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i thought Raw was terrible. We waited 12 yrs for this?! Epic fail and a waste of Hart and my time. Impact was waaaaaaaaaaay better.
I actually felt RAW had more to offer.

The tag match was good until HHH buried Show and Jericho.

Orton and Kofi was a nice, clean match.

Bret segments were fun and made me watch.

TNA butchered that entire first hour. After that, I said fuck this.

Also, Nattie Neidhart is indeed amazingly hot.

This RAW I might skip. No Bret Hart as far as I can tell. Mike Tyson on host, and we'll get the usual garbage from Hornswaggle wasting air time.


Closed Account
I actually felt RAW had more to offer.

The tag match was good until HHH buried Show and Jericho.

Orton and Kofi was a nice, clean match.

Bret segments were fun and made me watch.

TNA butchered that entire first hour. After that, I said fuck this.

Also, Nattie Neidhart is indeed amazingly hot.

This RAW I might skip. No Bret Hart as far as I can tell. Mike Tyson on host, and we'll get the usual garbage from Hornswaggle wasting air time.

Yeah I agree wit most of this. Orton and Kofi was a solid match showcasing both performers, but it was no match for Kurt and AJ main event.

I don't think Show and Jericho are buried, the team is but not the individuals. SHow will probably factor back into the WWE title picture and I like Jericho playing mentor to the Hart Dynasty.

I do agree that RAW tonight might be a little weak, with no other wrestling show to watch and DX has no current competition so there's really to look forward to. I can almost predict the DX/Tyson reunion, even down to lil' Hornie trying to box Iron Mike as revenge for HBK:rofl:


Land Of The Snakes
Last I read he said he was taking time off and weighing his options. He didn't like the direction TNA was going with him (he wanted to wrestle guys like Kurt Angle and Sting but instead got stuck in tag matches) but he says he likes TNA. There were rumors that he's going to be a surprise in the Royal Rumble but I doubt it. It's possible but who knows. I can't imagine that the problems he had in WWE to begin with aren't going to show up if he goes back to WWE.

There's a also a rumor that RVD might show up for the Rumble. i believe he was there last year and didn't last long.
Report: Why Booker T's Negotiations With WWE Fell Through
by Nick Paglino
Jan 11, 2010

ProWrestling.net is reporting that Booker T was very close to re-signing with WWE, and most likely would have returned to the company at The Royal Rumble, however, negotiations fell through between both sides and an agreement was never reached.

According to the report, Booker T was demanding a much lighter schedule, which included working less house show events. He was apparently asking for a "Shawn Michaels" type deal, and WWE would not agree to the terms.

Bret Hart Speaks on Why He Returned to WWE, Talks TNA
by Nick Paglino
Jan 11, 2010

CalgaryHerald.com has posted a new interview recently conducted with Bret Hart. On whether or not WWE brought Hart in for Raw last week because it was going up against Impact, Hart said "(TNA is) playing it up like that. Like WWE was scared of whatever Hulk Hogan was going to do, so they went and got Bret Hart to compete." That's not the case, says Hart, who adds that plans were underway for his comeback long before Hogan's was announced.

On the notion that Hart may have returned to WWE because he needed the money, Hart said, "Like a lot of people, I got a little worried about my finances last year when the stock market crashed. But it's kind of rebounded and I was in a position where I could either walk away from this deal or I could do it. . . . I'm not opposed to making a little money . . . but I still don't need to do it."

Tony Halme aka Ludvig Borga passed away yesterday.
You can find the full Calgary Herald article on Bret's return here...


...but what I'd really like to know is what the actual ratings were in comparison between last week's RAW and TNA. Anybody know where we can find that out?

As for Jericho, I doubt they'd ever bury him. WWE isn't dumb enough to lose the best heel/technical/entertaining wrestler on their roster...their just not smart enough to do anything with him other than always set him up big so he can job (countless times!!!) to HHH in big belt matches. Jeez, how I'd love to see HHH win the Heavyweight or WWE Championship again just so HE can job to Jericho (clean I might add) for a change!

I think WWE is just biding their time with Jericho until Edge gets back so they can start up a feud.
raw did a 3.6 rating (their highest since august) while tna did a 1.5 rating.



Although, one shouldn't get to excited about a show's ratings....because it's the ratings for the show FOLLOWING that episode that is a true indicator as to whether the fans will come back to watch or not.

If TNA's numbers go up tonight....then they might have a winner...if not....well...


Lord Dipstick


Although, one shouldn't get to excited about a show's ratings....because it's the ratings for the show FOLLOWING that episode that is a true indicator as to whether the fans will come back to watch or not.

If TNA's numbers go up tonight....then they might have a winner...if not....well...
No TNA tonight! :dunno:


Although, one shouldn't get to excited about a show's ratings....because it's the ratings for the show FOLLOWING that episode that is a true indicator as to whether the fans will come back to watch or not.

If TNA's numbers go up tonight....then they might have a winner...if not....well...

TNA on Monday was a one night only thing. At least for now.
Jericho and Tyson vs DX...

....bold prediction, but I got a funny feeling that DX and Tyson are going to do to Jericho what Austin and Tyson did to Shawn Micheals at WM14.


Lord Dipstick
I think Mike Tyson is a great candidate for a new WWE superstar, its right up his alley and would be a great heel!
BTW...this guy is the best wrestler in the world today, hands down!:
That...was...the...most...boring...RAW in the history of mankind. Two lame-ass finishes in a row WWE.
Please someone...injure Hornswoggle...badly.
That...was...the...most...boring...RAW in the history of mankind. Two lame-ass finishes in a row WWE.
Please someone...injure Hornswoggle...badly.

HA! tyson told hornswoggle that if he is at ringside during his match that he is going to rip out his intestines and use them as a jumprope! :rofl2:

BTW have they announced any of the inductees to this upcoming hall of fame yet? i saw they did a little thing on last years HOF i just didnt know if they started announcing new members yet
HA! tyson told hornswoggle that if he is at ringside during his match that he is going to rip out his intestines and use them as a jumprope! :rofl2:

BTW have they announced any of the inductees to this upcoming hall of fame yet? i saw they did a little thing on last years HOF i just didnt know if they started announcing new members yet

They were just announcing that tickets were on sale for the HOF. They probably won't start announcing members until next month but I think Stu Hart is going in. Although when Stu Hart was mentioned last week it was funny that the crowd was chanting "We Want Owen!"


Closed Account
Anybody wanna bet Maryse faces Gail Kim in this weak ass tournament for that ugly belt. Gail might actually get to win this thing. With the women's champion being heel and pretty much all the other champs except WHC, tag team and ECW champ are heels, she could end up with the title. Then again, a face was the last champ and this gives them a chance to keep Maryse out in front of the other divas (she's the most interesting one on RAW). ♫ I can't get no, Stratusfaction ♫
EXCLUSIVE: Vince's Feelings on The Current WMania 26 Card
by Nick Paglino
Jan 12, 2010

According to a source within WWE, Vince McMahon's mood concerning the current plans for the WrestleMania 26 card are said to be very erratic. The creative team is said to be ducking for cover at this point, as they never know how Vince will react to what the team has planned for the PPV. At times, he is said to be pleased with what the team is doing, and other times he becomes irate demanding that the creative team put something more "exciting" together.

At this point, Vince feels that the current WrestleMania card is lacking "one more big attraction," and he thinks the PPV needs something more than what the current creative plans call for. At this point, the card looks like this:

-Triple H vs Sheamus for the WWE Title.

-Chris Jericho vs Edge. Even though Edge is questionable at this point, WWE is banking on him being able to return in time for the PPV because they want to book this match.

-Vince McMahon vs Bret Hart. This match is said to be a lock right now.

-Randy Orton vs Ted DiBiase, Jr is likely, but these plans are far from set in stone.

Vince wants to book something big for John Cena, and he is trying very hard to put together a Cena vs The Rock match for the show, but it all depends on Dwayne Johnson's schedule, and the outlook at this point is not too good.