Liz Cheney? Says the one who got censored in Wyoming. Hey, is that a country?
He'll fit right in.Lin Wood wants to be South Carolina's Republican chairman. That would be fun.
Originalists who miss the original meaning are my favorite.I love me an Originalist.
A good Religion can explain away anything that does not match it's doctrine. And if all else fails, they can fall back on the old standards. "It's God's Will" as if they had a talk with their God about it or :"It's in God's Hand" thus removing all responsibility from them to "GOD"Republicanism is a religion based on lies, the lies may change but the religion will continue.
A united republican front of lies will maintain the blind faith the republican base has in the corrupt republican religion/party.
Scared to death of the prospect of a real job. That's all.Republicans are moving more to the right because they are spineless cowards afraid of criticizing Trump.
At this point, they could call themselves the Republican Nazi Religion, and Trump is the second coming of the Fuhrer/Messiah.
Evil ahole Trump and top corrupt Republicans want their base to remain poor, uneducated, misinformed, and afraid so that they can be easily manipulated.