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No, it's not understandable. It's wrong. An anniversary is celebrated after X number of years, like a birthday. You celebrate your 25th birthday 25 years after you are born. You celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary 25 years after you get married. WrestleMania XXV was 24 years after the first, so it wasn't the 25th anniversary at all, but the 24th. They made the same misuse of the word for SummerSlam and Survivor Series. But they got it right for the 20th anniversary of Raw, making them inconsistent as well as stupid.

I understand what you are saying but I can also see a probable reason of why the shows were labeled the way they were. You're nitpicking and I don't have time to get into a stupid argument.
You're nitpicking and I don't have time to get into a stupid argument.

So why bother making two posts addressing it already? I reckon you must have the time.

I know why they did for 'Mania XXV. It's because "25" is a big, important-sounding number, so they wanted a big deal subtitle, and someone said "25th Anniversary of WrestleMania" and nobody else in the room had the guts to point out that it was incorrect. "Quarter-Century of WrestleMania" probably doesn't sound as good. Maybe I shouldn't be upset about the inconsistency surrounding "20th anniversary of Raw" and be happy that they seem to understand what it means now. But they'll probably get it wrong again when 'Mania XXX comes around. Misuse of language by professionals is one of my pet hates, especially on TV when millions of people will pick up on it, it makes me cringe. Like when sports pundits say "literally" without knowing what it means.

Looking over the SmackDown results, with only match results featured and little in the way of storylines or angles, only three things jump out. Kofi being back on television after missing the last two shows (which prompted some of my friends to think he was being phased out), Miz using the Figure-Four, no doubt in reference to Monday's Flair antics, and finally some interaction between Ziggler and the champion. He and Bertie will have a good go-around once ADR gets finished with Show.
Pretty decent SmackDown tonight, all things considered. We didn't get much in the way of storyline advancement but that isn't expected from this show.

My only issue is that they barely acknowledged that it was the 700th episode. Last week, Booker T was so gung-ho on topping the New Year's Raw that it was crazy...now when it would actually make sense for him to want to top Raw (both had milestone shows this week), it barely gets mentioned. That makes no sense at all.
i barely saw any RAW last night,probably gonna have to squeeze it in tonight during devils game.
Why was Cena "addressing the wwe universe"? who is he? i did see that segment and everyone else who came out and started fighting. i just don't understand what the Cena segment was doing ....where it was going other than igniting everyone to come out and say THEY are going to win the royal rumble
i just don't understand what the Cena segment was doing ....where it was going other than igniting everyone to come out and say THEY are going to win the royal rumble

Bingo Bango Bongo!

On the face of it, there are several possible winners of the Rumble :

John Cena - If The Rock defeats Punk, it's a ready-made gigantic match for 'Mania main event. If Punk retains, it's a chance to blow their issue for good.
Dolph Ziggler - Could win to build towards a potential big deal pre-announced title shot (as opposed to briefcase cash in) with ADR.
Sheamus - Could win to set up a titanic match with either Big Show if he regains the Big Gold Belt, or Ziggler if he cashes in between now and 'Mania.
Ryback - Still hasn't had his one-on-one, interference-free shot at Punk, and Big Show is a rumoured 'Mania opponent too, should he win his belt back.
Randy Orton - Well, you can never really rule him out for definite, can you?

..... in reality, there is unfortunately a corner of the 'net where the WrestleMania main event has been accidentally confirmed, likely meaning there is only one bloke likely to win it. I won't spoil it for you here if you haven't seen it, as it also gives away the winner of the WWE title match too. But hey, looking at those names up there in bold, it sure is more star-studded (and likely to be a better match) than last year's debacle.
Who thinks Brock Lesnar will make an appearance? It's already been pitched that Undertaker vs. CM Punk is happening at Wrestlemania. How about Brock vs. Rock for the championship?
Who thinks Brock Lesnar will make an appearance? It's already been pitched that Undertaker vs. CM Punk is happening at Wrestlemania. How about Brock vs. Rock for the championship?

if this was to be true...it just follows along my previous post a few days ago,that IF Punk loses to the Rock then he falls into nothingness. if he is fighting Taker at WM wow he continues to fall since taker doesn't lose at WM! i guess i'm just a bigger Punk fan.
if this was to be true...it just follows along my previous post a few days ago,that IF Punk loses to the Rock then he falls into nothingness. if he is fighting Taker at WM wow he continues to fall since taker doesn't lose at WM! i guess i'm just a bigger Punk fan.

You're likening wrestling Taker at WrestleMania to falling "into nothingness"? You're crazy, man. Wrestling Taker at 'Mania is as big as a big time title match. If you're considered big enough that they might promote you as a convincing threat to Taker's streak, that means you're a big fucking deal. We're talking about a spot on the card that for four years has been reserved for people the level of Shawn and Hunter and two years prior to that *been* big time title matches. Punk getting to mix with The Rock and Taker in back to back singles matches is mega. If you have to worry about Punk, then it's only after 'Mania where we'll see if he retains a main event push or is asked to drop down to midcard to help give some babyfaces the leg up.

Personally I don't think you have anything to worry about. Punk's my favourite wrestler in the company and after this kind of title reign and being allowed to trade verbal barbs with Cena and Rock (and share the screen so often with Vince when he's been around) I think he's a made man for as long as he wants to work there.
You're likening wrestling Taker at WrestleMania to falling "into nothingness"? You're crazy, man. Wrestling Taker at 'Mania is as big as a big time title match. If you're considered big enough that they might promote you as a convincing threat to Taker's streak, that means you're a big fucking deal. We're talking about a spot on the card that for four years has been reserved for people the level of Shawn and Hunter and two years prior to that *been* big time title matches. Punk getting to mix with The Rock and Taker in back to back singles matches is mega. If you have to worry about Punk, then it's only after 'Mania where we'll see if he retains a main event push or is asked to drop down to midcard to help give some babyfaces the leg up.

Personally I don't think you have anything to worry about. Punk's my favourite wrestler in the company and after this kind of title reign and being allowed to trade verbal barbs with Cena and Rock (and share the screen so often with Vince when he's been around) I think he's a made man for as long as he wants to work there.

FUCK MAN!!! your like an awesome voice of reason.... everything you say makes perfect fucking sense.
Help! Is this sarcasm? If I'm bothering anyone, I'll go away and play with the porn fans instead.

no not sarcasm at all... just being honest. i read your whole post- If Punk did face Taker it IS a big thing then! and like you said he is a made man after being allowed to exchange barbs with cena,the rock and even be allowed to "speak openly" PIPEBOMB about vince,the company and the guys behind the curtain. i like the rock but HE left to pursue another avenue,then he comes back and gets a "title shot" without truly earning it? i know it's fake and a business & money decision i just feel that now there is gonna be 3 months of the rock until WM then he disappears again until ???? the next time he has a break in his movie career?
I'm the flipside. I was watching Rocky in wrestling his whole original run, I actually got to see him at a house show 5 days after his debut at Survivor Series '96 - pinning TL Hopper, the wrestling plumber, no less - and watched him mature from green-as-grass rookie nobody liked, to the dominant man on the show and first seven-time WWF/E Champion. Yes, there was a lot of resentment that went around when it became clear that he was actor first and wrestler second - SummerSlam '02 against Lesnar being the obvious example - but ever since, I've always been grateful whenever he has come back to give us, well, whatever he can or wants to. A lot of the resentment was added to by the fact that Austin was hanging them up around the same time, they were reluctant to use Undertaker or Shawn in the main event, so essentially we were stuck with Triple H as the dominant guy in his never ending boring heel run until they finally made new stars in Cena and Batista.

I think that's passed and he always does something worthwhile when he does come back. OK, apart from his appearance in the Diva Search in 2005 when he kept calling Hemme "lemon fresh panties," that was pretty lame. But seeing Rock do his thing is a bit like a good fuck for me - I'm very happy when it happens, I sure don't pick that time to complain about how long it's been since last time. ;) So I guess... yeah. It's less to do with the business side personally (although as I've made clear, it's giant $$$ for the company) so much as "Rock's here. Soon he won't be. Let's enjoy him while we can." Post 'Mania season will be a drag, it always is. And it's a shame that it will revert to being less fun in his absence that it is between now and 'Mania, but that says more about the stale nature of the current product and lack of true megastars that resonate, than it does about The Rock.

They've got major problems. As Hogan and Savage were winding up, Bret Hart and HBK were just about to step into the spotlight. When Bret and Shawn (first time round) were finishing up, they had Austin, Mick Foley, Rock and eventually Trips ready to go. Eventually with Hunter and Angle's help and a world of slow build patient booking on SmackDown, they made new starts out of Big Dave, John Cena and eventually Randy Orton. Unfortunately the stop-start booking and letting John Boy steamroll everyone means they weren't building up new stars a couple of years ago in readiness for NOW, when Cena has openly talked about only having a couple of years left, Michaels is already retired, Taker is on borrowed time, I expect Hunter to work a grand total of one more match ever, and even Orton isn't a young man any more. Arguably Sheamus is ready and Punk is that bracket (but only as a heel) but here's the problem - they waited too long, and now everybody that could main event has already wrestled everybody else. They're going about it the right way with Del Rio and they're about to pull the trigger on Ziggler, but everybody seems less of a star now than ever previous generation of main eventers. Hardly anyone truly electrifies any more.
No predictions anyone??????

Ok, I'll go :

- Cesaro retains
- Rhodes Scholars win the Tag Belts
- Del Rio retains
- Punk retains
- Rumble Winner : Randy Orton

....anyone else?
No predictions anyone??????

Ok, I'll go :

- Cesaro retains
- Rhodes Scholars win the Tag Belts
- Del Rio retains
- Punk retains
- Rumble Winner : Randy Orton

....anyone else?

Maggie shot Mr. Burns
Bob Newhart was dreaming the whole series
Henry Blake's plane was shot down over the sea of Japan...It spun out...There were no survivors.
The entire hospital was a dream inside the snowglobe of an autistic boy.
Jerry, George, Kramer and, for some reason, Elaine are locked up in the same jail cell.
Carl is forced to "put down" his soon-to-be-zombie mother, to hilarious results.
Edith dies and Archie opens his own bar, to forgettable results.
The Doctor is forced to regenerate, thereby changing from David Tennant to Matt Smith.
Downton Abbey...it happens.

I totally forgot what we were talking about.
For what's left of the show as I type - Cena wins the Rumble, Kaitlyn retains, Rock wins title.

And if Mr Ass doesnt enter the Rumble, I cry.
i totally forgot about it....now im streamin it. gotta see what happens

did the rumble happen yet? wwe.com isn't showing results. of the WWE title match happening NOW. and the rumble. the rumble is last? its already 10:13pm
i totally forgot about it....now im streamin it. gotta see what happens

did the rumble happen yet? wwe.com isn't showing results. of the WWE title match happening NOW. and the rumble. the rumble is last? its already 10:13pm

forget that post...wwe.com took forever to update that there was a RR winner

WOW was that ending to the WWE championship match just awful! i can honestly say that from the point the lights went out ....this match turned into a clusterfuck-ian joke! and not because of the result ...but because of the way it seems the writers of the WWE can't decide how to end any of their shows with a clean NORMAL win.