Will E Worm
Ah, but that's what the Mason's want you to think......
They probably do. :tongue:
Ah, but that's what the Mason's want you to think......
They comin' to get ya!![]()
In America we speak English.
If you don't or won't learn leave immediately.
A quote from Theodore Roosevelt expressing his views on immigrants. He said they should assimilate, become loyal Americans, and speak English.
Theodore Roosevelt about Immigration-Truth!
Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country. Theodore Roosevelt
Was it him who started "operation wetback"?![]()
The people who turn up in person to watch the TV show Top Gear.
I'm also getting tired of young Moroccan males causing trouble. There's been a string of incidents in the Netherlands lately and everyone is sick and tired of it. You can't even safely walk the streets in some neighbourhoods without being attacked by them. I don't know what it is with this generation of Moroccan males but they only seem to be interested in petty crime and causing trouble. They're out of control and have no respect for the Western way of living and our laws.
oops...here's something I hate about my country...sooo many hypocritical bigots!
Just change "Moroccans" to "Blacks" or "Mexicans"...same rant...!
Otherwise...I don't have any problems with my country...just with so many loons and fools that live here. Damn UberLibs...![]()
No, that was someone else and he was shot to death.
Looks like it was Eisenhower:
Operation Wetback was a 1954 operation by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to remove about one million illegal immigrants from the southwestern United States, focusing on Mexican nationals.
Burgeoning numbers of illegal Mexican immigrants prompted President Dwight D. Eisenhower to appoint his longtime friends, John Cox and General Joseph Swing, as INS Commissioner. According to Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr., Eisenhower had a sense of urgency about illegal immigration upon taking office. In a letter to Sen. William Fulbright, Eisenhower quoted a report in The New York Times that said, "The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' (rooted from the watery route taken by the Mexican immigrants across the Rio Grande) to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government."
The operation was modeled after a program that put pressure on citizens of Mexico to move back to Mexico during the Great Depression because of the bad economic situation in the United States. (See Mexican Repatriation.)
Imagine the outrage should Americans implement it again. Of course, with all the anchor babies that would hardly be feasible. Nice to think about though.![]()
Send them all back with their children.
Anyone who doesn't like it can learn to get over it or move out of the country.
"The operation was modeled after a program that put pressure on citizens of Mexico to move back to Mexico during the Great Depression because of the bad economic situation in the United States."
Just like right now. Hmmm...
Another reason to support Ron Paul. He was going to end anchor babies once and for all. Quite frankly it's an outrage that anchor babies are allowed in this country.
Stop paying them. :hatsoff:
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/petra said:Petra[/URL][/B], post: 4203962, member: 114093"]you first.