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What has Happened to the Republican Party?


Hiliary 2020
Ever see the movie Idiocracy? That's what this board reminds me of.
A president and a party who is/ has been driving the country and the people in it into a depression and all I hear around here is negative comments with no significance to just idiot talk against the party that is the only chance for recovery from this mess.

Where do you guys live? Because where I live in the USA all I see is unemployment, businesses going under, more and more druggies and low lifes springing up all around, taxes and new regulations which hurt the economy being passed everyday, ridiculous gas prices , and a president who has no solutions except to "make the rich do their fair share", which is another word for trying to get the welfare vote.
Democrat parties philosophy is to put everybody they can on public assistance, make them dependent on them so they get the vote until the country simply collapses......but they'll still be very very rich.

You should welcome a dead dog for a republican candidate if that's what they offered, unless you are already living off the system or just oblivious to what's happening.
Ever see the movie Idiocracy? That's what this board reminds me of.
A president and a party who is/ has been driving the country and the people in it into a depression and all I hear around here is negative comments with no significance to just idiot talk against the party that is the only chance for recovery from this mess.

Where do you guys live? Because where I live in the USA all I see is unemployment, businesses going under, more and more druggies and low lifes springing up all around, taxes and new regulations which hurt the economy being passed everyday, ridiculous gas prices , and a president who has no solutions except to "make the rich do their fair share", which is another word for trying to get the welfare vote.
Democrat parties philosophy is to put everybody they can on public assistance, make them dependent on them so they get the vote until the country simply collapses......but they'll still be very very rich.

You should welcome a dead dog for a republican candidate if that's what they offered, unless you are already living off the system or just oblivious to what's happening.

As there is significant proof of (very slow) financial rebound, and as there is significant proof that the jobless rate is (very slowly) going down, and as there is significant proof that Obama's long-term policies seem to actually be good for the nation (bringing the troops home, for example), I'm going to have to go ahead and say that everything you said in this post is complete bullshit.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Ever see the movie Idiocracy? That's what this board reminds me of.
A president and a party who is/ has been driving the country and the people in it into a depression and all I hear around here is negative comments with no significance to just idiot talk against the party that is the only chance for recovery from this mess.

Where do you guys live? Because where I live in the USA all I see is unemployment, businesses going under, more and more druggies and low lifes springing up all around, taxes and new regulations which hurt the economy being passed everyday, ridiculous gas prices , and a president who has no solutions except to "make the rich do their fair share", which is another word for trying to get the welfare vote.
Democrat parties philosophy is to put everybody they can on public assistance, make them dependent on them so they get the vote until the country simply collapses......but they'll still be very very rich.

You should welcome a dead dog for a republican candidate if that's what they offered, unless you are already living off the system or just oblivious to what's happening.

How is putting the party which was responsible for getting us into the mess via tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulation of banks and mortgage companies, and two poorly planned wars back into power going to help us get out of this mess. Quite literally, not only did Bush and company put us into this mess, Bush had absolutely no plan nor care to get the U.S. out of these situations...only to continually say that "the next President is going to have some tough decisions to make" - meaning he literally did not give a fuck. Do you actually think Romney, Newt, Rick or Paul will be able to continually make improvements to the country by going straight back into deregulation and high income tax cuts? I realize you had left the country while Bush was in office, that is absolutely no excuse to be so blatantly blind to the pit he dug us into.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Where do you guys live? Because where I live in the USA all I see is unemployment, businesses going under, more and more druggies and low lifes springing up all around, taxes and new regulations which hurt the economy being passed everyday, ridiculous gas prices , and a president who has no solutions except to "make the rich do their fair share", which is another word for trying to get the welfare vote.
Again and again and again... :rolleyes:

Whenever I see your posts, I'm reminded of the stories ancient folk used to come up with to explain the world around them; depending on the time of reference, anything from disease to the sunrise. Their errors, of course, have an excuse; what's yours?
Ever see the movie Idiocracy? That's what this board reminds me of.
A president and a party who is/ has been driving the country and the people in it into a depression and all I hear around here is negative comments with no significance to just idiot talk against the party that is the only chance for recovery from this mess.

Where do you guys live? Because where I live in the USA all I see is unemployment, businesses going under, more and more druggies and low lifes springing up all around, taxes and new regulations which hurt the economy being passed everyday, ridiculous gas prices , and a president who has no solutions except to "make the rich do their fair share", which is another word for trying to get the welfare vote.
Democrat parties philosophy is to put everybody they can on public assistance, make them dependent on them so they get the vote until the country simply collapses......but they'll still be very very rich.

You should welcome a dead dog for a republican candidate if that's what they offered, unless you are already living off the system or just oblivious to what's happening.

Once again I have to be the fact checker here. :facepalm:

You say regulations are hurting the economy, which again is another GOP talking point that is used constantly. Can name the specific regulations that are hurting the economy? There is little evidence that suggests regulations are hurting the economy

Taxes are being passed that hurt the economy? You mean the Bush tax cuts that Obama extended. Also you should know that the stimulus included tax cuts for 95 percent of Americans

And lastly the president isn't driving the country into a depression. Once again I'm going to have to provide facts here. It's a fact that the stimulus avoided a depression. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. When Obama took office we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. We've now had 21 straight months of private sector job growth.
Once again I have to be the fact checker here. :facepalm:

You say regulations are hurting the economy, which again is another GOP talking point that is used constantly. Can name the specific regulations that are hurting the economy? There is little evidence that suggests regulations are hurting the economy

Taxes are being passed that hurt the economy? You mean the Bush tax cuts that Obama extended. Also you should know that the stimulus included tax cuts for 95 percent of Americans

And lastly the president isn't driving the country into a depression. Once again I'm going to have to provide facts here. It's a fact that the stimulus avoided a depression. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. When Obama took office we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. We've now had 21 straight months of private sector job growth.

Never mind, Iceman. He never lets facts inform anything he posts.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I can respect a healthy skepticism, hell I can even respect a total disdain for an ideology, but the whole time the republican's have the wool pulled over clownshoeperfect's eyes he's drinking wholesale from their trough without a clue that it's filled with poison.


Hiliary 2020
I ain't drinking anything, I have eyes.
I see what's happening all around and pretty much none of it is good.
I live in the real world. I don't blindly follow a party for whatever reasons.
I stated what I see happening all around as clearly as I could, if you see it differently I could say either , "Oh well" or "get your heads out of your asses and wake up".


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You're so busy blaming everything on Democrats that you don't notice the republican knife against your throat.


Hiliary 2020
No, I see a President who ain't doing nothing to help, only hurt. And I know he needs to go if things are gonna improve.
If not, it'll just get much worse.
No, I see a President who ain't doing nothing to help, only hurt. And I know he needs to go if things are gonna improve.
If not, it'll just get much worse.

You see a President who's not doing anything to help, you know what I see? An entire government not doing anything to help. Seriously, everyone is so quick to blame everything on the President (who ever he or she is) instead of the whole lot of them. Everyone is so quick to say "Vote the President out!" How about vote them all out and start fresh. Wake the fuck up!


Hiliary 2020
You see a President who's not doing anything to help, you know what I see? An entire government not doing anything to help. Seriously, everyone is so quick to blame everything on the President (who ever he or she is) instead of the whole lot of them. Everyone is so quick to say "Vote the President out!" How about vote them all out and start fresh. Wake the fuck up!

Just because I say the PREZ sucks, really really really sucks , doesn't mean I am blind to the whole god awful shitty mess in Washington.
But he and a handful of his close politicians and lefties that he appointed are the biggest contributors to it.
What really bugs me is at least half of the words he speaks are blaming someone else, be it republicans or "rich people", or whoever,he takes no responsibility.
He's gotta go first.......otherwise like I told you so many times before, its gonna get worse.
really really really worse.
The same Big Bankers are behind both parties, any President elected will be in the same Banker's pocket. If a President goes against the grain and angers theses Bankers he will be dealt with like JFK was when he issued his Executive Order 11110 (a presidential decree inacted June, 4th 1963) that strips the Federal Reserve of it's authority to charge interest on money loaned to the US government (money that is created out of thin air). Snivelling over Red vs. Blue is an idiot's game, they both serve the exact same interests, nothing will change, we will always get the same old shit. The fact that Americans continue to vote for either one of these two parties demonstrates pure stupidity, it's like a slave who was given the chance to vote for servitude or freedom, and chooses servitude. Whether you choose to put your mind in a Democrat box or a Republican box you keep this stupid illusion of choice alive. I dont see how people can be so manipulated by the "news entertainment media", a new study shows 95% of people are sheep, I believe it. I don't know why I even bother trying to convince this 95% of anything, they will only listen to someone who is on TV or Talk Radio, somebody whose job it is to push an agenda and manipulate their beliefs. The lying media tells people that Ron Paul is unelectable, and like good slaves the people believe it, taking the word of a lying agenda driven propaganda outlet. Why even bother to vote for a Gingrich, a Romney, or an Obama? Doing so says that you are a happy slave, and happy slaves are the most grim enemies of freedom.

New Study shows 95% of people are sheep
Scientists at the University of Leeds have conducted research that proves the tendency many have to act like sheep, unwittingly following crowd as if they didn't possess a reasoning mind. While this tendency may have its uses in some situations, such as planning pedestrian flow in busy areas, it doesn't inspire a ton of hope for humankind.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034676_sheeple_study_psychology.html#ixzz1kS1zYpLf

Mitt Romney in the pocket of Big Banks
A new independent analysis of 2012 presidential candidates’ campaign contributions confirms that Mitt Romney is the banksters’ choice for the GOP nominee, and indeed for President.

Records of campaign contributions based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically this past weekend, reveal that Romney’s top 20 donors are made up almost exclusively of the biggest private banks on the planet.

Among Romney’s top twenty donors are Credit Suisse Group, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Wells Fargo and Citigroup Inc.

By far and away Romney’s largest campaign contributions have emanated from employees and officials at Goldman Sachs, with a total of $354,700 donated.

Mitt Romney's biggest contributors
Mitt Romney is receiving his greatest support from people who work at the world’s largest financial institutions. Many of these organizations will be familiar to the reader because they received federal bailout money from the TARP Program. The list from Open Secrets below details the largest contributions Governor Romney has received in this election cycle. Organizations do not donate money. The list below reflects organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families.
•Goldman Sachs $367,200
•Credit Suisse Group $195,250
•Morgan Stanley $199,800
•HIG Capital $186,500
•Barclays $157,750
•Kirkland & Ellis $132,100
•Bank of America $126,500
•Price Waterhouse Coopers $118,250
•EMC Corp $117,300
•JPMorgan Chase & Co $112,250
•The Villages $97,500
•Vivint Inc $80,750
•Marriott International $79,837
•Sullivan & Cromwell $79,250
•Bain Capital $74,500
•UBS AG $73,750
•Wells Fargo $61,500
•Blackstone Group $59,800
•Citigroup Inc $57,050
•Bain & Co $52,500

Ron Pauls support comes from real people, not Big Banks
While the other Republican candidates and President Obama are being bankrolled by some of the biggest financial interests in the United States, presidential candidate Ron Paul is getting most of his support from regular Americans. Congressman Paul is running an unusual campaign in this political era of crony capitalism and influence peddling. Most voters are cynical. They assume big money is driving all politics. Among the current crop of presidential candidates Congressman Paul is the exception to the rule.

Most of Congressman Paul’s financial support is coming from individual donors, entrepreneurial corporations, and small businesses. Paul has not received any campaign contributions from billionaires. Mitt Romney has received campaign contributions from forty-two different billionaires (see chart). Jon Huntsman has twelve billionaires backing him. Newt Gingrich has four. Only Rick Santorum, among the top tier candidates, is close to Ron Paul, with only one billionaire backing him. That may change quickly if big Republican backers get behind Senator Santorum.
I'm watching Hannity right now and he has Frank Luntz on running a focus group on the SOTU. It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives are so full of fear and misinformation.