giant"... Sure, it's big, but when I see when pull down an ocean liner then I'll take notice.


knows petras secret: she farted.
I'm always disapointed by these giant squid stories. When you finally see a photo of one it never seems that "giant"... Sure, it's big, but when I see when pull down an ocean liner then I'll take notice.

i know what u mean, the size exaggeration is the length of those 2 large food grabbing tentacles. i forget the term. those things make most of its length.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'm always disapointed by these giant squid stories. When you finally see a photo of one it never seems that "giant"... Sure, it's big, but when I see when pull down an ocean liner then I'll take notice.

exactly! :thumbsup:


Postal Paranoiac
It fucked with The Seaview one time too may.
Many of the squid's body parts were missing, bitten off by whatever feasted on the animal before or after it floated to the surface of Monterey Bay.

:eek: I don't even wanna imagine what could've done that to a creature that big. :eek: