Seems to me it's a bit dissapointing... the 360 degree function rocks, though.
The PSN update this week will have a PES 10 demo. Dl it to try it, I'd say. I will for sure!! Hard to say which one is going to be the better one, but that's the one I want!
I played it recently I thought it was OK, downloading PES 10 at the mo so will see if its any good. What did you not like about it?
The gameplay is too much arcade. It's all way too easy. No real tangible improvements compared to 2k9, if you ask me.
The graphics aren't that important too me, but they do suck big time.
I used to be a FIFA fan but got into Pro Evo through friends in 2001. I've bought every Pro Evo since then until now, as I've ordered Fifa 2010 instead this year. Pro Evo has gone downhill IMO:2 cents:
They bring new edition of Fifa every year and the graphics is the same always. The only difference are some new players and teams, stadiums and the crowd...
Electronic Arts have established gold mine and they are working 24/7/365
Hey paveman. Yeah, I played the PES demo and liked it, but it was just a bit too similar. I played as Italy and beat France 4-0 and was a bit turned off by that. One of the things I liked about the FIFA demo is that its a new game to me and it'll be fun to master. Plus I want the leagues and competitions for a change. So fed up with changing North London Reds to Arsenal every year. :2 cents: