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  1. Deepcover

    Happy St Patrick's Day

    Went to a Toastmaster's session and one of the speakers mentioned in his speech the history of St Patrick's Day...Pretty cool
  2. Deepcover

    A high-risk sex offender may soon be released

    I am against execution. I'm sure he'll be under watch by LE
  3. Deepcover

    Who are you obsessed with at the moment? / Who are you really into right now?

    Re: Who are you obsessed with at the moment? Lacey Black Her cam shows and she's starting to look more mature and more sexy...
  4. Deepcover

    Interracial Thread

  5. Deepcover

    Interracial Thread

  6. Deepcover

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today? - - - Updated - - -
  7. Deepcover

    Please post hot black babes! (no hardcore)

    Re: Post HOT Ebony Babes Here! Tatiana Taylor
  8. Deepcover

    Thanks for the gorgeous rod rep..

    Thanks for the gorgeous rod rep..
  9. Deepcover

    The Tea Party Isn’t a Political Movement, It’s a Religious One

    Well what do you know...The Perry Mason of Freeones actually has a sense of humour...Well gosh darn...:P
  10. Deepcover

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    Sarah Polley
  11. Deepcover

    Problem seeing porn clips on Freeones

    Never mind...the Internet feds fixed the problem
  12. Deepcover

    The apathy of this board towards the Mike Brown shooting in Ferguson is commendable.

    Shame on you boobhead...Shame on you:nono:
  13. Deepcover

    Hope you're enjoying your retirement. I'm still figuring out what I want to do with my life. So...

    Hope you're enjoying your retirement. I'm still figuring out what I want to do with my life. So far I applied for theater technician job and possibly going back to school for retraining. Who knows...In any case thx for the rep:hatsoff:
  14. Deepcover

    Problem seeing porn clips on Freeones

    I noticed whenever I go to a certain porn website on FO, for example (,4236,0.html) I use to click on a scene and the clip would just play. Now I have to save it in order to see the clip. Why is that and how can I get this changed?
  15. Deepcover


    Well in the mean time you can take the Bernard Pivot quiz... 1. What is your favorite word? 2. What is your least favorite word? 3. What turns you on? 4. What turns you off? 5. What sound do you love? 6. What sound do you hate? 7. What is your favorite curse word? 8. What profession other...
  16. Deepcover

    The Tea Party Isn’t a Political Movement, It’s a Religious One

    Gee thanks.............................. TonTGAfn2zI
  17. Deepcover

    The Tea Party Isn’t a Political Movement, It’s a Religious One

    The Republican chicks are hot it's just that they got no brain in their fucking heads
  18. Deepcover

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Salt (2010)
  19. Deepcover

    The Johan appreciation thread

    Where I come from a lot of ppl can't believe I was born and raised in Canada. Racist idiots... For now, I'll take your comment as a compliment...
  20. Deepcover

    The Johan appreciation thread

    He knows far more about American politics then you'll ever know...I applaud his valuable efforts and political views. Sure we've disagree on some minor stuff cause i'm more of a Centrist (you guys called me an idiot, a socialist, communist or whatever) but overall, the dude definitely knows...
  21. Deepcover

    Awesome! It's a great film. Glad you got to see it :)

    Awesome! It's a great film. Glad you got to see it :)
  22. Deepcover

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Inception (2010)
  23. Deepcover

    Russian Redhead ID?

    Eva Berger :dunno:
  24. Deepcover

    What are you watching right now?

    The Book of Negroes
  25. Deepcover

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Don Jon (2013)
  26. Deepcover

    R.I.P To the notorious B.I.G THE BEST

    It's a conspiracy...
  27. Deepcover

    Who are you obsessed with at the moment? / Who are you really into right now?

    Re: Who are you obsessed with at the moment? Alyona Minkovski
  28. Deepcover

    R.I.P To the notorious B.I.G THE BEST

    It's a conspiracy...and no i'm not talking about Junior Mafia's album
  29. Deepcover

    Funny photos

  30. Deepcover

    R.I.P To the notorious B.I.G THE BEST

    Time to get paid blow up like the World Trade.. - - - Updated - - - Time to get paid blow up like the World Trade..
  31. Deepcover

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Angels in the Outfield (1951) Janet Leigh is hot!
  32. Deepcover

    Interracial Thread

  33. Deepcover

    Jami Tillotson Arrest

    AllI can say is what..the..hell 7qhzdxYnwhg
  34. Deepcover

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    The Whistleblower (1986) (1987-USA) Really enjoyed this film
  35. Deepcover

    Is the term "Porch Monkey" Racist?

    Reefer went back to the Hades cesspool where he belongs...
  36. Deepcover

    Is the term "Porch Monkey" Racist?

  37. Deepcover

    Vicky Vette Suing AdultFriendFinder

    :dito: Reminds me of a male performer suing an OCSM @ the moment...over video content or something of the sort but he won't win because he already signed the papers. Once one signs their name on a contract they've basically signed their life away...What's done is done
  38. Deepcover

    Is the term "Porch Monkey" Racist?

    The problem isn't me...The problem is him...He's just waiting to see me lose it online simply because of my previous comment and the fact that he purposely called me by a racial slur The lil showboat is prolly @ his granny's house right now writing a thorough rough draft of what to say...
  39. Deepcover

    Is the term "Porch Monkey" Racist?

    You're already dead to me :D How would you know I have a small one? What happened were you tired of jerking off to Jennifer Dark so you decided to wank and fantasize about me? lol
  40. Deepcover

    Is the term "Porch Monkey" Racist?

  41. Deepcover


    Fucking great. My only problem is the repetitive use of the girls saying the word big's like ok I get it. Otherwise great site, quality image is up to par and hot erotic ladies. Top notch website
  42. Deepcover

    Is the term "Porch Monkey" Racist?

    The choice is yours...on second thought for someone I can barely understand online it would be a waste of time killing you...Ignoring you would be much better...
  43. Deepcover

    Would you Date a Girl who has had Very Big Dicks?

    The OP should change his user name to Limp Biscuit..
  44. Deepcover

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?
  45. Deepcover

    Is the term "Porch Monkey" Racist?

    How about oink oink then? I'm juss curious