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  1. PornKhaos

    Rearrange The Letters

  2. PornKhaos

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! Jeremy Kyle, a morning chat show shown here in the UK, where all the chavs go on to find out who the father of their baby is or if there partner has cheated. This morning theres a couple on it who accuse their grandchild of stealing their pension. Good ol' England.
  3. PornKhaos

    Alphabet Location

  4. PornKhaos

    Word Association

  5. PornKhaos

    Top 10 Hardest Video Games of All Time...

    lol! I never played that game but it looks like a pain in the arse.
  6. PornKhaos

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! Terminator 3
  7. PornKhaos

    What are you drinking right now?

    Orange & Mango High Juice from ASDA.
  8. PornKhaos

    Finish the Sentence

    chocolate, as its know to give you...
  9. PornKhaos

    Vagina Hero Game

    lmao! best game ever! I remember back in the old playstation one days my friend brought round a virtual sex game where you could use feathers on her nipples, ice cubes to rub down her body and so on, going through a whole process to reach the wanted climax. Wish i still had that :(
  10. PornKhaos

    Best Facial Part - X

    Re: Best Facial Part XI that would be the beautiful aletta ocean
  11. PornKhaos

    Word Association TWO

    rest room
  12. PornKhaos

    Word Association

  13. PornKhaos

    Alphabet Location

  14. PornKhaos

    Hitch a Ride on The Word Train

  15. PornKhaos

    Hitch a Ride on The Word Train

  16. PornKhaos

    Big Tits Cumshots / Big Breasts Drenched in Cum

    Re: Big tits cumshots #6 - bit of both here facial and titshot
  17. PornKhaos

    Best Facial Part - X

    Re: Best Facial Part XI thanks sebadont, heres some more :);p=2...
  18. PornKhaos

    Word Association TWO

    top heavy
  19. PornKhaos

    Word Association

  20. PornKhaos


  21. PornKhaos

    Banner girl

    HOT!! Thats what ill call her 'till we find out :)
  22. PornKhaos

    Who is this asian big girl?

    no idea but her legs are fucking HUGE!
  23. PornKhaos

    Girls night out .... Id the one on the right

    nah dont think its that Dionne but wish i knew who she was, shes hot even if she does look a little plastic.
  24. PornKhaos

    Hitch a Ride on The Word Train

  25. PornKhaos

    Alphabet Location

  26. PornKhaos

    you look so hot Ellie!

    you look so hot Ellie!
  27. PornKhaos

    Word Association

  28. PornKhaos

    Word Association TWO

    strap up
  29. PornKhaos

    Word Association

    on (writing this in brackets because the message was too short.)
  30. PornKhaos

    Best Facial Part - X

    Re: Best Facial Part XI
  31. PornKhaos

    what game are you playing right now?

    Im playing on RE5 on Slayers mode, nice little extra game mode they made, even if i did have to pay for it lol. Also gonna play on some COD:WAW later (if anyone wants to play with me on it message me and ill give you my PSN)
  32. PornKhaos

    Top 10 Hardest Video Games of All Time...

    i agree with zells list more than the original list. R Types were fucking HARD, when it started getting overly hectic, and required that bubble thing you could pick up that sticks on the front of your ship to be switched from back to front every few minutes. Great games though.
  33. PornKhaos

    Guys wanted to be a part of the SUCK OFF RACES

    depends, could be so many men that turn up who will bust there load in a minute or so. Either way i think its quite disgusting to be honest.
  34. PornKhaos

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! im watching starship troopers right now, getting ready to see the arachnids do some slaughtering!
  35. PornKhaos

    Word Association

  36. PornKhaos

    Word Association

  37. PornKhaos

    Word Association

  38. PornKhaos

    The Video Games Thread

    yeah the old games were awesome. I remember playing some old games not so long ago and my brother came into my room and started taking the piss just because i have a PS3 sitting next to me yet im playing on Mario. Anyone remember Golden Axe and R Type? two of my fav old classics.
  39. PornKhaos

    Random Statement Thread II

    I like sausage.
  40. PornKhaos

    Street Fighter IV

    I spoke about seth in another thread a few minutes ago too. He is a pain in the fucking arse. Even on VERY EASY (hint in the name there) he can piss you off to the maximum. I chose Sagat and went for it on Very Hard to see what its like, and suprisingly guess what happened? yep i got my arse kicked.
  41. PornKhaos

    The Video Games Thread

    Good job then really because GTA IV is near enough perfect as it is. Still top price over here in the UK (£39.99)
  42. PornKhaos

    shooters, 1st or 3rd person?

    I voted for fuck you legz only because i didnt have the option to vote for "im undecided". Its hard to say which i prefer because it all depends on the game. Call of Duty series are epic because there 1st person, Resident Evil 5 is epic because its 3rd person.
  43. PornKhaos

    360 or ps3?

    i heard about this game, this will be awesome! Resistance 2 is the biggest online game ive played so far (with up to 60 players) also, sorry for the triple post! :)
  44. PornKhaos

    360 or ps3?

    :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Not to be a dickhead or anything but you have seen the xbox controllers havent you??? I dont care what anybody says playstation has always had one of the best controllers.
  45. PornKhaos

    360 or ps3?

    PS3 for me, always been a playstation gamer. Xbox's are good consoles and have a great online experience but they seem to be more faulty than PS3's. Ive had my PS3 for about 2 years and have only had 1 problem with it (which was it wouldnt play a certain game for a while but then it stopped...
  46. PornKhaos

    Video Games & Levels you HATE

    theres quite a few i used to have hatrid for, 1 being Street Fighter, one of the worst games to get you angry. If anyone's played the recent street fighter and has faced seth or gouken on very hard then you'll know what im talking about. You seem to be able to get through all the other...