This is HUGE: Kim Jong Un invites President Trump to meet in person

When the Iran Deal was signed, we knew all the details of what was in it and Conservatives called it the first deal everything
We have no idea about what's in the NK deal but trumptards already call it an historic deal
What a time to be alive folks. Right here, right now, there is no place I'd rather be.

God Bless President Donald J. Trump

MAGA, bitches.
Actual chance of that happening: Zero


For one thing, they aren't "defeated".
And for another, that's like giving all the credit to some guy who lands the last punch after the previous guy has left the target battered and bruised and up against the ropes.



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Johan, was Trump in on the Iran deal? Are there any Euros in the Philopines participating in this Far East deal?

It's pretty fucking simple. Not evertybody gets to have a nuke.

Kim spends ...HOW MUCH ... marching 32 tired vehicles down the boulavrade? Trump says, "How about this, We have fruits and vegetables ready to ship. We'll teach you how to grow it so you won't have to buy it from us anymore."

USA will help you sell your shit. We will buy some of you shit. i don't know what kindf of shit The People's Rerpublic of North Korea make. Some of it may be very good. I'll buy it.


Staff member
Time reporter’s insulting question backfires, leads to Trump giving best line of the whole historic event Email&utm_campaign=DMS

Dennis Rodman celebrates Trump victory weeping on CNN: ‘Obama didn’t even give me the time of day Email&utm_campaign=DMS

Here's what Trump, Kim Jong Un agreed upon at summit

Trump Kim Summit enters second phase, predicts success

Congrats Mr President :clap:
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I couldn't have said it better. If President Trump comes away with a North Korea that gives up it's nuclear weapons program, do you think the left and their media will give him credit? He will have done what no prior administrations going back to Clinton were able to accomplish. And if he averts a nuclear war, I think that ranks up there with the greatest accomplishment of any president ever. JFK notwithstanding.

keep up the resistance tho, you fucking idiots. Those who should be in charge are.


continuing to confound his critics. sometimes it doesn't take a "genius" or an enlightened community organizer to solve a problem.
in lockstep, the left and their media are criticizing President Trump for meeting with a dictator guilty of human rights abuses. They didn't raise the same objections when Obama was doing the wave at a baseball game with Raul Castro in Cuba or the red carpet was rolled out for China's leader under Obamao's presidency.


Staff member
in lockstep, the left and their media are criticizing President Trump for meeting with a dictator guilty of human rights abuses. They didn't raise the same objections when Obama was doing the wave with Raul Castro in Cuba or the red carpet laid out for China.

No because the mainstream medias are directed by bunch of uptight sissies and stupid leftists. For them anything what Trup does is bad and anything what Obama Notrauma did is great.Which is the typical liberal twisted logic and shortsightedness added with the typical liberal hypocritical double standards.
hypocritical double standards.

even Colbert of all people, acknowledged that Americans should be rooting for President Trump to succeed when it comes to North Korea.

His guest, Chris Matthews, couldn't even bring himself to agree with that.

these people are deranged loons (see De Niro) and only keep further marginalizing themselves.

they've been voted out and tuned out.
Trump said a few things that I wouldn’t have but it’s his style to flatter those he is negotiating with and he pours it on thick. I don’t think a leader from a slave state who murders his own people if they don’t clap hard enough for him should be invited to the White House for a state dinner. That said, what is Trump supposed to do, NOT try to get NK to denuclearize just because it failed before?

Anyway here’s hoping for the best. Trust but verify.
I don’t think a leader from a slave state who murders his own people if they don’t clap hard enough for him should be invited to the White House for a state dinner.

What about China?

the distinction would be Kim Jong Un vs. the CCP but the principle is the same.

and no one said anything about a state dinner.
What about China?

the distinction would be Kim Jong Un vs. the CCP but the principle is the same.

and no one said anything about a state dinner.

I think you’re right about the double standard when it comes to China’s human rights record. However, China has been accepted by the world community and are on the U.N. Security council so they are handled with kid gloves.

As for the state dinner, that was an assumption on my part. Kim would just as soon go to McDonald’s anyway.