Jebus with hedge clippers, trimming Miss Hybrid's pubic hair. This is a thread about the Republican Party, but the normal wanks need to turn it into an Obama bashing thread. That's right...bitch about Obama. That will certainly make the absolutely abysmal Republican field look better.
I'm pondering what it all means. Osama bin Laden dead. Muammar Gaddafi dead. Troops finally home from Iraq. Solid plan in place to bring troops home from Afghanistan. It's amazing the lengths an America-hating socialist Muslim president will go to convince us he really has America's best interests at heart. But I'm not buying it. He's up to something ...
Also, American retailers set an all-time record for sales in 2011 at $4.7 trillion, up 8% from 2010. This obviously poses problems for Repubs, who are fasting and praying that the economy stays in the tank ... well, judging from the film I've seen, probably not fasting. The Mitt grudgingly acknowledged that the economy was getting better, but said the President deserved no credit. "That would be like the rooster taking credit for the rising sun," he said, which appeared clever until a reporter asked him what a rooster was, whereupon the Mitt mentioned hearing one in a movie once. "I think they're about the size of a duck," he said.
Meh, I'm not a huge Obama fan, but to say he's accomplished nothing makes you look like a total fucking idiot. If you maintain that position, no one is going to listen to you, or ever take you seriously again. Wait until the debates start. Obama will have an opportunity to parade some of the things that have been accomplished DESPITE the Republicans.
Obama is going to win the next election handily.