WASHINGTON — Lower levels of oxygen in the Earth's oceans, particularly off the United States' Pacific Northwest coast, could be another sign of fundamental changes linked to global climate change, scientists say.
SIGH, see? This is what I hate about everything that the media says in reference to anything scientific.
I just watched a special on the Science Channel just the other month that talked about ocean life and how it has been changing. Yes, they talked about Global Warming and how that was supposedly effecting the water, but they also talked about how there are tooooons of other factors that are killing off ocean life and changing the waters in which they live in. In fact, the scientists and experts in all fields related to oceanography, marine biology, etc., had all claimed that the main cause for all of the changes in the ocean were naturally occuring phenomenons and over fishing of certain species.
So, personally, when I hear news like this, all I can do is put my head in my hands and say, "Here we go again".