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  1. 2

    Need some help from fellow pot smokers...

    Check if it's heredatery... or whatever in the family. I had nose bleeds every night for a few years where I'd wake up and look like I was shot. My pill would be consumed of blood. It can be caused by dryness, but if you have too much blood at times I think this can cause it also. This was...
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    Google stops censoring Chinese internet

    And everyone looks at hackers in an evil way. Don't worry Hackers will always stay above the game and figure out ways to unblock sites for the people. Hackers are the reason everything runs so smoothly without them you wouldn't have such great security programs or cool tricks for changing...
  3. 2

    24788, What in the Sam Hell is it With All These Potholes?

    It's simple when water freezes it expands. repetitive freezing and unthawing fucks it up. Who the fuck drives in Minnesota... We ride polar bears to be honest.
  4. 2

    Religion, Science, Aliens, Chickens, and etc

    Well, you were right actually. Big bang theory is somewhat different. Different scientists believe different things before the big bang theory took place. Some believe it was just made up of particles before the big bang occured, so you were right. My idea was a belief of what some scientists...
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    Religion, Science, Aliens, Chickens, and etc

    The big bang theory thought that there was particles that came together.
  6. 2

    Religion, Science, Aliens, Chickens, and etc

    In science there was. The space was filled with particles from the start according to science.
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    Religion, Science, Aliens, Chickens, and etc

    I'm trying to go before the big bang theory. I know it's a "theory", but there isn't much before it and they say there was always something.
  8. 2

    It's over! My now ex-girlfriend called off the wedding today.

    I only read the title. ;)
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    Religion, Science, Aliens, Chickens, and etc

    How does something start from nothing? Am I insane for not understanding that the fact that something had to start from absolutely nothing? No matter what your views are you got to wonder what even happened before the big bang, god, aliens, or the old "chicken or egg" question? How does a...
  10. 2

    Pushback time: Idaho threatens to sue

    I'm really starting to buy into the NWO due to the government trying to control everything now. It's really starting to become a huge problem. The government is already controlling too much of our lives and it's clearly not working.
  11. 2

    Proof that America is doomed

    MTV, G4 - after a while tv stations go no where.
  12. 2

    Myspace summed up in one screenshot.

    What is this myspace? Some sort of sex and drug website where the kids go and get high off fumes or just another really bad socialing network even though it was the first one that gained popularity. Tom cashed out at the right time for 700m.
  13. 2

    Jesse James Cheated on Sandra Bullock with this?

    lulz tattoo on the head. I wish I was that cool P(. fuck it that's a upside down face.
  14. 2

    MK Utra, Pornoindustry & Sex Slaves

    I got to ask how you found that site? 9m alexa rank... LOLZ, my newly uploaded site had 4.5m after 1 week. lulz
  15. 2

    The world's shortest man, He Pingping, dies aged 21

    What a cool name.
  16. 2

    Why do some guys try to act like the Sopranos???

    That job you asked for Electra is done. The trash has been eliminated.
  17. 2

    It's a tough time for the trolls here. :(

    It's a depressing time for our trolls at freeones. Many of the trolls are having a hard time surviving since the expert trolls seem to control the game. 1. The "tits or gtfo" thing doesn't work because many people have tits in pictures or signatures around the forum. 2. Blue and Greg have...
  18. 2

    What do blind people jack off to?

    Masturbation won't turn you blind lulz. Sounds like a religion myth or something made by a person to get someone to stop jacking off. Masturbation is actually healthy in moderation. Trust me no masturbation before a test 70% on the test and 30% on the female in front of me. Masturbation before...
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    Upgrade it until you can't see the person eating it anymore. It doesn't matter what it is I'll work my ass off to burn it off. Food is part of life and should be enjoyed, but in moderation.
  20. 2

    need a favor

    so you want me to make the pictures smaller? They are probably fake anyways if it's a celebrity.
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    Can you turn a porn star into a housewife?

    I was just being random.
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    Can you turn a porn star into a housewife?

    I can't speak for you, but I would have no problem with it. I'd probably have to find them a rich dude though. I wouldn't marry a retired pornstar though for the most part since most of them are at least 10 years older than me that are really recognizable.
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    Robert Pattinson

    I have no idea who this was until I scrolled down. He's that guy from Twilight?
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    MLB's radical realignment

    If it works then only try to make small improvements every year and see if that works rather than trying to change it completely.
  25. 2

    ★★ Come Party with FreeOnes in Los Angeles April 3rd!★★

    Porn is roughly a 3 billion dollar business. If they get one person to join a monthly site usually the site that referred the person makes a cut because they referred the person. I'm not exactly sure on freeones business model and I'm not 100% sure how things work in porn, but I'm sure it's...
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    Military people - I need advice on DQ's.

    You guys are terrible people. :(
  27. 2

    Oceans Are Rapidly Losing Oxygen

    I have lived in the ocean for years and it's becoming difficult to breathe under water. Of course you NEED to try this. ;)
  28. 2

    Military people - I need advice on DQ's.

    Will I be DQed for telling them... Everyone says lie, but if they find out your dishonorably discharged with fucks up a ton of opportunities. I used pot 10x in high school. I used meds for 2 weeks for add then quit without doctors permission to quit? I had a parking ticket. I was fired...
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    im going into the military

    meant airforce
  30. 2

    im going into the military

    Us army - something easy and I plan on going into computers. Jobless and homeless. I can go get my degree in food science while working with computers as my job. Sounds really fun actually.
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    will you guys pray for me?

    Yea but this is a 24 hour starbucks and its cold at night. Just wish I had a warm place to stay at night.
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    will you guys pray for me?

    Alright, I need to research this. I drove out to indiana since I got kicked out. Want to start a life, but itls a hardtime right now all I got is starbucks.
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    will you guys pray for me?

    I'm on day 3 of being homeless and it sucks. I'm not sure where to go yet.
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    Dropped my iPhone in a sink full of water today.

    Your supossed to unplug the battery as soon as it happens. Keep it off for 3 days and put it in a bowl of dry rice to help dry it off.
  35. 2

    30 Years Ago Today: Do you believe in miracles?

    Hockey *drools* going to watch the games tomorrow since I don't work. Lulz.
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    Is porn becoming too fetish based for your liking?

    I think once you have to watch porn and find new areas to jack off such as fetishs and such. Your probably watching way too much porn. I love to jerk it just to get rid of it, so I can think clearly. Helps for studying and getting work done.
  37. 2

    Terminated/Fired Today - making a video later

    I'm not really mad. I'm disapointed a company would do this though. I'm a college kid and we goof around, but to fire someone for making fun of themselves. That's just "epic".
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    Terminated/Fired Today - making a video later

    Haha, I did, but as it says in the rules "making of other employees in not acceptable". I guess you can't make fun of yourself on company ground.
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    Terminated/Fired Today - making a video later

    I have a great story to share with you guys. Today, February 22nd, 2010 I was fired from my current employer Lowes. It's not something you can ever guess why either. It's so rare to be fired this way it's not even funny and how I managed to pull it off is amazing. On our schedule for the...
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    Photo of Petra

    haha, did I get your hopes up?
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    Photo of Petra

    David Petraeus that is. I have no idea what the story is about, but I thought you'd enjoy the photo. :)
  42. 2

    Cat Limps Home With ARROW Through Its HEAD !!!

    haha, that's awesome. Mr. Warrior cat can't be taken down by your arrows of hate. He will go back for his revenge.
  43. 2

    What If Freeones Never Existed?

    Someone else would of thought of the idea.
  44. 2

    I don't have much time. Thought I'd come on here and ask.

    That's a possibility. I could of left them there.
  45. 2

    Why does undead646 love polls so much?

    Get em!
  46. 2

    I don't have much time. Thought I'd come on here and ask.

    I just remembered I sold them for "loops". My fault. This thread is a mistake. :(
  47. 2

    Answering the Bush "Miss Me Yet?" Billboard: Do you miss George W. Bush as President?

    Re: Answering the Bush "Miss Me Yet?" Billboard: Do you miss George W. Bush as Presid Non-American thinking makes you a terrorist silly. How did you not know this?
  48. 2

    Health and Nutrition Thread

    Yea, doesn't mean you can eat it all the time either. I hate people who eat fruits only as a diet. I'm going to eat more fruit I think for all my meals to lose weight... Just annoys me.
  49. 2

    Answering the Bush "Miss Me Yet?" Billboard: Do you miss George W. Bush as President?

    Nope, I love it shaved or trimmed at least. No need a bush