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What has Happened to the Republican Party?

Meester...your posts have continued to stray farther from reality and closer to unfounded right-wing talking points and Obama-bashing. It's getting old.

I'm just going to go ahead and put one of your assertions to rest right now: the poor aren't costing the taxpayer nearly as much as the rich.

Not chump-change, for sure, and I'm not arguing it's not a problem. However...


And, for the UK:


See signature.

:clap: Check and mate Meester. I agree Ratt here, you're drinking the Kool-Aid Meester. The Republican party are out of touch with reality, they live in a bubble. I don't recognize the Obama that Meester is talking about, he's talking about an Obama that doesn't exist he simply made him up in his head.
yeah yeah ok.
vote for him them.

I am going to vote for him. I will say that I am not as enthusiastic about Obama like I was in 2008 and I would be open to voting for a Republican if the right one came around. However, I look at what the Republican candidates are offering and I come running back to Obama.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I am going to vote for him. I will say that I am not as enthusiastic about Obama like I was in 2008 and I would be open to voting for a Republican if the right one came around. However, I look at what the Republican candidates are offering and I come running back to Obama.

:goodpost: Pretty much sums up my sentiments as well. Bummer....


I am going to vote for him. I will say that I am not as enthusiastic about Obama like I was in 2008 and I would be open to voting for a Republican if the right one came around. However, I look at what the Republican candidates are offering and I come running back to Obama.

That pretty much sums it up for me too.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You've got to play the hand that is dealt you. When the campaign for 2008 started out all was honky doory with the economy. Unemployment was kept low. Not only could you buy a house for yourself but you could buy another at low interest and flip it.

The numbers started to change by spring of 2008. Bankers that made risky investments wanted to cash in but couldn't. Right down to the dude that now has 2 mortgages. Investors including us with our 401k the retired, and those risking their money for future wealth were in panic state. Hope for the best or pull out now.

By the time the elections came the damage had been done. A housing glut and investments cut to near zero. Take your money and keep it in your pocket. You, me, and the big boys. No investment, no growth. I cut back on my spending, the places I shop at don't have as much of my money. They cut back on staff. This shit was going to be handed to the next President no matter who it was. Nobody saw this shit coming a year ago.

So if you think that one guy has the the miracle solution to this then let me rub your magic lamp and let them pop out.
Outsider looking in -

Obama has shown that is is owned by the party. The "Yes We Can" and "Change" and "Hope" stuff is all a distant memory. He is another politician who pushed the party line, took credit for anything that came close to him that was positive and blame everything negative on the other guy. No accountability. Not unusual, but just another politician. He has proven that he can not work with the opposition, so if anything I think he has shown that he is no leader.

Obama is a great politician and campaigner. My money is on 4 more years of him. The stability will help the economy, not his agenda or his leadership.

I guess the Republicans are down to Newt and Romney. If was even just the 4 of them (including Paul and Santorum), it probably would have been a better showing. However, there was a bit of a carnival with people who are not of the caliber to be running that seemed to be taking serious for too long before dropping out.

I think Santorum is politically dead.

Newt seems bright to me and has some fire. However, anyone who takes him serious is forgetting that he wasted the governments time with the silly impeachment and the whole Sallie Mae affair. I really think anyone who is looking at the personal stuff on him is either too far into managing other people's personal lives or simply a political hack. I can't see how Newt can win.

Romney should be a real choice. Bain Capital is a well run company. If you can't defend your success with them, you can't take on Obama.

So, that is my non-US citizen view of the field.
I think the Republican Party has been struggling for a long time to focus on one identity. They have pigeon-holed themselves, (with the help of Republican voters who do things like vote on single, "Christian," issues,) into the "Conservative Christian" camp. This is going to do nothing but reap poor rewards. Making Religion such an intrinsic part of your core political platform will drive you to pander to the extremes of the religion. Thus, the nut-job, overly conservative people become [NOBABE]"the voice" [/NOBABE]of your party.

It's bad. The Republicans need to re-focus.

I agree Dirk. Funny thing, if you look back to when TR was running, the Democrats held many of the current Republican's views. Can they ditch the social conservatives and focus on the fiscal conservatives?

Outsider looking in -

Obama has shown that is is owned by the party. The "Yes We Can" and "Change" and "Hope" stuff is all a distant memory. He is another politician who pushed the party line, took credit for anything that came close to him that was positive and blame everything negative on the other guy. No accountability. Not unusual, but just another politician. He has proven that he can not work with the opposition, so if anything I think he has shown that he is no leader.

Obama is a great politician and campaigner. My money is on 4 more years of him. The stability will help the economy, not his agenda or his leadership.

I guess the Republicans are down to Newt and Romney. If was even just the 4 of them (including Paul and Santorum), it probably would have been a better showing. However, there was a bit of a carnival with people who are not of the caliber to be running that seemed to be taking serious for too long before dropping out.

I think Santorum is politically dead.

Newt seems bright to me and has some fire. However, anyone who takes him serious is forgetting that he wasted the governments time with the silly impeachment and the whole Sallie Mae affair. I really think anyone who is looking at the personal stuff on him is either too far into managing other people's personal lives or simply a political hack. I can't see how Newt can win.

Romney should be a real choice. Bain Capital is a well run company. If you can't defend your success with them, you can't take on Obama.

So, that is my non-US citizen view of the field.

Well, I think you have been watching pretty closely and did a good job of summing up our two party system status from your point of view in the north. Nice job.

lol - always a good idea to back Colbert!

Outsider looking in -

Obama has shown that is is owned by the party. The "Yes We Can" and "Change" and "Hope" stuff is all a distant memory. He is another politician who pushed the party line, took credit for anything that came close to him that was positive and blame everything negative on the other guy. No accountability. Not unusual, but just another politician. He has proven that he can not work with the opposition, so if anything I think he has shown that he is no leader.

Obama is a great politician and campaigner. My money is on 4 more years of him. The stability will help the economy, not his agenda or his leadership.

I guess the Republicans are down to Newt and Romney. If was even just the 4 of them (including Paul and Santorum), it probably would have been a better showing. However, there was a bit of a carnival with people who are not of the caliber to be running that seemed to be taking serious for too long before dropping out.

I think Santorum is politically dead.

Newt seems bright to me and has some fire. However, anyone who takes him serious is forgetting that he wasted the governments time with the silly impeachment and the whole Sallie Mae affair. I really think anyone who is looking at the personal stuff on him is either too far into managing other people's personal lives or simply a political hack. I can't see how Newt can win.

Romney should be a real choice. Bain Capital is a well run company. If you can't defend your success with them, you can't take on Obama.

So, that is my non-US citizen view of the field.

Well put! Ditto on Obama, ditto on Romney. People should understand how Bain Capital works and how weeding out unproductive business actually strengthens the US.

With 300+ million people, the one who can appeal to the lowest common denominator will will. Obama does that job very well.
One could also ask what has happened to the Democrat party. I'm sure JFK is trying to claw out of his coffin right now. Just a thought...
^And feel free to write an essay and elaborate upon all your points. I am interested in this answer also.
One quote sums it up: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Not exactly the battle cry of today's democrats.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I particularly take issue with the following-

He has proven that he can not work with the opposition

What would you suggest Obama do? Capitulate? He's already extended Bush tax cuts and retreated on health care reform, among many other concessions. So let's hear what you think he should do to work with the obstructionists on the other side.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
That's a great talking point, mindofmindcrime, but I want some sourced concrete examples of what Obama has done that's "proven he can not work with the opposition".
I particularly take issue with the following-

What would you suggest Obama do? Capitulate? He's already extended Bush tax cuts and retreated on health care reform, among many other concessions. So let's hear what you think he should do to work with the obstructionists on the other side.

You take issue? In some cases he has capitulated. Remember, he raised taxes and extended the tax cuts. I voted for Obama and I call Bullshit. He wants to call them the "Bush Tax Cuts"? Bullshit! He extended them. They are a bad idea. They are now the "Obama Tax Cuts"

Take issue? He has run the party line. What is he thinking with Canadian oil?

Take issue? Solyndra. He is caught red handed.

Obstructionist Congress? Any opposition is an obstructionist Congress. The sign of a leader is to overcome it and find a compromise. Leave the other guy a way out. He has played politics. I'm not saying that the Republicans are innocent, but in spite of that, he needs to show leadership on his watch or admit he can't hack it.

I'm probably going to vote for the guy again since I don't see an alternative that is better. Some posted stability is the most important thing right now and I would agree. Obama has shown that he is a hack and to think he has shown great leadership in his administration and paint the picture of the Republicans as being the only ones playing politics is many things - a few that come to mind are blind, pig headed, ignorant, or just blatantly choosing party politics over the good of the country.
I particularly take issue with the following-

What would you suggest Obama do? Capitulate? He's already extended Bush tax cuts and retreated on health care reform, among many other concessions. So let's hear what you think he should do to work with the obstructionists on the other side.

On HealthCare, when Obama had Congress tied up, he did not hear out the Republicans. His line was, I'll listen to you, so long as you are onboard. He did not meet with Republicans to seriously consider their proposals. I remember he said they didn't have any proposals, but yet I remember seeing on CNN Republicans reading them off. From my view he helped create the climate of no discussion in Washington DC.

Retreating from Health Care is probably the right thing to do. It needs more work.

Accepting the Obama Tax Cuts (I love that! It should be branded that now), was poor leadership. Do you think they help or hurt? He did it only to get his spending plan through. Fiscal restraint would have been to control spending and eliminate the tax cuts, that he now does own.

If you want to absolve him and put him up as your great leader, feel free. I wouldn't, but he isn't my leader any way.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You take issue? In some cases he has capitulated. Remember, he raised taxes and extended the tax cuts. I voted for Obama and I call Bullshit. He wants to call them the "Bush Tax Cuts"? Bullshit! He extended them. They are a bad idea. They are now the "Obama Tax Cuts"

Take issue? He has run the party line. What is he thinking with Canadian oil?

Take issue? Solyndra. He is caught red handed.

Obstructionist Congress? Any opposition is an obstructionist Congress. The sign of a leader is to overcome it and find a compromise. Leave the other guy a way out. He has played politics. I'm not saying that the Republicans are innocent, but in spite of that, he needs to show leadership on his watch or admit he can't hack it.

I'm probably going to vote for the guy again since I don't see an alternative that is better. Some posted stability is the most important thing right now and I would agree. Obama has shown that he is a hack and to think he has shown great leadership in his administration and paint the picture of the Republicans as being the only ones playing politics is many things - a few that come to mind are blind, pig headed, ignorant, or just blatantly choosing party politics over the good of the country.

You're all over the place. First of all, I haven't said that Obama is innocent all I asked for was some concrete, sourced examples of how he's "proven he can not work with the opposition". You failed to provide any. Solyndra, what's that? Some sort of solar energy interest. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect people to back up what they say. If you're going to claim Obama is whatever, have a damn source and reason for your position or save it for someone that's not going to analyze it.