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The Official President Donald J. Trump appreciation thread

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Bronze Member
Deflecting from my point, as usual. You are no good in debates.
Deflecting from my point, as usual. You are no good in debates.
That's his go-to debate strategy : deflect, change the topic to his favorite talking points. Unfortunately he's far from being as good as Kellyanne Conway at this.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Trump started out with three counts losing.

1. The total of votes

2. No celebrities for his inauguration ceremony, and that for a reality tv figure, THAT stung

3. A tiny crowd

And he keeps telling lies about all of these, because he is the King Snowflake

What in the fuck are you on about? The popular vote only decides who wins electoral college votes in each individual state. And The Beast wouldn't have won the overall popular vote if we enacted the same laws as most of the world regarding voter ID.

Nobody gave a fuck that celebrities attended shit.

And the only people that are hung up on attendance are the President and those people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Suck it.


Staff member
Deflecting from my point, as usual. You are no good in debates.

I am not deflecting says the one who had high hopes in Mueller impeaching Trump and no, it is you who are a very bad debater. You can't name one argument proving that Obama did something positive during his 8 years presidency and yet you still naively believe that Trump was involved with Russian when in fact this pure fucking :bs: was a lie fabricated by the Obama and Clinton muppets in order to see Trump lose the presidential election. On the opposite side, Trump achieved far more in almost two years than what Obama did in eight.
You can't name one argument proving that Obama did something positive during his 8 years presidency

Affordable Care Act

you still naively believe that Trump was involved with Russian when in fact this pure fucking was a lie fabricated by the Obama and Clinton muppets in order to see Trump lose the presidential election
So, Jared Kuchner, Paul Manafort ad Donald Trump Jr met russian nationals in the Trump Tower but this was never authorised by Trump, which did not knew about this in the first place ?


Staff member
Trump stands strong on border, poll numbers hit record high

Trump enrages unions with bid to fire bad employees

Trump continues traumatizing Libs, revokes Obama’s BP oil spill response

Trump is more right than wrong about migrant crime in Germany
You can't name one argument proving that Obama did something positive during his 8 years presidency

Bin Laden is dead, and dead thanks to Obama taking a diplomatic gamble John McCain stated he'd never have risked.

Followed Bush's lead in bailing out some of our largest capitalist concerns, thus slowing the great recession's freefall.

Instituted regulations in financial markets that would help prevent a repeat of said economic crisis.

Global trust of and admiration for The United States rebounded enormously after bottoming out during the Bush administration.

Crippling sanctions applied to Russia and Putin's inner circle for the invasion and annexation of Crimea and the invasion and occupation of the Donbass region.
(sanctions that Mr. Trump has never been bullish about. Mr. Trump even wants Russia back in the G8 despite the fact they continue to violate international law)

I could go on if you'd like, but you only asked for one and I've already given you five.


Staff member
Bin Laden is dead, and dead thanks to Obama taking a diplomatic gamble John McCain stated he'd never have risked.

Followed Bush's lead in bailing out some of our largest capitalist concerns, thus slowing the great recession's freefall.

Instituted regulations in financial markets that would help prevent a repeat of said economic crisis.

Global trust of and admiration for The United States rebounded enormously after bottoming out during the Bush administration.

Crippling sanctions applied to Russia and Putin's inner circle for the invasion and annexation of Crimea and the invasion and occupation of the Donbass region.
(sanctions that Mr. Trump has never been bullish about. Mr. Trump even wants Russia back in the G8 despite the fact they continue to violate international law)

I could go on if you'd like, but you only asked for one and I've already given you five.

Hardly five good things which are only negative , but let's go deeper inside the negatives:
-fucked up Iran deal
-got a Nobel prize for achieving nothing
-aca which favorised healthcare leech offs, unwilling to work people and illegals
-his financial regulations were a total fiasco
-gm bailout hardly a success because some branch of GM such as Pontiac and Oldsmobile shut down and a branch of Ford, Mercury also shut down.
-more people on foodstamps under Obama than under Trump
-he was more a community organizer than something else


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Staff member
So wait...this means you think the death of Bin Laden and sanctioning Russia for Crimea are negative things?

Please do explain.

As much as the Ben Laden was a success, it cost lives of several seal team 6 members during Operation Redwings in case you have forgotten. And many suspect the Obama administration to have put a target on the back of the Seal Team 6 members killed during Operation Redwings
And also some unexplained deaths are unmistakably linked to Obama. Is that a coincidence? Nope, it is not.

Trump blamed Obama for Russia's annexation of Crimea so infact he is right and economical sanctions against Russia haven't helped in anything
I am not also mentionning that Obama freed some radical islamist terrorists in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl, something a president who stands behind his country would never do only a gutless person would do that.

You speak very highly and praise Obama for the things that he achieved which are mediocre if not bad. Have liberals and democrats paid tribute to the dead of operation Redwings? How many here on this board know about Operation Redwings? Perhaps aside me Ace, El Diablo Blanco know about it, the others who hang in politics I am not sure they even heard or even know about it. Nope because the Democrats and the mainstream medias dislike the military and any law enforcement personnel agencies. I don't believe in leftist/socialist/liberal values because they are synonymous of failure and dumbing down of the society at every level just look at how bad are doing European countries which had and still have a socialist government. Obama had plotted with Clinton against Republicans during the presidential election with at the end the loss of Hillary against Trump. And a lot of people who were in the army disliked and dislike Obama. 8 years of Ovomit were more than enough to see that liberal socialism is harmful to a country and this combined with a stateless leader which doesn't believe in national pride, patriotism, closed boarders and who doesn't support his troops, it is far far worse.
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As much as the Ben Laden was a success, it cost lives of several seal team 6 members during Operation Redwings in case you have forgotten.

Excuse me but what in the world are you talking about?
Bin Laden was killed in an entirely different operation (Neptune Spear) carried out in an entirely different country (Pakistan) nearly SIX YEARS AFTER Operation Redwings, which was conducted under George Bush in 2005.

Maybe you'd like to clarify this discrepancy before we continue. For someone who claims to know so much about Operation Redwings it seems that in reality you do not.

I am not also mentionning that Obama freed some radical islamist terrorists in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl, something a president who stands behind his country would never do only a gutless person would do that.

This of course is complete nonsense. It has always been U.S. policy not to leave our own behind. We bring them home first, if possible, then allow the military justice system to determine what they may or may not be guilty of and what their punishment might be if indeed they're found guilty. That is exactly the procedure that was followed with Bergdahl.

And also some unexplained deaths are unmistakably linked to Obama. Is that a coincidence? Nope, it is not.

Now we're drifting off into looney tunes land. This is too ridiculous to even bother addressing. Did you actually read this list? lol
Just one example (of so many) of how comedic it is: it attributes the death of a hacker who was about to demonstrate how to hack a pacemaker as connected to Obama :1orglaugh
So what do you say with we dispense with that silliness and stick to discussing real issues? We have usually been pretty good at doing that.


Staff member
Excuse me but what in the world are you talking about?
Bin Laden was killed in an entirely different operation (Neptune Spear) carried out in an entirely different country (Pakistan) nearly SIX YEARS AFTER Operation Redwings, which was conducted under George Bush in 2005.

Maybe you'd like to clarify this discrepancy before we continue. For someone who claims to know so much about Operation Redwings it seems that in reality you do not.

I am not also mentionning that Obama freed some radical islamist terrorists in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl, something a president who stands behind his country would never do only a gutless person would do that.

This of course is complete nonsense. It has always been U.S. policy not to leave our own behind. We bring them home first, if possible, then allow the military justice system to determine what they may or may not be guilty of and what their punishment might be if indeed they're found guilty. That is exactly the procedure that was followed with Bergdahl.

And also some unexplained deaths are unmistakably linked to Obama. Is that a coincidence? Nope, it is not.

Now we're drifting off into looney tunes land. This is too ridiculous to even bother addressing. Did you actually read this list? lol
Just one example (of so many) of how comedic it is: it attributes the death of a hacker who was about to demonstrate how to hack a pacemaker as connected to Obama :1orglaugh
So what do you say with we dispense with that silliness and stick to discussing real issues? We have usually been pretty good at doing that.

I am well aware that Ben Laden was killed 6 years after Operation Red Wings but still many people think that there were targets put the back of the seals. However let me remind you that Obama exchanged a pow against Talibans.So unless you have a short memory, let me remind you some articles and facts about the swap regarding bergdahl
Yes silliness ? Kinda like the fact that you consider the Clintons as respectable people when more than 40 unexplained and suspicious deaths are linked to them. In fact the Clintons are despicable pos and carrier criminals. Yet you continue to praise them.
Looney tunes land? I don't believe in coincidences maybe you do. And also when you care about your military, you don't exchange a deserter for 5 taliban terrorists.
Now back to Trump:
Trump: Democrats 'obstructing' on immigration issue generating a 'red wave'

Trump mocks FBI Lovers, Strzok and Page spouses aren’t too happy


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I am not deflecting says the one who had high hopes in Mueller impeaching Trump and no, it is you who are a very bad debater. You can't name one argument proving that Obama did something positive during his 8 years presidency and yet you still naively believe that Trump was involved with Russian when in fact this pure fucking :bs: was a lie fabricated by the Obama and Clinton muppets in order to see Trump lose the presidential election. On the opposite side, Trump achieved far more in almost two years than what Obama did in eight.

Ah! And those Trump team members who already are pleading guilty and / or are rather cooperating with the Mueller Probe are absolutely not existing in your reality, and you still just hope the truth won't come out, when the reports will be published.

Good luck with that strategy.

Of COURSE, prervious presidents were not perfect shining knights. That is impiossible, especially, when they had to work against a GOP blocking, and not even willing to discuss anything.

Obama was underway etting your country a first world health care system, but you prefer going back third world. Like you republicans prefer the water systems for niborities, like in Flint, Michigan, get poisened, and what has ANY major republican done to change this? NOTHING, no, you have a president you cheer on who deregulated consumer protection like that competely. This is what you prefer? You GOT to be kidding.
I am well aware that Ben Laden was killed 6 years after Operation Red Wings

Then how could his death have, as you stated, "cost lives of several seal team 6 members during Operation Redwings" when Operation Redwings occurred 6 years BEFORE Bin Laden's death?
You're not making any sense here, Georges.

However let me remind you that Obama exchanged a pow against Talibans

Yes I know. I already addressed that in my last post.


Staff member
Ah! And those Trump team members who already are pleading guilty and / or are rather cooperating with the Mueller Probe are absolutely not existing in your reality, and you still just hope the truth won't come out, when the reports will be published.

Good luck with that strategy.

Of COURSE, prervious presidents were not perfect shining knights. That is impiossible, especially, when they had to work against a GOP blocking, and not even willing to discuss anything.

Obama was underway etting your country a first world health care system, but you prefer going back third world. Like you republicans prefer the water systems for niborities, like in Flint, Michigan, get poisened, and what has ANY major republican done to change this? NOTHING, no, you have a president you cheer on who deregulated consumer protection like that competely. This is what you prefer? You GOT to be kidding.
Let me remind you an important fact

A health care system which bringing more deficit and drawbacks and disadvantages but which also benefitted to health care leech offs, unwilling to work people and illegals. Also the constitutionality of Obamacare is put in question and it will be ended sooner or later which is a very good thing.
as well as the fact that Barack Obama openly lied to the American people about Hillary's server
All the charges against Trump were deliberately fabricated and elaborated in order to make him lose the presidential election, but he won and Hillary the socialist swine lost. But everyone knew who was the fucking socialist swine of hillary clinton and 8 years of Obama alongwith his muppets have been more than enough for a lot of people except for socialists/democrats/liberals. The Obama administration is hardly honest, it is crooked, rotten and filthy to the bone.
On the opposite of you, I have far more respect for someone who closes its boarders and applies a strict immigration control than someone who lets asyleum keepers/immigrants enter his country without control.
Oh let's not forget that national archives stumble onto New Obama Scandal — ‘Wholesale Destruction’ of Gov’t Records
And after that you are going to tell me that Obama the community organizer is a respectable person? No, a despicable one and a liar for sure.
Well I applaud Trump for his stance "Fair trade isn't fool trade", he stands behind his country and will try the best he can to protect the interest of American firms. At least he isn't Obama and he makes sure that incoming products from other countries are also taxed.
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