Yeah its nice (when it happens over here in the UK). Most of the times its just too cold to sit outside in T shirt and shorts. When the hot days do roll in, unfortunatly they sometimes only last a few hours before going. I envy your sexyful weather :(
not quite sure what this chicks name is, think she has a few aliases. I first seen her on the clubtug website. I came across this tonight on my internet travels and wondered if anyone has anymore links of her? or any more of this specific video...
Re: Ass Cumshots ( On Ass not In ass) #2 - vid 1
if they DID do it in London / England, a mod type feel to it would be pretty cool i think, being able to dress your character up in loafers and lambretta clothes lol :D
there was GTA London all them years back on PS1 if anyone remembers it, thats the only one thats been done outside of the USA. GTA is one of the best games of all time and all, but it does need to branch out and try somewhere different.
she could be professional, or just come on the scene. but ive noticed alot of sites that have european girls on there always just use the girls first name only (in most cases)
yep that list is pretty shitty, wall-e wouldnt even make my top 500. most of the films are for the older generation so maybe that gives us a clue as to who wrote this list.
Alexa something, so the site says
the first episode when you scroll down (same girl if im not mistaken?)
my city of birth is best known for the legend of robin hood!
heres the statue of robin in our city:
ouchies....but i wouldnt mind it if it was the girl in your avatar who slipped accidently. I might be a little upset, but that ass would make me feel much betterings