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  1. bahodeme


    Thanks. As far as work, it will be something I want to do and as soon as something is said or done that I don't like I'm gone.
  2. bahodeme

    Can you remember this show about naked girls in music videos

    I don't remember a documentary. But I do remember a couple of videos that had 2 versions. I can't create a full screen of this I guess since it is secured.
  3. bahodeme

    Happy St Patrick's Day

    About now, drunk people should be on the subway here. To give you an idea, METRO cars sway side to side. So after all that green beer along with the motion of the train...
  4. bahodeme


    It sounds cliché but I miss seeing the people at the office. They told me some of the BS that has already started, it's pretty pathetic. But I told them years ago "The agency was here before you, it is here with you now, it will be here when you are gone.
  5. bahodeme


    I was an MP so no piloting for me. I do have a private pilots license. I actually left active duty in '88 & in '90 from reserve duty. So I had enough time to forget barrack life.
  6. bahodeme


    48. Will be 49 in August. Went into the Air Force a few months after High School and the rest is History.
  7. bahodeme

    Rent increased 400% for one San Francisco Tenant

    How are they justifying the security deposit increase? Here you pay that at first and that's it until you move out. Then you receive it back minus the repair costs. It sounds like someone is trying to remove the tenants and convert to condominiums.
  8. bahodeme

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    Julie Newmar
  9. bahodeme

    Gene Gene the Dancing Machine has died.

    I don't mean to be cruel but I thought he was dead years ago. Godspeed Mr. Patton :hatsoff:
  10. bahodeme

    American Geophysical Union Calls Out Ted Cruz Over NASA Remarks

    How did these loons become part of any science panel? I love the part where they had to explain that Earth was a planet. I guess they believe the moon is made cheese, probably Swiss because of the holes.
  11. bahodeme

    Good Luck with the job. Definitely go back to school. Even if you just take one class at a time...

    Good Luck with the job. Definitely go back to school. Even if you just take one class at a time, do that. Because when you stop it is difficult to get back to that mind set.
  12. bahodeme


    Thanks. 4 of them should have sent me to the Pearly Gates. I guess he keeps me around for comic relief.
  13. bahodeme


    Thanks. I am ordering my plaid shorts and sandals. I already have the black socks. :)
  14. bahodeme


    Thanks one & all! Luckily my group allows workers to leave at any age after 30 years.
  15. bahodeme


    The one thing I will tell you is that at first time moves slowly and the last 10 years will move QUICK.
  16. bahodeme


    Thanks. After 2 motorcycle accidents, 2 bouts of Pulmonary Embolism, and now Renal Cancer survivor in the past 3 years; I feel like I was in Final Destination. Sometimes I wondered what was next but didn't ask because I definitely did not want the answer :D. Come on in!!!
  17. bahodeme


    Well after 30+ years of Military & Civilian service, I retired yesterday. The odd part is all the time I spent, awards, pictures, etc., all was able to fit in one box. I volunteer driving patients to & from the hospital when it snows here so I'll probably expand that to delivering food. Whatever...
  18. bahodeme

    Oh fuck, oh yeah, oh SNAP

    Then suffering from the side effect from the sleeping pill he was given. Wow.
  19. bahodeme

    South Africans perform first 'successful' penis transplant

    The whole time reading this is what I was thinking...
  20. bahodeme

    The apathy of this board towards the Mike Brown shooting in Ferguson is commendable.

    I agree with you on the recovering of the officers. Have you noticed how much media attention was given in this case as compared to Officer Robert Wilson III? I guess unless there is some racial connection of any part, then it's worthy of media attention. As far as the protesters are concerned...
  21. bahodeme

    Oh fuck, oh yeah, oh SNAP

    Didn't this happen to Prince Yahshua in a scene he was doing with Bethany Benz?
  22. bahodeme

    Thank You For Your Support for 17 Years!

    There are a few country artists that I liked, most of them were old guard (i.e. Oak Ridge Boys).
  23. bahodeme

    Masuimi Max

  24. bahodeme

    [img]Happy Birthday/Feliz cumpleaños!!

    [img]Happy Birthday/Feliz cumpleaños!!
  25. bahodeme

    What Every U.S. State Is Best at

    Mea Culpa. I thought you didn't agree with MI's claim to fame.
  26. bahodeme

    Hottest moaning pornstar / Best moaner? / Pornstars With the Best Moan?

    Re: Best moaner? Donna Summer - Love to Love You Baby
  27. bahodeme

    What Every U.S. State Is Best at

    I also saw on the Travel Channel they also have the most diners.
  28. bahodeme

    What Every U.S. State Is Best at

    I know the Tahoe area has Volcanic activity there which would explain the hot springs (I didn't know about the most). For PA, I don't know. Even if you go per capita, I would think NV would still be higher. Maybe per Casino in relation to the total revenue?
  29. bahodeme

    What Every U.S. State Is Best at

    I would think because of the shoreline and dealing with the Great Lakes and the weather that could be possible. Most of the Lighthouses on the East Coast are gone from development, erosion, etc.
  30. bahodeme

    What Every U.S. State Is Best at

    What Maryland, Nebraska, North Dakota and Virginia are known for surprise me. If I was in Hawaii, I would be mad if that is what I was known for. At least give them the most Spam consumed.
  31. bahodeme

    Official checked Star Member thread

    Welcome Loni :wave:
  32. bahodeme

    Boxing discussion thread

    The third fight wasn't bad. I will say whoever was the ref in the second fight was no Larry Hazard. Hopefully that will be the only time I see him. But this was the first card so things should improve.
  33. bahodeme

    [IMG]Hapy Birthday!![IMG]

    [IMG]Hapy Birthday!![IMG]
  34. bahodeme

    Commonly asked questions

    1. What is your favourite position? All of them. 2. What are your top 3 turn ons? Someone who is well read, well bred and well fed. 3. What are your top 4 turn offs? Vegans, Rudeness, Ignorance, and Vegans 4. What is the first thing you notice about a girl? W/O glasses-figure...
  35. bahodeme

    The Sexodus - why men are giving up on women.

    This is just the pendulum swinging the other direction from "The boys will be boys" side. This happened when sexual harassment prevention laws was implemented and enforced. There were men who, including myself, chose not to compliment the female workers on their attire. There was an occasion...
  36. bahodeme

    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    Iced Tea
  37. bahodeme

    Official checked Star Member thread

    Welcome Jenna :wave:
  38. bahodeme

    Amusing English sayings

    That went by me at first. Then like a boomerang returning it hit me.
  39. bahodeme

    What are you watching right now?

    1. Killdozer 2. Christine 3. The Car (currently)
  40. bahodeme

    What Did You Eat For Breakfast?

    Cheese Grits, Hash Browns, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Cranberry Juice. Time to shovel some snow & maybe volunteer at hospital.
  41. bahodeme

    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    Vanillamykahlua from Coffee Fool.
  42. bahodeme


    Re: New Smilies
  43. bahodeme

    Angela White

    Happy Birthday!!
  44. bahodeme

    Well I finally seen an OSCM that is here regularly win. After DR hits his 100K posts, I'll...

    Well I finally seen an OSCM that is here regularly win. After DR hits his 100K posts, I'll probably be done here.
  45. bahodeme

    Would you Date a Girl who has had Very Big Dicks?

    I would be more concerned if she had a vibrator with a cord that needs its own dedicated outlet.
  46. bahodeme

    Maybe I could rep 15-20 others for no reason.

    Maybe I could rep 15-20 others for no reason.
  47. bahodeme

    Thx DC. The Rep Gods still frown on me giving you rep (amongst others)

    Thx DC. The Rep Gods still frown on me giving you rep (amongst others)