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  1. bahodeme

    [IMG]Happy Valentine's Day!

    [IMG]Happy Valentine's Day!
  2. bahodeme

    Happy Valentine's Day

    Happy Valentine's Day to you as well.
  3. bahodeme

    The voice of Space Ghost, Gary Owens, has died.

    Wow, I did not know all the narrations he did. R.I.P Mr. Owens
  4. bahodeme

    I was just watching "Be my Valentine, Charlie Brown," and I wondered......

    No, I just wish Snoopy would turn her to the "furry" side.
  5. bahodeme

    [IMG]Thanks for friending me! Oops! I see I already thanked you. Well thanks again :D

    [IMG]Thanks for friending me! Oops! I see I already thanked you. Well thanks again :D
  6. bahodeme

    Worst Kind of Snob?

    For me religious snobs. That their religion is the only way to salvation. When I did go to church one lady had a bumper sticker Not better, Just saved!!. By the way, I guess you can put me in as a coffee snob! Instant?!
  7. bahodeme

    Posters that you have bonded with

    Deepcover, MBG, Grower_Boy, Rane 1071, John_8581, BlkHawk, Jagger 69, Rey C, Red XXX are the ones I bonded with the most that are still here. That said there are quite a few that I get along with. I can count on one hand that I don't care for.
  8. bahodeme

    Fried Chicken And Watermelon

    There was a strip from Beetle Bailey where Sarge offered Lt. Flap some watermelon. Lt. Flap took it the wrong way and Sarge profusely apologized. The last frame Lt. Flap said while alone he really did want a slice of watermelon. My favorite thing to do with watermelon was to cut a small opening...
  9. bahodeme

    NFL Films founder Ed Sabol dies at age 98

    I made an error. John Facenda did the NFL films narrating.
  10. bahodeme

    NFL Films founder Ed Sabol dies at age 98

    Many N.F.L. fans know the voice from the majority of the highlights from the 60's and 70's footage.
  11. bahodeme

    Movies that you like that most people hate

    Ghost Rider Drive Angry Zombieland
  12. bahodeme

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    Bob's gone. Ty's gone. I know the guy from Everybody Loves Chris won't make it. So the pattern in all horror genres manifests.
  13. bahodeme

    Coach Dean E. Smith has passed away

    I just saw this. I was never really a Tar Heel fan but had a great deal of respect for Dean as a coach & a man.
  14. bahodeme

    Brian Williams lied about his copter being shot, forced down in Iraq

    Both sad and dumb. There was no reason to come up with this story and he never thought that someone would call him on it?? NBC Execs have egg on their face because he said this several times and either they never questioned it or went along with the lie for ratings.
  15. bahodeme

    Most Beautiful Face tournament: Jennifer Aniston vs. Emma Stone

    I chose Emma because she resembles Rose McGowan
  16. bahodeme

    The best white rap-musician ever

    I guess if we are going to clown on Mr. Ice...
  17. bahodeme

    Do You Smoke Marijuana Currently?

    The only thing weed and hash did was make me hungry and a little hyper.
  18. bahodeme

    The best white rap-musician ever

  19. bahodeme

    Curious Behavior By Driver in Gruesome Train/SUV Wreck

    I feel bad for Rick Hope as well as the people on the train. I'm sure will go to the grave with that image.
  20. bahodeme

    KFC or Popeye's: Which Do You Like Better?

    Out of the 2 KFC. I haven't been there and just saw on their site what you said about the hot n' spicy is true. I was hoping it was just regional. I now have one reason not to eat fast food.
  21. bahodeme

    What Should I Buy For My Lady On Valentine's Day?

    You could get a 1/2 carat tennis bracelet or earrings for around $500. Just so you know just discussing Valentine's Day and jewelry makes me .
  22. bahodeme

    NFL '14 Season Thread

    ^^^^^ If I remember correctly it was George Atkinson of the Raiders that first used this phrased.
  23. bahodeme

    Jewish community center in France is scene of yet another stabbing attack

    My other question is if they are on an anti terrorist patrol, they were not on guard for this to happen? Also how did the assailant leave the scene?
  24. bahodeme

    Jewish community center in France is scene of yet another stabbing attack

    The religion portion was a distant second in any European "exploration". The main part is the resources of that particular country. The simple way of destroying a culture is by banning the native language and customs. After a few generations that culture will disappear. Which is way when people...
  25. bahodeme

    Official checked Star Member thread

    Welcome Kimmie :wave:
  26. bahodeme

    Jordan to ISIS: Kill our pilot, your bitches get hanged!

    Also Qatar is too western as well.
  27. bahodeme

    Jordan to ISIS: Kill our pilot, your bitches get hanged!

    I'm just hearing this myself. I think ISIS now may not have to worry about just Jordan but UAE and the Saudis as well. These countries are too western for ISIS as well. So things might become real interesting soon.:catpopcorn:
  28. bahodeme

    Official checked Star Member thread

    Welcome Christy :wave:
  29. bahodeme

    Anyone still have a magazine subscription?

    There are quite a few of us who have subscriptions at the job. So there are a bunch of magazines in the break room to read.
  30. bahodeme

    Jordan to ISIS: Kill our pilot, your bitches get hanged!

    If you are referring to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, he was in prison in Jordan for stocking up on explosives. After his sentence, he attempted the bombing of a hotel there. He left Jordan, joined Al-Queda and the rest is history. He was sentenced to death in Jordan, so if they caught him... Which is...
  31. bahodeme

    Jordan to ISIS: Kill our pilot, your bitches get hanged!

    This group really does not know who they are dealing with. Underneath the Western influence and his hot wife, King Abdullah II is his dad's son. Why do you think that you do not here a lot of strife happening in this country? When have you heard of a bombing in his country? There are reasons for...
  32. bahodeme

    [IMG]Thanks for friending me!

    [IMG]Thanks for friending me!
  33. bahodeme

    Titfucking - The Thread!!! (Pics or Vids!) / Biggest tits you wanna titfuck

    Re: Biggest tits you wanna titfuck Now that she had more work done Beshine
  34. bahodeme

    Official checked Star Member thread

    Welcome Megyn :wave:
  35. bahodeme

    Only the best and groundbreaking 80's music thread

    I'm putting them in because they were one of the groups that when they hit, record companies started looking for their version. I put this group in because at the time their sound was different that what was out at the time. They had an earlier song that was a hit, but this one...
  36. bahodeme

    Anyone still have a magazine subscription?

    I get American Rifleman. I also get Motorcycle Cruiser & Hot Bike.
  37. bahodeme

    Why Do White Men Love Asian Ladies So Much?

    For some reason, it seems that the only women who don't get along with me are American. I'm lucky in that the area I live in it's almost like The United Nations.
  38. bahodeme

    Carmen Valentina / Melanie / Sofia (ATK) / Sofia Ressen / Sofia Ressin

    Re: The Official Carmen Valentina thread Happy Birthday!!
  39. bahodeme

    [IMG]Happy Birthday!![IMG]

    [IMG]Happy Birthday!![IMG]
  40. bahodeme

    Official checked Star Member thread

    Welcome Cher:wave:
  41. bahodeme

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Drive Angry. The quotes from the accountant was pretty good.
  42. bahodeme


  43. bahodeme

    What do you beat your horse with?

    I guess this qualifies as hand :D
  44. bahodeme

    American Sniper

    For all: If you can, one show to watch is "Sniper-Inside the Crosshairs". There was another by The Military Channel about the history and evolution of snipers from The Revolutionary War to today. That one, mentioned a Russian woman who received a medal for her shooting in WWII. Also Ace, don't...
  45. bahodeme

    what game are you playing right now?

    Hunting Unlimited 2010. So far it as been "When animals Attack!"
  46. bahodeme

    ...and he does it again! (Porn Actor - Clover)

    I read the article that was in the link. It said that he will start altercations with men as well. He just hasn't come across the right one yet.
  47. bahodeme

    "Mr. Cub" Ernie Banks dies at age 83.

    :hatsoff: Godspeed Ernie!
  48. bahodeme


  49. bahodeme

    Does anyone have pet name for their cock or pussy?

    When I was younger I referred to him as Rollo after a song by The Time. "Who me? I wear baggies, zip, snap, and drop. Before you even have a chance to holler Stop! Besides Rollo likes his freedom."