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On the stream I was watching, we pretty much predicted the out comes of all the matches in the chat box. The "original" ending to the last match was actually the surprise for us, then of course the predicted ending happened.
The surprise to me came that Del Rio looked in decent shape at the end of his match, as I thought the whole point of having another Last Man Standing match was that so Bertie could win but have knackered himself doing so, so that Ziggler could cash in.

I was also devastated that Sexy Warrior VS Tamina was pulled.

i find it funny that even though there was no "evidence" that the shield interfered with the title match that vince was going to strip Punk of the title....or restart the match like it was.

how about every match that gets interfered with as the ref doesn't see or the ref gets "knocked out" gets restarted? isn't that sorta hypocritical? We'll restart a ppv match because of injustice but we will let it happen 100 times during the year without incident?!!
i find it funny that even though there was no "evidence" that the shield interfered with the title match that vince was going to strip Punk of the title....or restart the match like it was.

how about every match that gets interfered with as the ref doesn't see or the ref gets "knocked out" gets restarted? isn't that sorta hypocritical? We'll restart a ppv match because of injustice but we will let it happen 100 times during the year without incident?!!

It's not hypocritical at all. Vince said explicitly that if The Shield interfered in the Championship match then CM Punk would be stripped of the title. That's the difference between the match last night and the other 100 times it happens throughout the year. Now it's true that we actually didn't see The Shield and we only have the commentators word but it's probably a safe bet. Of course, it could have been a fake out by Vince to get the belt off Punk because he is definitely not above that, but I do feel confidently that The Shield was involved in the match. We'll see how this all plays out tonight.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
i find it funny that even though there was no "evidence" that the shield interfered with the title match that vince was going to strip Punk of the title....or restart the match like it was.

how about every match that gets interfered with as the ref doesn't see or the ref gets "knocked out" gets restarted? isn't that sorta hypocritical? We'll restart a ppv match because of injustice but we will let it happen 100 times during the year without incident?!!

I enjoyed that, for once, pro wrestling did something logical. I hate how interference always goes unpunished even when it is supposed to be a major matchup, so to actually have Vince come out and keep his word was awesome.

Like darkwarrior said, I'm sure Punk will try to weasel his way out of this by arguing no one knows if it was actually Shield or not. They'll probably get Cole to go back on what he said last night and admit he didn't really see them.
Yeah, I gotta go with DarkWarrior and PlasmaTwa2 on this one. I had no problem with Vince calling out Punk and The Shield and having the match restarted. (Might have been actually pretty cool just to have Punk stripped, leaving it vacant until The Elimination Chamber), but the payoff for me was Rock's line alone...

"No, no, no, no, no! You don't strip him of the belt.....I DO!!!!"

The only real issue I had was Punk getting pinned so quickly after that. There should have been a bunch of back and forth pins (like ANY of the last WM 'Taker matches in the past 4 years), with Rock eventually coming out on top. One quick Rock-Bottom and that was it? Pffft! Missed opportunity to make this a lock as "Match of The year".
Since Cena won the RR match we all knew The Rock is going to win that night, it was so obvious...and then what? Cena vs The Rock for the WWE Championship at Mania? (-.-)

The returtn of Y2J was amazing btw!!!!


Lord Dipstick
Yeah, that twat's missed the point. It's nothing to do with "a movie" at all. Looking at the state of both him and his room, I'd be stunned if Bridget is his mrs. Sister, friend, carer maybe. I love his shirt though. He doesn't need to wear it, we already knew he's a "Paul Heyman guy."

(Might have been actually pretty cool just to have Punk stripped, leaving it vacant until The Elimination Chamber)

Really? To have a man hold the World title that long and then end without any payoff, without someone getting the benefit of ending such an epic reign, would have come across as a massive waste to me.
that video was pathetic. what white trash home was that? buy a dvd rack from target instead of stacking them on the floor loser! :facepalm:

LESNAR!!!!!!!!!!!! + F5 + Vince = ???? OH YEAH !!!!!!!!
Yeah, I gotta go with DarkWarrior and PlasmaTwa2 on this one. I had no problem with Vince calling out Punk and The Shield and having the match restarted. (Might have been actually pretty cool just to have Punk stripped, leaving it vacant until The Elimination Chamber), but the payoff for me was Rock's line alone...

"No, no, no, no, no! You don't strip him of the belt.....I DO!!!!"

The only real issue I had was Punk getting pinned so quickly after that. There should have been a bunch of back and forth pins (like ANY of the last WM 'Taker matches in the past 4 years), with Rock eventually coming out on top. One quick Rock-Bottom and that was it? Pffft! Missed opportunity to make this a lock as "Match of The year".

BTW Atlas it wasn't even a rock-bottom..... it was a people's elbow that won the match.
BTW Atlas it wasn't even a rock-bottom..... it was a people's elbow that won the match.

LMAO! You're right!!!! I thought it was such a lame ending to a 400+ day run that I even missed that. A People's Elbow makes it worse....if that was even possible!!!! And I actually really wanted Rock to win!!!
LMAO! You're right!!!! I thought it was such a lame ending to a 400+ day run that I even missed that. A People's Elbow makes it worse....if that was even possible!!!!

The Rock beat Triple H with said same move to win the WWF title. He also beat Hulk Hogan with it at WrestleMania XVIII. Enough to beat two of the most decorated champions in the history of wrestling, enough to beat CM fucking Punk.

The internet has exploded with a load of crybaby smarks going mad about either what happened at the Royal Rumble or how it happened being terrible. Before I continue, I would like to say that CM Punk is my favourite wrestler on the roster at the moment. However, some of the reactions (like our fat friend in that video) are beyond belief, and some people quite badly need a slap. Shamelessly C&P from a forum I frequent, the tumblr of papashangoislate has a perfect response to some of the crying.

[We specialize in errata and history ‘round here, but seriously, there’s some nonsense floating around. Let’s get to it. And just to clarify off the bat, I’m a huge Punk fan. I’m a Punk O.G. I was driving to see C.M. Punk in shitty gyms that smelled like feet when you were like seven. I was hating on The Rock when you were fingerpainting. Don’t try to go with me, you’ll get slapped the fuck down.]

"This is bullshit! CM Punk’s reign was something special!"
Yes it was, and it still is. It was already the longest reign in 25 years, the longest in the modern era, and the longest by anyone not named Hogan, Backlund, Sammartino or Morales. You got it. It happened. It’s done. It was a longer reign than any by Rock, Austin, Undertaker, HHH, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Ric Flair, or HBK. What the hell more did you want?

"I wanted it to be longer".
Why? So he could beat Cena two or three more times? So he could re-hash matches that already happened and were awesome with Ziggler or Bryan? So The Shield could foil Ryback an additional eighteen times? Don’t get greedy.

"I wanted him to actually beat some dudes clean! They should’ve booked him stronger!"
Dude. Pro wrestling. Have you not been here long? That’s how heel champions work. Check with the Four Horsemen or the nWo. This is what goes on. In fact, Punk was booked stronger — I’d like you to note that this is the longest reign in the history of the company by a heel. Every longer reign was by an unbeatable conquering hero type. This is the strongest heel reign in the history of wrestling, even if he was a face for half of it.

"But he went down to the damn People’s Elbow! That makes him look like a bitch!"
Did it make Hogan look weak? Or, you know, everybody for five years? Everyone has jobbed to the elbowdrop. And don’t start about finishing moves. Hogan’s finisher was a weak-ass legdrop. It’s pro wrestling. It hurts if they say it hurts.

"Yeah, but…"
No, fuck you, I’m not done with this point yet. The WWE made CM Punk look stronger last night than they have at any point during his run. He kicked out of a Rock Bottom on the floor which was immediately preceded by a nasty table bump. He took it to The Rock more than Cena did at ‘Mania. And in case you haven’t noticed, only tippy-top guys who WWE has absolute faith in get to main event a big four PPV against The Rock. (Not Awesome Truth, that doesn’t count.) The fact that he lost is not WWE showing its lack of faith in CM Punk. If they didn’t have faith in CM Punk, they wouldn’t have kept their top title on him for a damn year and a half. That argument doesn’t even make sense, internet.

"But it would’ve been better if he had defended the title at ‘Mania! The whole title reign was building to that!"
No it wasn’t. Duh. First off, he’s a heel. Do you know what heels do at ‘Mania? They lose the belt to a top face. If that had happened, you just would’ve been bitching about it then. And the booking on this has been clear for, oh, I don’t know, two years. Don’t play dumb.

"That’s the problem! You could see this coming from a mile away!"
You could see the obvious, money-drawing angle that they’ve built the company around for almost half a decade coming? Good for you. The buildup to Cena-Rock II at WM29 has been underway for years. Literal years. You think they’re going to fuck with that just to make a 400-day title reign a 500-day title reign?

"I don’t want Cena-Rock II! That’s freakin’ lame!"
Dude, step back. This is the most strongly built angle since the damn Megapowers exploded. Seriously. Cena started casting shade on Rock like seven years ago, when they didn’t even know if they could ever get him back in the ring again. It built perfectly to WM27, which built for a whole damn year to WM28, which has built for a whole damn year to WM29. You could argue that it’s the most carefully built angle in WWE history. And it makes them billions of dollars.

"They shouldn’t be doing it again. It was billed as “Once in a Lifetime”. They’re cheapening last year".
NO. Not at all. This is the stupidest, most selective-memory argument that the internet has come up with in forever. The endgame to this epic angle was obviously and always Cena going over Rock, for exactly the reason every butthurt internet fan ever points out — that Rock is a part-time guy and Cena is the guy. (The fact that Cena’s not your guy is irrelevant.) You know what makes Cena’s win stronger? If he failed to beat Rocky last year. You know how you set it up again without invalidating the Once-in-a-Lifetime thing? Book it so that it happens organically, via Cena winning the Rumble and Rock holding the title. This isn’t new. Luger wasn’t supposed to get another shot at Yokozuna, but he won the ‘94 Rumble. Benoit wasn’t supposed to get another shot at HHH, but he won the ‘04 Rumble. It’s called pro wrestling.

"But I don’t LIKE Rock and Cena! They’re not that good in the ring! They should be pushing the best wrestlers!"
Again, welcome to pro wrestling, forever. The guys on top are the guys that draw the most money. John Cena draws crazy money, and has for ten years. The Rock draws all the remaining money. With this program, they’re going to sell out everything between now and Wrestlemania. That’s the name of the game. Lemme wise you to something: Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin were not the best wrestlers in the company during their respective reigns. Hell, neither was Sammartino. But every person in the country wanted to pay money to see them. That’s how it works. As it should be.

"If they would book guys like Punk stronger, they’d draw more money!"
Than Cena or Rock? Nope, never. Reference the fact that, uh, Punk was the champion for a year and a half. Can’t book him much stronger than that. And Cena was still the bigger draw. Deal with it. Get over it.

"But the whole thing is just a giant fuck-you to the IWC. They love trolling us. It happens every damn day…"
No fuck you shut up forever. The smart fans have never had more of an influence over the product than they do right now. Ziggler, Bryan, Cesaro, Sandow, Rhodes, Punk and a billion other dudes are in prominent positions on every episode of every show. That’s for you. There you go. Have it. The people who buy WWE Rumblers and Brawlin’ Buddies and bedsheets pay the money and get Cena and Rock on top, you get the rest of the damn card. Again, don’t be fucking greedy.

"But now they’re saying that it’ll be Punk vs. Undertaker! So after this, Punk’s reward is laying down to keep an old man’s streak alive?"
YES BECAUSE THAT IS LITERALLY THE BIGGEST HONOR IN THE COMPANY. Pay attention. The Undertaker’s streak has become a much bigger deal than the WWE Title. That shit is fact. That shit is gospel. The titles have been devalued; the streak is essentially the longest-running angle in the history of pro wrestling. It’s the most prestigious shit they have. Who gets to wrestle The Undertaker at ‘Mania? For four years, they’ve thought that only Shawn and HHH were worthy of it. Now Punk is. That’s a pretty fucking big deal.

"Punk should win, then".
Fuck you no. That’s not how it works. He gets the biggest rub possible just by being in the match. And if he loses, than he can get it again next year, or someone else can, or it can be over and just go down in history as an awesome forever thing. We’re past the point where the Streak should’ve ended. It shouldn’t.

"Well, they’re not getting my money because I don’t like it".
You were illegally streaming the damn pay-per-views anyway, fuckhead. And if you weren’t, they’ll be more than happy with the hundreds of thousands of additional buys they’ll get by doing Cena-Rock II. And then they’ll get you back by booking Ziggler vs. Bryan vs. Punk vs. Cesaro in an IWC blowjob match at Over the Limit or some shit. Also, you’re still going to buy DVDs, you’re still going to pay like $40 for a Jinder Mahal action figure, and you’re still gonna drop like $150 when Raw comes to town on a Ziggler t-shirt so you can boo The Rock and feel like an individual. Don’t front.

"But I want only the things I like to happen all the time and I don’t give a shit about what anyone else wants! Especially children! I hate children!"
We know.

Anyone who thinks Punk should have stood stronger and survived even more of Rock's offence than the guy above states, clearly misses the point of Punk's position. He's a heel. His job is not to be valiant and look invincible ; it's to be a dickhead that you hope will lose, and hopefully pay money to see the babyface beat. He's the Honky Tonk Man relying on Jimmy Hart's megaphone, he's Money Inc running away from LOD, he's Hall & Nash cheating the Steiners. He's weaseled out with the belt around every corner. Ever since he turned, he's cheated, used shortcuts, screwed people over. Made you think time and time again that if a face had a level playing field, they'd have beaten him. What happened on Sunday was finally a level playing field, and his goose was finally cooked.

He's held the title a long time - this doesn't make him impossible to beat. Like I said, he's been lucky or had help when the title has been on the line, and off the top of my head he got pinned by Shellshock in the run up to Survivors. If you have him kicking out of everybody's shit all the time, you get people thinking "wow, Punk's tough" and then even more people might cheer him (despite him being meant to be a heel) beyond the existing hordes of "CENA SUX!1" morons and ROHbot/workrate perverts that already do. I was watching The John Cena Experience DVD earlier, and as much as I appreciate Punk as a wrestler, it breaks my heart that people boo Cena given the amount of effort he puts in with the Make A Wish kids, and cheer a guy like Punk who is a complete asshole in real life (yes, I've met him) who genuinely seems to hate us all.
As a CM Punk fan, I actually have no major problem with what happened as far as the main event at RR went, though it was by no means without flaws.
If this happened 6 months to a year ago, I would've been disgusted because Punk's title reign didn't feel like it had run its course yet. The audience has the power to bury people and, like many Punk fans, we believe that McMahon can take a cue and try to make the Universe forget him. This paranoia is justified if we look at some of the company's history with its talent, especially in this age of SuperCenas and MightyRandys. Still, love him or hate him, CM Punk will stand in WWE history as one of its most revered stars of all time.
Punk had a great run and who's to say it's the last?
When someone holds it for as long as he had, many people begin to stop caring about the championship. It turns into just "a thing that guy wears all the time".
The championship title is like money: you only feel it when it's moving.
However, moving it too often results in a clusterfuck, which also lessens the prestige of the title.

I used to think it was a shitty move on WWE's part to put a visitor (which I pegged the Rock as due to his long off-and-on absence) in the main event instead of a year-rounder, but when it comes to someone like Rock, Austin, Taker, HHH, HBK, Cena, Punk, guys with a track record like theirs don't have to restart at the bottom, because they've proved themselves main event worthy. Besides, how long can a heel hold the belt before a face "overcomes the bad guy"? Such is the way of the Universe. Yeah, Rock won it with a People's Elbow. He has beat many great opponents with it. Remember kids, Punk ain't Superman, nor should he be.

We can only hope the story goes somewhere entertaining.
great points by MrSStiffy & Moonchild. stiffy no offense but you are a true wrestling mark! i honestly had ZERO idea (or recollection) that the Rock beat both Trips & hogan with a people's elbow! i have been watching wrestling since bob backlund's corner threw in the towel vs the Iron Sheik.... i can't remember everything like that! WOW

RAW points of disgust: (the caps ARE necessary!)
#1 when the SHIELD attack anyone.... WHY DO WE NEED THE CAMERA ZIPPING IN AND OUT and CUTTING FROM ANGLE TO ANGLE so you can't see a fucking thing normally? from 0:40- up to the out of the ring action the camera work is fucking atrocious !

AND.... how long have the SHIELD been coming out the same way? 2 months? why is Cole yelling "where are they ??where are they??" hey michael.... look at your monitor at ringside, you can see the camera is going to a wide view...they are coming from the stands like they have been doing for weeks upon weeks now!

#2 why was tensai embarrassed with what he was wearing? he had on all his normal gear and just a lingerie top....just pull the top off and you have on your normal ring attire? i just don't get stupidity sometimes?!?!
This paranoia is justified if we look at some of the company's history with its talent, especially in this age of SuperCenas and MightyRandys.

What's your problem with Orton?

From bell to bell his matches make sense and don't suffer from unrealistic Superman comebacks (which unfortunately Cena's can), and he's certainly no Cena in terms of being protected. He's been doing clean jobs all over the shop for the likes of Del Rio and Ziggler and even the irrelevant Kane at 'Mania XXVIII over the last 18 months, he lost to Barrett clean two weeks ago, he even lost the Big Gold Belt (for better or for worse) clean as a sheet to Mark Henry well over a year ago and hasn't had it back since. If anything they've been remarkably inconsistent with Orton since his rise to true World Champion status, he's had to go a year without winning a title three times now, once between the springs of '08 and '09 to give way to a run of Hunter-Edge-Hardy reigns, once again between the end of his hot potato run with Cena at Bragging Rights '09 until Night of Champions '10, and once more today, where as I speak pretty soon a year and a half will have passed since Randy wore even the less-important "SmackDown belt."