I know dude, although there are rumours circulating that he will have something lined up even bigger than the belt itself afterwards.
Here is what I imagine the 'Mania card will look like, a combination of rumours and my own guess work.
The Rock VS John Cena
Triple H VS Brock Lesnar
The Undertaker VS CM Punk
Sheamus VS Randy Orton
Ryback VS Big Show
Dolph Ziggler VS Alberto Del Rio
Rey Mysterio VS Sin Cara
MITB - Wade Barrett VS The Miz VS Kofi Kingston VS Daniel Bryan VS Kane VS Cody Rhodes VS Damien Sandow VS Christian
some Divas nonsense
I toyed with Barrett VS Miz as I didn't have an opponent for either and some contrived six man with a face team vs The Shield but then I realized I was loading the card with too many singles matches and didn't have opponents for Rhodes Scholars, so a Money In The Bank match might make sense. Won by Wade.
I also imagined Mark Henry being fit and coming back for revenge on Show, but I hear Show being picked up by Ryback is a Mania moment they want. I also thought Jericho VS Ziggler at one point but Ziggler will be in the title picture and I don't see them putting Jericho in there, even if he comes back in time.
Has it been confirmed that there will be a MITB at 'Mania and not as a separate PPV?