What is the latest good film you watched ?

Ummmm....The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton. It was alright, not fantastic. But heaps better than the first crap they released.
Leaving Las Vegas

Great performances from Nic Cage, and Liz Shue.
Event Horizon
An oldie, but a goodie :). I really enjoyed this movie.

That movie is fucking badass :bowdown: Creeped the shit outta me when it first came out.

Step Brothers
Ok, not that good, but it had it's moments. Kinda pathetic, really.
Ghost In The Shell

Stunning visuals, haunting soundtrack, deep philosophical aspects. One of the best anime films I've ever seen, but if you asked me what exactly it was about I'd have a had time explaining it :)
Appaloosa - Was a decent movie. I dont think Ed Harris makes a good "cowboy" though, and I didnt really care for the ending.

The Brothers Grimm - I really like movies like this and I thought it was very good. I really liked Heath Ledger in the movie.


milf n' cookies
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) - Starring the super sexy Rhona Mitra! :lovecoupl

The film was okay but not as good as the first two.