Thunder tits

type of tits I like:

  • small

    Votes: 5 3.2%
  • meadium - sharp pointed

    Votes: 31 19.9%
  • big/large which i can handle

    Votes: 82 52.6%
  • huge

    Votes: 38 24.4%

  • Total voters


Closed Account
is it just me, or is there a lot of really old threads that are being brought back from the dead lately? plus, some of them are just so stupid
You forgot the "All of the Above" option.

That's what I would have picked if given that option.
Natural or fake should have been added as options too.
I don't care about the size of a chics tits. Although
I prefer natural breastesses, I wouldn't reject a chic
if she had fake ( * Y * )
They're definitely big but I wouldn't call them huge.