why do we have wild kids committing crimes never before seen ?
It wouldn't have anything even remotely to do with politiks would it ?
How about the beating down of the American father figure over the years... when have you ever heard anything that is complimentary or encouraging about a traditional family unit in today's multi media ? ,The only thing that I've been hearing over the years is : "Single mother... single parent.. single mother ..single mother... mom
mommy", it's as if the father never existed ! Also - "same sex marriage, same sex marriage and
same sex marriage," ad nauseam ! Are you as sick and tired of this invention as I am ?
Johnny and his two daddies and Heather and her two mommies and you wonder why our young people are runnin' around like wild hyenas ? They're pissed and confused ! Their country is changing before their eyes
I'm just getting started, won't you join me ?
More later