Girl on top, SLIP... Penis CRUSH! Has it ever happened to you?


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If so, how bad was it in your case? Did it result in an actual penile fracture?
Were your erections ever quite the same again? How long did you take to heal? What way did your penis bend - and is that the way it healed?

Do tell...
Does happen, can happen and...will happen. Ouch:o (perhaps a couple days, no permanent damage last time I checked LOL).

Honest thread:thumbsup:
I guess, I'm lucky. After the nuclear power plant next door exploded, I mutated and became half human, half lizard. I can now detach my dick at will and regrow it in a few hours.

^You got a costume for that (and movie rights?? ) ;)
yup, and you get a little wiser for it too
Sorry. Never heard of a penis fracture, let alone actually had one. This must have happened to you, if so, sorry for your bad luck.
Happened to me a couple of times, but there was this one time when it was more brutal. It hurt for like 24 hours and then went back to normal. penis "fractures" can actually happen though, I bet you'd know for sure if you'd get one of those


what the fuck you lookin at?
Happened once. Bent close to 90 degrees in the middle. Didn't do any damage but hurt like hell. After a minute or so to recoup, I went on to blow my load deep inside her! Never had any problems since, that was 10 years ago!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
It's not a matter of "if" it has happened. It's just a matter of "when" it will happen.


Closed Account
You guys are having way more exciting sex than I am it sounds like. Just settle down there boys. I just prefer to be on top myself.

The only slippage I've had is where it slipped out and moved toward her ass, to which there was a quick, "Whoa" and a high pitch squeal. Didn't hurt me, but gave her quite the surprise.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I binged this and found no documented episodes. You may, in the history of mankind, be the first to have it happen to you. Call Dr. Phil, Oprah and Maury to see if you can get on their shows. This "Penis Crush" may be a result of all the additives in our food and drink. This incident may be the onset of a pandemic of bent and broken cocks around the country. Be responsible, report it. Heck, call you local TV stations and see if they will do a story on it.


Oooooh I been there, brother.

Never had any serious lasting damage. But it always ruins the moment. Like when your eating her ass and she farts.
If so, how bad was it in your case? Did it result in an actual penile fracture?
Were your erections ever quite the same again? How long did you take to heal? What way did your penis bend - and is that the way it healed?

Do tell...

ouchies....but i wouldnt mind it if it was the girl in your avatar who slipped accidently. I might be a little upset, but that ass would make me feel much betterings

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The only slippage I've had is where it slipped out and moved toward her ass, to which there was a quick, "Whoa" and a high pitch squeal. Didn't hurt me, but gave her quite the surprise.

I've heard stories about guys getting their dicks bent to the point of causing damage, but can't say I've had it happen.

I think the AAI (Accidental Anal Insertion) is more common... especially when there's alcohol involved. The girl is "looser" and the guy's not paying as much attention to his strokes. But when you start thinking, "Damn, her pussy is tight!" and she gets this look :eek:, you know Mr. Johnson is somewhere new & different.

Hey Straightshooter, hope it works out. But if you can get our little pal Banjo in this thread, he'll bump it for you for the next 3-5 years... EVERY day! :D